GACKT ITALIA Staff Blog - December 13th

Happy Sunday LOVERS family! How are you all? We have a lot of wonderful news this week, are you ready to see them all together? Let's start with GACKT x Nestle video series:


Official news' translations:

A looooot of beautiful Instagram updates!

GACKT attended another Nestle Event on the 9th, it was about dining in the dark... enjoy all the articles, the pics and the videos about it:

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Are you ready??? February 6th is not so far! We are so waiting to watch this movie worldwide!


Another moving and wonderful blog about Italy:

2015-blog-dic07-09 2015-blog-dic07-06

...and a lil Blomaga~


If you're in Japan, you could be able to have one of these wonderful Coffee machines, read here:


That's the gift for GACKT we prepared in Rome. A funny and moving video, hope you love it too~ pls tell us what do you think about it:


That's all for today! See you next Sunday and...HAVE A WONDERFUL WEEK WITH GACKT AND GACKT ITALIA! Stay tuned~ Kisu!



Hi LOVERS FAMILY! How are you all? This week has been quite calm, weirdly I would say. GACKT too took some time to recover from the Rome trip who was an amazing success, stay tuned in the next days by the way to see what we came up with while in the Eternal City.

So now, let’s start with the weekly recap! GACKT x Nestle Game Center videos:


And since it's a new month, we also have the special Ura Center!! Don't you just love this new feature??


And as you well know, GACKT has been quite enjoyng the use of his instagram lately, so here are all the new photos fro his official instagram and more!!


And as usual, GACKT shared with us his blogs, and this time they were very moving and dedicated to his trip to Italy; we couldn't be more happy and proud but also so so moved for the attention he dedicated to our country and our people


And finally, after a veeeeery long time, we were able to finish the subbing of the first series of the Game Centers!! Yes yes, don't worry, we are working on the second one already~


And together with the blogs, GACKT also posted on LINE

And here are the official news from this week!!

That's all for today! See you next week and stay tuned cause there are many many more news to come!! Kisu! Happy Sunday!

GACKTxNestle #365 – 1 Year’s Recap!

GACKT x Nestle #365 – 1 Year’s Recap! – June 30th - sub eng

GACKT ITALIA Staff Blog - November 30th

Hi LOVERS FAMILY! How are you all? We just came back from was an amazing and exciting week end, we wanna tell everyone THANK YOU for all the support we received, all the things happened that filled our hearts with happiness and joy...a lot of satisfaction. I'm proud to be a LOVER, I'm proud of GACKT ITALIA, I'm proud to support GACKT, I can say this with all my heart. Thank you, LOVERS but first of all thank you, GACKT for everything you do for us. Thank you, seriously. Ok ok, let's start with the weekly recap! GACKT x Nestle Game Center videos:


All the Official News translations:

Take a look at how many amazing photos he posted on Instagram:

Hiromi Takahara's Instagram updated and a video about the GACKTxRoen project:



That's another HALLOWEEN PARTY report's extract:


That's all for today, see you next Sunday, WE WISH YOU A WONDERFUL WEEK WITH GACKT AND GACKT ITALIA! Stay tuned, Kisu~


GACKT ITALIA Staff Blog - November 22nd

HAPPY SUNDAY LOVERS! Here's our beloved GACKT ITALIA Staff Blog with all news of the last week! Are you ready? Let's start with the GACKT x Nestle Game Center video series:


Here we have the ones we subbed for you all:

Gackt - GCs01-363

Look how many wonderful photos here~

Sad news from the GACKTapp P.S. I LOVE U we have some beautiful photos and a detailed report about the CAMUI♂GAKUEN to cheer us up!



Here, a very intense Blog and a funny Blomaga:



That's all for today, see you next Sunday and...WE WISH YOU A WONDERFUL WEEK WITH GACKT AND GACKT ITALIA! Stay tuned~ Kisu