GACKT x Nestle #115 - Tekken - October 23rd - sub eng

GACKT x Nestle #115 - Tekken - October 23rd - sub eng

Happy Birthday GACKT ITALIA

Oh yes, it's that time of the year again!! GACKT ITALIA turns 2 years old today!!


The website is still young but we've accomplished a lot of goals! We, Erika and SaiKaiAngel, the admins, we want to thank all the staff that has been helping us in these two years, keeping a community like this always active and with LIVE updates it's not easy and we wouldn't be able to become what we are without our fantastic team! We also want to thank our translators team that always gives us the best without time limitations, holidays and always doing a hard work!! But most of all we want to thank all of the readers that has been with us on the website, on our facebook page, twitter and on our forums, we wouldn't be where we are without all of you! And last but not least, we want to thank GACKT for giving us a smile every day, for following us on twitter and for all the emotions and the incredible words he has been gifting to us ever time.

There will soon be a lot of news so stay tuned!!


GACKT ITALIA Staff Blog - December 07th 2014

HAPPY SUNDAY LOVERS FAMILY! How are you all? What? Did you miss some news about GACKT? Don't worry! Here's GACKT ITALIA Staff Blog with the last week recap! Are you happy now? Keep calm and read~

Here they are the GACKT x Nestle Game Center videos:

GACKT X Nestle Game Center #159

and look at the ones we subbed for you all! Enjoy and have fun:

GACKT x Nestle #113 – Rockman 2 – 21 Ottobre – sub ita GACKT x Nestle #113 – Rockman 2 – October 21st – sub eng

A very funny LINE translation:


and some Facebook updates:

Here's a LOVERS Staff Blog translation:


aaaaaand.......loooooook! Look and enjoy this wonderful short report:

VIDEO – Camui Gakuen in Nagoya, servizio televisivo VIDEO – Camui Gakuen in Nagoya, tv report

GACKT...what are you doing on the January 3rd?

...and...what are you doing here?

You can find the Blog and Blomaga translations here:



That's all for today! See you all next Sunday and, as always, HAVE A WONDERFUL WEEK WITH GACKT AND GACKT ITALIA! Stay tuned! Kisu~


GACKT x Nestle #114 - Ape Escape - October 22nd - sub eng

GACKT x Nestle #114 - Ape Escape - October 22nd - sub eng

GACKT x Nestle #113 - Rockman 2 - October 21st - sub eng

GACKT x Nestle #113 - Rockman 2 - October 21st - sub eng