To me this show in theatre is following my passion


In「Yoshitune hiden 」GACKT has described with a new vision history of Japan. In 2012 with 「MOON SAGA Yoshitsune hiden chapter 1 」he sold more than 50 thousand tickets in four cities and did more than 60 shows. This year in August, starting from Meiji za Tokyo, the tour will start and last till October in 7 different cities.
The serie「MOON SAGA Yoshitsune Hiden」in which GACKT is producer, main actor and screenwriter, he talks about the world during the Heian period where humans live together with various kinds of demons, showing a secret link between the Heike and Genji family.

"「物の怪mononoke」(demons) in Europe are seen as vampires"

How did the idea of creating Yoshistune Hiden's world came into your mind?

Since when I decided to do the MOON SAGA project to which I dedicated my life I wanted to create a story where you talk about vampires. To realize it I did a deep research on the origin of vampires in the whole world and I found out about the Mononoke in the Heian period. Going deeper in this subject I  came to think that the origin of vampires is actually the Japanese Mononoke that spread out to Europe after. The Heian period to me is the most charming one in all Japanese history.

Why did you chose Yoshitsune as the main character?

So Yoshitsune is the main character of this story but it doesn't mean he's the most important character among them all. I think that Yoshitsune has completely destroyed the world of this period even if he's considered an hero by history because he defeated Heike family.
Many history books describe the Heike family as the evil ones and the Genji family as the good ones. In the world I created this time I didn't describe the Heike family as evil. Every family has its own principal and his own moral to follow as a matter of life and death and I wanted to describe the fatal meetings between these two family with the theory that the two family were looking for a way to make peace with each other.


「Yoshitsune grows up through sorrow 」

The relationship with the two important characters:平知盛Tairano Tomonori and 平教経Tairano noritsune?

A friendship is born between Yoshitsune and them but then for political reasons they are forced to fight.

In the previous chapter Yoshitsune is described as a young cheerful boy, almost as a teenager. This time, in the second chapter, the character is more mature and grown up?

To be honest, from the last scene of the previous chapter till the defeat of Heike family only one year has passed. Then after one year after the family defeat Yoshitsune dies. So the world has not changed so much, but it's also true that Yoshitsune is mentally matured in one year and I want to describe this very well. It's interesting how he comes out from the strong depression and the crisis after killing his best friend. The encounter with the Heike family helps him grow and change.

This Yoshitsune's history has something to do with the fundamental themes of your life: real friendship and relationship between people?

So it's true that the key of this story is true friendship, but for Yoshitsune who's fighting in war times is very hard to trust other people so I really don't know.


「Action is also part of expressing ourselves」

Regarding the auditions from Hiyori: a demon; once you said you wanted to discover new talents

Yes, it's something I think since a lot of time now. There are people with talents that haven't been discovered yet. I hope they can find occasions to get their career started with this project.

What are the qualities to be chosen by you?

Talent. Even if not something perfect and you can see something interesting or special it's good for me.

Isn't it hard to pick just one person among a lot of people?

Yes, it's really hard. Especially if there are more than one interesting person. But it would be even worse if there wasn't anyone.

Other the the various project in the musical field, cinema and other you are also writing the script. You like to write too?

No... at all!!! When the pen is flowing it's really good but there are times where I really don't know what to write. And in those cases, to detach my mind a bit from the writing I always try to talk with people or I study some historical documents, hoping that the inspiration will come to my mind.

How can you have the time to study historical documents???

At night. I basically don't sleep.

Will there be a lot of action scenes?

Yes for sure. But I really don't want to do ordinary things. Even action is part of expressing ourselves: for example if someone takes the sword and wield it, it's because he's moved from a very strong feeling... so I think that any movement is to express ourselves.


「Making a theatre performance 」

Why did you wanted to do this show so much?

Because acting on the stage is really complex. If you learned to do a beautiful show in theater it means you have developed your expressing skills. The technique of expression that  you lear on stage is very precious and experience are an artists' weapons.

Bein a producer and author of the show is a difficult work?

No. I am also the screenwriter and it's not a bother for me. Someone told me "you can't do this in a theatre" but there are not so many limits in theatre. You can't do ordinary shows with no originality. We are insisting on this style because this is making theatre.

What's the message in "Yoshitsune hiden chapter 2"?

"You can create your future" the power to create and change your future is in your own hands.

Will you compose also the mane theme and the soundtrack?

Obviously. I'm gonna sleep even less!!!!


Translation: GACKT ITALIA Team


TVFan - 2 people have been announced as the heroine of the stage play starring GACKT [I'm cold-hearted so whoever cannot perform will be left out]

The stage play [Moon Saga - Yoshitsune Hidan - the 2nd chapter] held it's public dress rehearsal and unveiling of the heroine on 29th (july) in Tokyo. GACKT, who is starring as well as involved with the original story, screen play, production and music creation, attended together with fellow performers Kawasaki Mayo and Yuumi Hiro.

This stage play is the sequel to the GACKT-produced 2012 stage play "Moon Saga - Yoshitsune Hidan".

At the conference, the role of the heroine "Hiyori" was unveiled for the first time, out of the over 100 people who auditioned, Kuroda Arisa and Hatsune were finally selected. Kuroda said that "It's been a really long time. I'm really happy now that it's finally decided!" while crying tears of joy after the heroine was decided. She smiled in relief saying "I had dreams every 5 days or so of being cast out of the play!"

Hatsune, who will be making her stage debut, said enthusiastically that "This role cannot be conveyed solely using words. You have to express the feeling of the kind of person 'Hiyori' is outwards to the audience!"

GACKT explained that the reason for this decision was because he "felt they had the potential". He also holds high expectations for them, "hopes that they could showcase their essential qualities, not really acting but making it known to the audience". On the other hand, GACKT rattled the two of them by saying jokingly "It's not known how far they can go. Anyway, they can try and whoever who cannot perform well will be cut out from the play. It's cruel and I'm cold-hearted."

The stage play will start playing at Tokyo Meiji Theatre from 8-18 August, then move on as scheduled to o Fukuoka, Osaka, Hiroshima, Nagoya, Sendai and Saitama.




ORICON: Kuroda Arisa and Hatsune have been decided as "Hiyori" for the stage play starring GACKT


Talent Kuroda Arisa (26), model Hatsune (21) and singer GACKT, attended a recital held in a Tokyo studio on 29 (July), for the selection of the heroine of the stage play "Moon Saga - Yoshitsune Hidan" starring GACKT .

Selected out of the more than 100 people who applied for the open auditions, Kuroda who passed the final audition said "It's been so long and i'm really happy!" while crying tears of joy.

This stage play is the second chapter from the 2012 stage play "Moon Saga - Yoshitsune Hidan". GACKT, who was involved with the original story and screenplay as well as producing and starring in the play, said that "the power of (the ability) to perform using only body language and the potential (of the actress) was considered" as part of the selection criteria to pass. As for the the double casting of 2 people to play the heroine, GACKT's evaluation was that he "felt they both had most of the essential qualities and the highest potential".

GACKT also said "Anyway let them both try and I'll see how it goes. Whoever who is unable to perform well will be dropped from the play. I'm cruel this way." This ドS remark rattled Kuroda and Hatsune but GACKT declared that he wants both of them to fight (for the role) to the end.
The stage play will begin on 8th August in Meiji Theatre in Tokyo. Then it'll move on to Fukuoka, Osaka, Hiroshima, Nagoya, Sendai and Saitama.

Source: Oricon
Translation: GACKT ITALIA Team


NEWS 24: GACKT and the pressure on the two new heroines


GACKT (41) has held a press conference in Tokyo in July 29th for MOON SAGA - Yoshitune hiden - Chapter 2 where the two main female character have been presented to the public.

For the main female role 陽和Hiyori two actresses have been nominated: the TV personality Arisa Kuroda(26) and the model Hatsune (21).

Kuroda said "We started rehearsals at the beginning of July but in that moment I still didn't know if I was sure to act in the play so now I feel really chosen. It was a very long journey" she continued in tears "you know, I also had nightmares, where they would tell me; Arisa Kuroda, you won't be part of Hiyori anymore. I used to do this nightmare every 5 days. but I'm really happy I don't have to do it anymore now that I'm finally chosen.

As for the choice of nominating two actresses, GACKt said "Well, it would have been easier to just pick one actress.... but instead I told myself: lets make them study both then if one of them should go bad we will eliminate her. I'm cruel, very cold. but for the moment they are going both really good. I wish they'd be more in competition till the end. I want them to always work with the maximum tension, that's why I shouldn't say my final choice".

Starting August 8 at Meijiza.

Source: News24
Translation: GACKT ITALIA Team


YAHOO: GACKT "It's decided!" The new Hiyori for the Stage Play will be a talent & a model


On 29th July in Tokyo, there was a public dress rehearsal of the stage play [Moon Saga - Yoshitsune Hidan] (starting on 8th August at Meiji Theatre). Musician GACKT unveiled for the first time, the heroine "Hiyori".

Auditions had been held from March and out of the more than 100 applicants, talent Kuroda Arisa (26) and model Hatsune (21) were selected.

After the long selection process, Kuroda said "Finally it's decided. It's been so long!" in a voice that trembled with joy. She smiled in relief "I've been having nightmares every 5 days or so. I'm happy i won't have nightmares anymore from today onwards."

On the other hand, Hatsune, who is challenging a stage play for the first time, said calmly that "This is not a role that can be played through spoken words. Instead you have to make everyone feel and understand what kind of person [Hiyori] is."

GACKT, who is also the producer, explained with a grin that the intention behind the double cast is "to try to remove the person who is unable to perform the role because I am cruel this way".

Kuroda, who was nearby and overheard, asked uneasily "if this is not the final decision?" and was informed bluntly that GACKT "wants a committed competition between the 2 all the way to the end".

source: Yahoo headlines
Translation: GACKT ITALIA Team