How's everyone? Since I'm back in Japan, I'll try answering
everyone's tweets for the first time in awhile...

(Retweet @FUMIL7040: I want to rub GACKT-san's boobs♡) I come and
have a look for the first time in awhile, and suddenly let someone rub my
boobs, wouldn't that make me a weirdo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(Retweet @1LOVE_0612: Uwaaah!It's Magnum!) Hey, address people
properly with their names!With their names!!!

(Retweet @0a8y1k1: GACKT-san! It's been awhile! My bra size went up
lol ) Why are you telling me?

(Retweet @himakikun: Heeeyyー Tweet!Tweet!Come and tweet meーーーーー!!!!)
My PC has completely slowed down...

(Retweet @syo60521234: What are you doing recently?Don't you think
you've left us alone for too long!) Hey hey, please speak nicely. If you
keep talking like that, I'll leave you alone!

(Retweet @k_honda10: I want to go to GACKT-san's live.) I'll be doing
the LAST VISUALIVE from early next year right?Come and watch it. Make sure
you do. Have you gotten your tickets? Hurry! Well, though I'm supposed to
go and support the Student Council President tomorrow...

(Retweet @shuna_gl: Ah, your icon is still being left as the Guwashi…
LOL (*´艸`) ) I see... I realise Nakata* (meaning he "didn't realise" but
wrong words were used)*. I mean... I didn't realise. I'll change it when
this ends... Sorry...

(Retweet @atydhy: Please rest well today for tomorrow~ (^^) ) I'm
only watching tomorrow, so I'm going drinking with Geun Suk. I'm only
cheering tomorrow, yes.

(Retweet @younyan_DEARS: GACKT-san, please give me your
underpants) Hey, if the first thing you ask of anyone, is for
their『underpants』 what d'you think will happen?You'll get arrested??

Well then, let's get to it. Today's trending topic!!!! Everyone
let's do it together. 「Realise Nakata・・・」 Let's go!!!

Do your best〜〜!!!

By the way, this, is me today...


(Retweet @Kyo_Gack: GACKT-san!Will you never do the Guwashi
again??|x・`)チラッ ) As I'll never again do it as long as I'm alive, feel free
to give me the Guwashi when I die and put me in the coffin like that.
Guwa-death of the Guwashi *(A pun where "shi" from "Guwashi" in Hiragana
sounds like "death" in Japanese)*

(Retweet @yutigig4868: I wanna be~~~~ Gakkun's~~~ nippleー~~!Ahahaha
aha!Ahahaha aha!) What kind of wish... is that?? Well then, I'll be your
right nipple!That makes us equal right??

(Retweet @gackt_mie_nfc: I love Gakkun's guwashi? I wanted to pet
it lol) Is that so, sorry... Well then, this will be my apology...


(Retweet @st_929: Gakkun is going to appear on Music Station with
hyde-san!?) Hyde? Mm, probably... Oh yeah, yesterday, I mentioned it when
we were training together... Probably, we'll appear. Together.

(Retweet @gackt_mie_nfc: I'm having a ladies' gathering but... Will
you stop appearing out of nowhere suddenly?) Is that so, sorry. Well then,
I'll head over now so tell me the location.

(Retweet @X_back_ : Has GACKT-sama quit being human? ) No no, I'll
turn back to my normal self... Only when the moon is out. Incidentally I
don't have eyebrows

(Retweet @ngnl_snow: Aren't your nipples dark?) Nope, those aren't
nipples, but the keyholes to my heart. You need 2 keys. Keys
called『love』and『courage』. Those in possession of them by all means, come
and visit.

Well then, it's about time for me to go〜. I wonder when's the next
time that I can reply everyone's tweets... Maybe I'll upload a video, next
time... Well... Everyone, use your smiles to add grace into this rotten
Japan, and convey your honest thoughts to the stupid politicians. Is it
really alright for Japan to stay like that?

See ya.

Source: GACKT Official Twitter

Translation: GACKT ITALIA Team


TRANSLATION Twitter – April 15th 2015

  1. It's been awhile. How's everyone? I just finished updating the blomaga so maybe I'll answer your tweets. Hm... Which...?
  2. (Retweet ik08040: GACKT saaaaaaaaaannnnn! ) Hey you, isn't your reply too early?
  3. (Retweet Hylbc: Long time no see! The kiddy hair style is cute!) Don't call me a kid!!!
  4. (Retweet ue623: GACKT-san!! Work doesn't end!) It's the same for me. It never ends... But its been awhile so I'll wind the bobbin up with everyone... (reference to nursery rhyme)
  5. (Retweet Bsprit_rou: It's been awhile. What have you been doing recently?) I've been working overseas. Well, though I'm not running around hectically... I keep getting affected by the jet lag. In recent days I've finally recovered.
  6. (Retweet 0711Gaku: GACKT-san, you've finally come back to Japan♪ Welcome back~ (*≧∀≦*) I'm really happy♪♪ And, GACKT-san with the Guwashi haircut is cute www(lol) ) Hm..., openly rejoice... simply put nothing bad will happen so I just played around a bit. Well, at such times you can only play right? If it's hair it will grow after awhile!!!...that's what I tell myself every day...CCnPvaPWEAIpI8Y CCnPvd2WMAEmSLD
  7. (Retweet GACKT1005: Gaku-chan Spin-cho (?) is cute but the hairstyle is too weird that... dying from laughter) I'm getting laughed at quite a bit! Even now when I look in the mirror, I still get a shock.
  8. (Retweet god_bless_yu: When I saw the image at a glance I thought it was Mikawa Kenichi.) hey, hey, don't say that. Isn't that rude to Mikawa san!!! It's just my failure!!! Simply a "Guwashi Cut"
  9. (Retweet eli914: oh no (lol) you have this hairstyle now!?) no, I don't!!!! It's pretty bad...
  10. (Retweet sheath_chocolat: is today's PC light? Or heavy?) its so heavy that it's starting to hang Sent from my iPod
    Well, so as per our agreement, for a limited time I'll change my DP... Dammit〜!!!!
  11.  (Retweet mitrooooo: GACKT san did you know gorillas throw poop while feinting?)I raise love while feinting...
  12.  (Retweet gorillachinpa : the demon king is replying slow) I'm not slow. This PC is slow. And the ones making it slow, is youuuuu!!!!
  13.  (Retweet KLX_0913: What is a smile to you?) A power that people have to bring out bliss in their surroundings...
  14.  (Retweet yumiiiirin: You look like Tawashi... cuuuuute) I'm not Tawashi! Gu-wa-shi!!CCnSG2VWIAAHgoA.jpg-large
  15.  (Retweet Hh090604: Hold me sometimes GACKT sama)Sometimes... you mean... I held you before???
  16. So, everyone let's try this today as well!!! Everyone try shouting out together "”GACKTのグワシ!!(GACKT's Guwashi!!)” !!!
  17. Since I got a hairstyle that makes everyone laugh, I'll share with you all. Never again will I turn into a mushroom... Suppin + Guwashi...
  18.  (Retweet hassy081027: GACKT san's influence is pretty strong so that haircut might become a new trend(´^ω^`) No... It won't become a trend... Maybe... No... Definitely.
  19.  (Retweet LOVERS_1002: It isn't Guwashi but GACKT-san has entered the trending list~!!) (with pic) No, I don't need that trend... I said I wanted Guwashi!!!CCnU6bYWIAI5SiD.jpg-large
  20.  (Retweet r5_micha_sid: I'm getting the impression of Mikawa Kenichi-san, as expected of GACKT-san)『No, I-am Scorpio's Guwashi...♫』
  21.  (Retweet guririnko0322: May I also do a Guwashi? (lol) Good kids should never imitate!!! You'll start wanting to do weird poses!!!
  22.  (Retweet jie_130930: What will you do if all the LOVERS did the Guwashi cut???) Probably, kneel down and apologise... And say『I have... done something... terribly irreversible!!!!』...
  23.  (Retweet keixkxm: Why did you do the guwashi cut?) Don't say "do"!!! It "became"!!! Don't say it as if I liked the Guwashi cut!! This morning when I woke up I was pretty shocked from it as well!!!
  24. Sorry... My PC completely hanged, and I had to reboot it. This is, definitely the curse of the Guwashi...
  25. (Retweet docodon090740: What do you think of making Takumi-kun have a matching Guwashi cut as well? ( ̄▽ ̄)That guy uses a wig so it's impossible... Ah, I said it...
  26.  (Retweet ruuuno: GACKT-san you Guwashi! Idiot! I don't know you anymore!)Sorry... I completely don't understand what you're saying...
  27.  (Retweet GgnnyyGoroemon: Please change your icon too (lol)Fine... Well if Guwashi gets to trending, I'll change my icon...
  28.  (Retweet tsuna36: Please get married while sporting a Guwashi cut)No... actually, never.
  29.  (Retweet ivy_to0823: Did you perhaps cut it yourself?)That's right, I cut it myself. At first, I had them cut the right side of the fringe shorter, then the left side... and while they were doing it I couldn't take it anymore and said『That's it, I'll just do it myself!!!』... and, this is the result...
  30.  (Retweet ZxSA_KE_BEee: Guwashi is trending! Congratulations Guwashi!)Seriously〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Well, as promised, for a short while I'll change my icon... Dammit〜!!!!CCnYuhtWIAA4AYG-1.jpg-large
  31. (Retweet 2kakwig0425: anche l'area intorno a Magnum è Guwashi?) No no, completamente depilata.
  32. (Retweet Gack__love__: Per favore facci vedere una foto del tuo corrente Guwashi!)Immagino di non aver scelta... Realizzerò il desiderio di ognuno... okay?CCna3Y0W4AE8M7b-2.jpg-large
  33. (Retween srhtmn: I'm going to cram school but I won't go until GACKT replies me. What're we gonna do (´・_・`) ) hurry up and go! Take care. Guwashi!!!
  34. (Retweet gasui_chami: around when will the LAST VISUALIVE be??) when this Guwashi is looking less Guwashi we'll start... As expected I can't do it like this...
  35. (Retweet miopiccoro: as a birthday present please buy me an iPhone charger) The least you can do it buy that yourself!!!
  36. (Retweet ryuichiyabe0219: GACKT-san have you turned into a kappa?!) I ain't no Kappa!!!
  37. (Retweet usasa_dears: GACKT san isn't replying me so I can't go to the toilet...) hurry go release yourself...
  38. (Retweet torayoshiki_TY: It's too dark to see properly~. One more picture pleaseヾ(@⌒ー⌒@)ノ) no, that's why, you just have to deal with the darkness... CCncXfOXIAAD0xe-2.jpg-large
  39. (Retweet white_water: I too want to become a man who can ride a lamborghini!) Is that so... Work hard!!! Ah, that's right... I changed the colour of my lambo. It's super epic. The world's only GOLDEN DRAGON EDITION!!! CCnc4U3WgAArKP8-1.jpg-large
  40. (Retweet amxxx89: do you ride a lamborghini with a Guwashi?) the Guwashis in the world are supporting GACKT's Lamborghini... Actually, Takumi's just yelling at me.「The rest can be found in GACKT's Blomaga【OH!! MY!! GACKT!!】 ]. CCneY_CWgAAU_57-1.jpg-large
  41. (Retweet pomaeratine4: you look like Sammo Hung. It's pretty cool~♥) I'm not Sammo Hung!!!
  42. (Retweet inosisi1222: Is that an Aventador!?) No... Aventa-Guwashi...
  43. (Retweet amin_GandL: what's the feel of your new song~??(*´-`) ) A super intense one that will barge into your heart. Look forward to it. Don't wet yourself!
  44. It's about time, to get back. Well... Let today's Guwashi pictures be your lucky charm. If anything happens it will definitely rescue you from your sadness... Probably... Alright, I'm going. Remember that 「there is no such thing as an unneeded smile in the world」. With your smiles, make flowers bloom in this rotten world.
  45. See ya!!! Ah! Also, don't overdo things and get a Guwashi cut!!! It'll do terrible damage to your heart!!!
  46. (Retweet gacyamo: Ah, you changed it back. (lol) That one was cute though (*´ω`*) ) I got it... I'll change it back. Bye!!!

Source: GACKT Twitter

Translation: GACKT ITALIA Team


TRANSLATION Twitter - January 4th 2015

1. Happy New Year~. A new year year has begun. I'm feeling good tonight so I'll answer everyone's tweets for awhile. How's everyone been?

2. (retweet OGYD) Am I the only one who things Fujiwara-kun behind looks a little 2d...?? I got bothered by it and didn't really focus on me and Kiryuuin Sho...

3. (Retweet abecyancyan : GACKT playing Old Maid looks cool) Eh〜〜〜〜〜〜〜?????Cool〜〜〜???? I don't really get that・・・

4. (Retweet EMIsayWARD : I thought, GACKT would come on Twitter, tomorrow... Like previous year(s)) A pity... So it was tomorrow... missed it by a little....

5. (Retweet gackt1 : A couple of photos of GACKT with producer Shimoyama Ten (*°∀°) (link) As this year's Special Chapter of Yoshitsune Hiden will be recorded, I'll be setting money aside and buying 2 ∩^ω^∩ ) Ten-chan is a great producer who always takes note of my strict requests and will definitely bring them to fruition. This man's attitude towards creating creative works is definitely first-class.

6. (Retweet harupoid : thank goodness~~!!) So Sho was that happy. Somehow, I thought he wasn't really putting in KiAi but,he really did his best... Tears are forming.

7: (Retweet miyatako0115 : Is this the real GACKT san? <3) If this is being carried out by a fake, the world has come to an end. Is there any reason for a fake to do something like this? Give me an answer within 200 characters. I only want the truth.

8. (Retweet gongora_tyappy : Please say something that will me me feel positive!) What? Are you depressed? You want courage from others? Courage isn't something people can give you. You have to find it within yourself. Look for courage within yourself. Anything can be done. Don't be scared, grit your teeth and charge through!!!

9. Well, it's about time, shall we try creating the first "hot word" of the year? I wonder what's good... Well, everyone let's go with "Babamuki"!

10. (Retweet NSHINSHIGOD : Chin chin muki muki?) No no, that's no right. Please muki/face it yourself...

11. (Retweet kssks_18 : When my boyfriend took one look at GACKT sama's Twitter, he said "seems like a small minded guy". Say something!) If that small minded guy is considered First Class it's the end of the world. Sorry. Really. This is an era where we're living with small minded people in the world. The world has ended. With that, here's a question. Is your guy doing something really great? From here on I'm sure he's doing something great for Japan. I'm looking forward to it.

12. (Retweet MiuWorking : GACKT san saying something so normal sounds funny (laughs)) No no, I'm just a normal guy who's doing stuff like this for everyone's enjoyment. Yes. Please laugh. Because I'm also holding my belly and laughing .

13. (Retweet gcamui : Has your fever gone down in the new year?) Honestly, I wondered if i was gonna die. Funnily, after the 31st, the fever went down. I even thought if i got into the group that was deemed unneeded by god but... I was allowed to live this year too!! Thank you~~~!!

14. (retweet kyou27izumi : What's living to GACKT san?) Its a journey to find your final resting place. Until your final moments in life, its a baton relay to push as many people as possible forward... something like that.

15. (retweet Hylbc : I want GACKT san's magnum) It's sold at Lawson (convenience store)

16. Everyone's too quick with retweeting that I can't really pick up a good number but...8000 is too fast right? Today,

Schermata 2015-01-04 alle 17.03.34

17. (retweet syo60521234 : Oh it's been awhile Big bro! How long I've waited~~~~ (laughs)) Sorry. Abandonment play is my speciality.

18. (retweet moe_yutakun : GACKT san please give me your condensed milk) Sorry... I can only give soy milk....

19. (retweet Kyan135Kir : I am a twin) What a coincidence/... I have a friend who is a twin too. An acquaintence of mine is a twin too. What a conincidence... incidentally, I am a twin too

20. (retweet dkdk1021 : Please give me soy milk) Sorry... earlier... it already... was given out.

21. (retweet himari9979: Does GACKT san have stuff like favourite quotations?) Falling sakura... sakura that are left too... falling sakura. That's my favourite poem.

22. Thank you everyone. Impressive, "Babamuki" has made it to Trending~! *claps* I really get happy with simple stuff like that. Thanks! Chu~~ <3

Schermata 2015-01-04 alle 17.03.46

23. (retweet kikirara5910 : No dirty jokes allowed!) For guys, if we drop dirty jokes, what on earth do we have left to say!!! A world without jokes is like ramen without noodles! It's like Mapo Tofu without Tofu! It's like an Ostrich Club without a Leader!!

24. (retweet 0526Norihikon : GACKT-san, what's babamuki?) Please stop looking for meaning in my existence...

25. (retweet AYAGAC4180 : What's GACKTsan's Kanji for the year?) "極" (extreme) Is what I really can feel this year. Make everything extreme. Well, in another 10 minutes I'll end

26. (retweet u_re_play : Please give KiAi to my Mum who has Influenza! She's suffering and it's sad!) You're not leaving me behind right? You're not having enough KiAi! KiAi! ... Tell her that.

27. (retweet 74tweeting : GACKT san please go buy icecream from the convenience store for me) Hey, am I your maid? If you're gonna say dumb things like that I'll turn you into poop myself. Go buy it yourself! You poop!

28. Alright. It's about time to go. I don't know if this is considered silly but, I feel blessed to spend the start of the year like this with everyone answering your tweets. Thank you. From tomorrow, everyone has to firmly stick smiles to your faces. Don't ever forget "There is never an unneeded smile in the world. "

Schermata 2015-01-04 alle 17.03.59

29. Incidentally, in an hour, there were over 20,000 tweets. We'll meet again.

source: GACKT Official Twitter

Translation: GACKT ITALIA Team



TRANSLATION: Twitter - August 21st

GACKT @gackt
Hey guys, it has been ages. We finished the performances of Yoshitsune hiden in Tokyo with success and now I have a bit of free time before the Niigata event: the Kenshin festival where I play Kenshin. Let's chat for a bit!!

@ kanon 19960524 Hello. How are you?

Oh Gackt you didn’t( in inglese)
@ ohgacktyoudidnt Yeah, we open the 20 tequila bottles and I killed 30 guys with machine-gun shots. Everyone fell asleep on the road. wwww

裕子 @ dearYuko
@ GACKT how is your leg going?

@ dearYuko The leg…. Actually it's broken.  Avulsion fracture to be precise... I fell during the rehearsals of an acrobatic scene the day before the first performance. Anyway thank havens that I was able to finish the Tokyo performances. Let's see how I'll go with the Kenshin festival. It's all about KiAi!!

あや@ベベラゲス aya_ @ dazo
@ GACKT today it's my birthday wish me happy birthday(^~^)!

@ aya_dazo Happy birthday.  Have a wonderful day.

ゆずり@ renri_01
@ GACKT Mr Gakutooooooo, long time no see!!! Where can I buy the Yoshitsune Hiden chapter 1 dvd?

@ renri_01 forse on Amazon? Check it out.

You left us for quite some time. We are almost dried up.

@ blanc_chat74 Don't worry. Now I'm gonna give you some water and you'll soon be beautiful flowers again in full blooming. Sorry if I left you for quite some time.

レン @.幸せな歌を歌いたい〜♪
@ GACKT I'm going to see Golden Bomber live in Tokyo!!

@ Coffee_please5 by the way Kirisho came to see my stage play. He came to say hellow in the dressing rooms, ahahaha

jie(じぇる) @.jie_130930
@ GACKT Noo!!! Are you GACKT???

@ jie_130930 Yes, it's really me...

Sato @ mura_0817
What is this?! It's too beautiful!!!! It looks like computer graphics

@ mura_0817 Yes, I come from computer graphics world

noa@G&LOVERS @ noa3700
@ GACKT I love when you get online on twitter because a real mess happens on my TL

@ noa 3700 cool, let's make some mess together? Scream GACKT~!!! All together!!! Instead, GACKT Yoshitusne~!! That's better!

★こつぶ姫★ @ kotsubuako1121
The Kenshin festival♪ I see a lot of people still not sure if to go... or not.(*^^*) I'm going alone also because it could be the last time GACKT will participate in the festival!!! (*^^*) But sure, it's gonna be hot~

@ kotsubuako1121 Right, the Kenshin festival…. from today I start horse training. I hope my leg will hold on. It's my only worry... anyway, it's pointless to worry. If I have to do it, I'll do it and that's it. I'll do my best, period.

田中充 @ micci0610
@ GACKT I've heard about the projection mapping technology used in your stage play. It must be really cool!

@ micci0610 Come to see it immediately! It's the first time in the world that a so big project mapping is used!!

ふみな* @ hk1030g
@ GACKT How's your...? I want to see him live maybe sometimes~

@ hk1030g ok, one day.

ノン(Noriko) @ noriko1971
Good morning @GACKT are you maybe going to sleep?
Who knows where you are in this moment looking at the red morning...
I wish you a wonderful day.
Have a nice day at work.
I'm going to work too.

@ noriko1971 Yes this morning I woke up at my house. Yesterday I came back from the hospital. My fever got really high during a photoshoot and I had to be put in the hospital again. Then it was so pointless to stay in the hospital that I signed my released. I hope this fever will go away today...

あたこ。@ beatNT
@ GACKT I hope GACKT-san is gonna answer me

@ beat NT In life hope is not enough!

たまさく@ tmsk0245
@ GACKT I think your account is so crowded that you won't even read this message. I'm going to work!

@ tmsk0245 Of course I read your message. Obviously. I came online to connect with you. Even if I can't answer to everyone maybe. Have a nice day at work.

オーモリユーコォ(notキュアハニー)@ hakuro_

@ hakuro_ Ok!!! But don't talk so loudly!!!!!

みかちん @ gcamui
@ GACKT GACKT-san! Don't sacrifice to much!

@ gcamui If I don't sacrifice it wouldn't be me anymore right? I've always faced life like this. It's all about KiAi.

ぴゅめにか学習帳 @ I_lonelygirl
@ GACKT Give me your Magnum pour your Magnum!!

@ I_lonelygirl My Magnum is not something you can pour...

@ GACKT GACKT Yoshitsune is getting a lot of success~!!

@ 0830komachi_sh And it's all thanks to you. Thank you so much from the heart.

モンチー @ gacchan0811
@ GACKT @.noriko1971 I heard that it's raining in Niigata. It will be hard to have training under the rain.

@ gacchan0811 You are right. When I get wet my fever gets higher... yesterday I had three degrees more than usual and I was dying. ahahaha. sigh~

桜 @ sakura518
@ GACKT You are too hot, I want you to hold me in your arms❤

@ sakura518 ok, next time. When you see me around, ask me.

@ GACKT You give me fever you drive me crazy!!

@ _gackt0512 I have fever too. I just measured it and it's not going lower at all..... what a pain... shit.....

@ GACKT if you don't give me your underwear I can't rest in peace

@ orbgacktlovers obviously I'm not gonna give them to you!!!

@ GACKT I hope you'll read this message... the other day at my birthday I realized that I dedicate half of my life to you GACKT! I love you more than anybody else❤

@ 8zk_4U then hold me tight... no it's me who has to hold you....

@ GACKT GACKT-san! Maybe it's time for you to change your profile picture what do you say?!

@ SIDLOVE2000 I will. Have a lil patience.

EMY @ Angy3989
@ GACKT I'm waiting for your blog updates!!! Waiting for the Updates~! Updates_❤❤❤

@ Angy3989 I'll do it today, sorry about the delay. Are you happy???!!!

@ GACKT Boobs

@ syunta614_ Ah yeah, I like boobs. You too? Me too. We are men. We are like this.

カイザー @ masato_maomi
@ GACKT GACKT-san when you walk, sometimes, doesn't your Magnum bother you?

@ mastao_maomi no, it's been 41 years living with him. I accept him for who he is.

いけ@18歳と48ヶ月@ ik08040
@ GACKT GACKT-san! I'm following “Game-Senteru”! You improved a lot with Rockman!

@ ik08040 Right? The most important thing in life is to put effort in what you do!!!

ARISA@ G @ G_a15_lovers
You have big boobs!!!
What size are you wearing? G cup?

@ G_a15_lovers Ah, that photo. I was trying to drink here but I wasn't able too and they photographed me in that moment. What a mess.

@ GACKT Give me a nickname~!!! And I'll keep it for the rest of my life...

@ yums_www Nickname? Well ok. Just becase I have fever... Magumagun. There, like it?

☆Mikki☆ @ dears2001
@ GACKT my smartphone won't stop ringing because there are so many updates on twitter of GACKT-san

@ dears2001 I'm sorry for the bothering. It's gonna end in a few. Be patience.

MAYO@ m_thegazette
@ GACKT GACKT-san help me write my CV.

@ m_thegazzette Well do it yourself!!

ぷりくら探す なつみ
@ GACKT GACKT-san, update LINE…..

@ SUMMERFRUIT217 right LINE….  I've been so busy that I didn't really thing about it....... ok, I'll update it.

HIROMASA @ yutigig4868
@ GACKT You have a body that looks like a beast

@ yutigig4868 What the fuck are you saying. I'm just ready to fight.

@ mitsuru0813 Now I have to leave you. I have to go horse training.

ゆの店長 @ konohaan
@ GACKT I want to go to X JAPAN concert

@ konohaan then go……

りこてぃん @ BEAST両日
@GACKT The other day I went to the karaoke with my boyfriend and we sang “Orange no Taiyou” in a duet but we were so out of tune

@ hideto_hyde2 I can imagine. It might have been a real disaster.

Ryo @ ryo916onepiece
@ GACKT How can I become a dinosaur men?!

@ ryo916onepiece Eat, eat and then eat. It's all about KiAi. Find at least some thing in life to put all your effort in. This way one day you'll become a dinosaur.

り〜ちゃん @ heichou1225
Before you go give me a kiss....

@ heichou 1225 Smack!!!

えのくん @ eno_TMR03
@ GACKT Nishikawa-san is singing "the genital song" will you sing it too?

@ eno_TMR03 Seriously???

みさき@ triste_io
@ GACKT GACKT-san I see you like sexual topics!! I like them too! Ah, then I like your Magnum!!

@ triste_io If you take away the passion for sex from a men what's left? If you are a real man, you always have to be ready to do some sexual jokes! Sorry, I raised my voice...

ジジ @ mamono74
@ GACKT I want to go horse riding with you and then throw myself off the horse and a certain point

@ mamono74 no, I'm gonna step on you. hahahah…….

@ jkhachi Today I should have had Taekwondo training but since my leg is broken I can't do it. Anyway now I'm going horse training

寺門じもん@ kan_iti_low
@ GACKT teach me how to beat YOSHUKI

@ kan_iti_low Listen, I understand that maybe you are in a rush, but how can you mistake YOSHIKI's name? Why are you writing it with the U? Why? Imagine my name like GACKUT....

⚡️はるひくん⚡️@ dempa_6
@ GACKT GACKT-san, before you go, express your love for all your fans!

@ dempa_6 I love you all!!!! Magnuuuuum!!!!!!!!

*Yuta*@ G&LOVERS
@ GACKT I want to become your nipples

@ ftomen0513 Yes, next time

悠輝 @ angel158angel
@ GACKT I really hate twitter.

@ angel158angel C'mon, don't get mad. It's useless to get mad.

Good, now I have to go. I'm leaving for Niigata for the Kenshin festival. To all the ones coming to visit on August 24th, have a nice trip. I won't let you down. I will deliver you the best Kenshin you've ever seen. Make the dark cities shine with all your smiles today too. "There's nothing like an unneeded smile" remember.

Traduzione GACKT Twitter: 14 Febbraio 2014

Traduzione dei messaggi Twitter di GACKT del 14 Febbraio 2014

"Buongiorno. State tutti bene? E' passato un po' di tempo. Ho finito di girare un drama. Sta nevicando davvero tanto... Beh, Mi chiedo se riuscirà ad arrivare a Shibuya in questa neve... Hm, penso non ci sarà molta gente perché sta nevicando"

"Ah, ce l'ho fatta"

[Gacchan, I treni sono in ritardo è difficile arrivare a casa]@.cure_shindy La situazione è così brutta?

[Guarderò King's Brunch]@.ytuakii Lo sto aspettando con ansia. A proposito, che gruppo erano quelle tre... sembra che non abbiano ancora raggiunto Shibuya

[Sto sentendo P.S. I LOVE U ora, mi viene la pelle d'oca ogni volta]@.gacktvrock Capisco. Spero che la canzona possa darti una spinta positiva nei momenti in cui non riesci a muoverti da sola.

[Ha trovato uno Starbucks a Shibuya?]@.KamuAyuD_L No, siamo andati ad uno Starbucks da un'altra parte. Sembra che ci voglia ancora un po' di tempo prima di arrivare a Shibuya. Non ci vado da secoli...

[Hey GACKT, cosa stai facendo?]@.GbGackt Sto parlando con te. Fino a che il tempo lo permette.

[Tira fuori il tuo Magnum!!!]@.ahaanxx Non lo tiro fuori per te!

[Sei un buon amico di YOSHIKI?]@.konohaaan Ahahahahaha. Che diavolo di domanda è? Lo siamo. Litighiamo ogni tanto. Ma in qualche modo il nostro legame è indissolubile. Non penso che ci assomigliamo, ma le persone attorno a me a volte dicono che abbiamo qualcosa in comune. Io sono più serio. Ahahah. Beh... sembra che siamo arrivati a Shibuya.

[E' San Valentino. Hai ricevuto tanto cioccolato?]@.xLovers18x Non so quante scatole io abbia ricevuto. Beh, io vado.

[Shibuya è nel chaos!]@.HaruGo74 Non ho potuto fare niente a Shibuya... C'erano così tanto persone... nonostante la neve.

[Oggi mi diplomo, per favore fammi gli auguri!]@.bikiee_kyanatan Ah si? Congratulazioni. Si comincia da qui. Mettici più KiAi. Non cincischiare! KiAi!!

Nonostante tutto, siete riusciti a farmi una valanga di foto...

@.ohgacktyoudidn't @.l_lonelygirl A tutti i fans che mi hanno aspettato nella neve, fate attenzione andando a casa. Mi sarebbe piaciuto poter stare di più, ma sono andato via subito perché sembrava si stesse per creare del panico. Detto questo, avete tutti ascoltato la canzone?

[Potresti venire a Shiname già che ci sei?]@.hinnuuun Shimane, huh... Forse posso andare. Penso che verrò lì vicino molto presto... magari mi fermo.

[E' perché lo hai detto prima! lol]@.miku_GY Giusto... Ogni tanto, devo fare qualcosa di divertente così. Non c'è divertimento se la città è uggiosa. Io fornisco il divertimento. All'uggioso Giappone. Divertiamoci. Ricreazione per adulti.

[Perchè hai deciso di andare a Shibuya?]@.yukinko_dears Sono ritornato dall'estero per la prima volta dopo secoli. Almeno lasciamo andare a Shibuya. Beh, anche Nishi-Nippori sarebbe andato bene... ma era un po' lontano.

[Sto mandando a tutto volume la nuova canzone nella mia macchina, è come un veicolo pubblicitario]@.shou4Dnao6 Hey, hey, non ascoltarla troppo in macchina. Non sarai in grado di vedere attraverso le tue lacrime.

Detto questo, voi mi avete fatto così tante foto ma non me ne state twittando nemmeno una... quindi è così che funziona..

 [GACKT-sama non è spesso su Twitter quindi oggi è una bella giornata. Per favore puoi dire "Stai zitta, pezzo di m***a!" Morirò di amore]@.barunyan_2525 Allora metti m***a sulla tua testa e vieni davanti ame. Poi dillo. "Ti amo". Allora io ti risponderò, "Stai zitta, pezzo di m***a!!!". Promesso.

[Ho visto il video di P.S. I LOVE U. Mi sono ricordato della mia ragazza scomparsa e ho pianto... grazie per la meravigliosa canzone. Vorrei vederti fare un altro show come S.K.I.N.]@.86_lost Davvero? Spero possa essere stato cibo per la tua anima. Una canzone può essere la chiave del cassetto del cuore di una persona che loro stessi non riescono ad aprire. Hai un sacco di ricordi meravigliosi di lei nel tuo cassetto, giusto? Bei sorrisi? Fai del tuo meglio e vai avanti.

[Ho preso cioccolatini Godiva e P.S. I LOVE YOU come sorpresa per il mio amato. Il pacchetto era meraviglioso ed ero così felice. Amo la nuova canzone]@.soleil7nx E' perché volevo che le ragazze lo dessero ai propri innamorati, fidanzati, genitori, fratelli e amici invece dei cioccolatini per San Valentino. Questa canzone è come un cioccolato che vi ridà la gentilezza. Mangiatela pezzo per pezzo. Perché diventerete più gentili.

[GACKT-sama è così carino]@.hiyoko_haha Mi piace questa foto. Detto questo, la testa di Awazu, membro del mio staff, risplende. E' tutta luccicante.

[Ho trovato questa...]@.xmarina_DEARSx Sembro un po' sospettoso, vero... mi fa pensare... devo cominciare a sembrare più normale... sembro un demone...

[Eri così vicino che mi sono sentita come se ti stessi per tirare un pugno in faccia col mio telefono!]@.Rsdears Giusto... sei troppo vicina. Stavi quasi per essere attaccata. Fai attenzione. Ti attaccherò se ti avvicini alla mia linea di tiro...

Caricate alcune foto di me in piedi di fronte al cartonato a TSUTAYA. Le posterò nella blog magazine.

Beh, è quasi ora...

[Aiko Uemura è arrivata 4° alle olimpiadi e ha perso una medaglia, ma sono stata toccata dal suo sorriso solare. L'hai visto?]@.kaoru Davvero? Ha combattuto con questa nazione sulle spalle. Devo ringraziarla. Quando la vedrò la prossima volta, la ringrazierò per il suo duro lavoro. Penso che andrò a trovarla per la prima volta dopo secoli.

[Che cosa mi devo mettere in tasca mentre vado a casa nella neve?]@.michannyari Un po' di gentilezza e una copia di P.S. I LOVE U da dare al tuo amato. E' tutto ciò di cui hai bisogno.

[Tower Records va bene?]@.yo_u5910 Vedo. Anche Tower Records sarebbe andata bene. Potrei andare lì la prossima volta.

[Il tuo stile di canto si sta evolvendo!!!]@.miraclewanko Evolvendo?... Come potrei dirlo, questo è ciò che si chiama "maturare". GACKT sta ancora maturando, sto cercando di diventare un uomo più cool.

[GACKT è stata una persona interessante. Pensavo fosse solo un normale principe]@.with_sim Non sono un principe. Se posso dirlo, sono un demone. Qualche volta sono imprevedibile e faccio cosa buone cose. Ma solo QUALCHE VOLTA. Perché sono imprevedibile. Tutto lo è di me.

[Ho trovato questa.]@.Gacktitalia Mi piace questa... perchèè? E' semplicemente bella...

[Puoi finire dicendo "I Love you" a tutte le tue LOVERS]@.kirara0307 Giusto, ora vado. Prendetevi cura di voi e non raffreddatevi. Non dimenticate che il vostro sorriso fa fiorire i fiori in questo uggioso Giappone. "Non c'è nulla come un sorriso non voluto". Tutti i miei LOVERS, I love you, arrivederci.