GACKT x Nestle #231 - Biohazard 4 - February 16th - sub eng

GACKT x Nestle #231 - Biohazard 4 - February 16th - sub eng


GACKT x Nestle #230 - Super Mario Brothers. U - February 15th - sub eng

GACKT x Nestle #230 - Super Mario Brothers. U - February 15th - sub eng

GACKT x Nestle #229 - Sangokushi-Ega - February 14th - sub eng

GACKT x Nestle #229 - Sangokushi-Ega - February 14th - sub eng

GACKT x Nestle #228 - Get Bass - February 13th - sub eng

GACKT x Nestle #228 - Get Bass - February 13th - sub eng

GACKT ITALIA Staff Blog - July 5th 2015

Happy Sunday LOVERS family! How are you all? A lot of news last week! It was a very very very busy week, but we are here to recap them all with the GACKT ITALIA Staff Blog! So...the last three videos...of the GACKT x Nestle Game Center serie...we are all so sad...but you can always enjoy our subbed videos that...WILL COME BACK FROM TUESDAY ON!!! So...look forward for them! At least...we can enjoy them, looking back at GACKT's adventure with video games and enjoying the subtitles!

GACKT X Nestle Game Center #365 but.....WAIT WAIT! OMG! WONDERFUL! READ HERE:

GACKT x Nestle Game Center Season 2!

Ahahahahah! Yeah, fortunately they will GO ON! That's a wonderful news~ and we will keep on translating and subbing them, the second season too!

Now, take a look to the Official News translations:

All the infos about the GACKTracks release party:

TRANSLATION GACKTracks website update: All the infos on the party event TRADUZIONE GACKTracks website aggiornato: Tutte le info sull’evento del party

All the Facebook updates and translations:

And there's LINE too!

Now you can have and listen to GACKTracks thanks to iTunes and Spotify worldwide!

GACKTracks available on Spotify – July 1st 2015  GACKTracks disponibile su Spotify – 1 Luglio 2015

Look at these wonderful goods:


NicoNico translations:

The wonderful Kenshin poster:

TRANSLATION J-TIMES: Kenshin poster complete, features a moon behind GACKT Kenshin – June 20th 2015 TRADUZIONE J-TIMES: Poster completo di Kenshin con una luna dietro a GACKT Kenshin – 20 Giugno 2015

A lot of interviews and photos about GACKTracks' release!



Enjoy all these wonderful photos:

Blomaga100-129 Blomaga100-153 2015-3july-GACKTracks-releaseparty-03 2015-july4-HidekiMatsudaInstagram03

....and videos!

[VIDEO] Emopa Life story – SHARP CM vr 4 – June 30th 2015 [VIDEO] Emopa Life story – SHARP CM vr 4 – 30 giugno 2015

Of course...Blog's translation!


.....aaaaaand a lot of Birthday wishes for GACKT! July the 4th was his 42nd Birthday so we gathered a lot of Birthday wishes for him and they are all in our Fanzine! Thank you to all the people joining this project!!!!! YOU ARE AMAZING!!!

GACKT ITALIA FANZINE – July 2015 – Happy Birthday GACKT GACKT ITALIA FANZINE – Luglio 2015 – Happy Birthday GACKT

.......aaaaaaand ahahahah! Another gift for him, enjoy it too:


Those are project with a lot of feelings and love inside, cause GACKT is our muse, our light and we can't stop thanking him EVER! Cause he's the precious jewel that give us a thrust to go on every day lighting our ways...

That's all for today! See you next Sunday! HAVE A WONDERFUL WEEK WITH GACKT AND GACKT ITALIA! Stay tuned~ Kisu!