Hello to All! I'm the producer of Time spiral!!
The sixth episode looked like a thriller.

This scene was shot in a park. The morning was sunny, but shortly before the shooting of the scene of thunder, the sky became cloudy and this gave to the scene a serious and tense atmosphere!
Obviously, however, the lightning was created with computer graphics!


By the way, in an interview GACKT said:
「The wind was blowing very strong and there were all the staff who gave the orders screaming, also there was a lot of distance between Syuya and Natsuki. Honestly, I didn't understand anything of what we were saying! It was one of the most important scenes and I didn't understand anything of what was said ... it was absurd!!!」
oops……. I didn't know that GACKT couldn't hear anything of what was said…..
Despite everything he has acted wonderfully, that professionalism !!
The scene about Kuroki spoke to the press service was about this scene with the lightning. He said he couldn't wait to make the filming.
The significant scene for both.
Although he knows that he must kill Natsuki to save Mami, but Syuya can't do it…. Where the fate will lead him???
I know you can't wait to know what happens in the seventh episode but in the meantime look at the pre-map and wait a week!

~program pre-map~
9th october  02:57 pm BSP
11th october 05:25 pm BSP
07:57 pm BSP

13th october  10:57 pm BSP
14th october 11:52 am BSP
11:47 pm  BS1

15th october 03:23 pm BS1
18th october  04:48 am BS1

19th october 12:47 am BS1

Source: TIME SPIRAL Blog

Traduzione: GACKT ITALIA Team



2014 / 10 / 14 (TUESDAY) FROM 11:15 to 11:44 PM (BS PREMIUM)

Natsuki (Kuroki Meisa) hears from Shuuya (GACKT) the reale purpose of his time traveling.
To rescue his younger sister Mami (Taketomi Seika)Shuuya tries to kill Natsuki even if he doesn't want, but ends up fainting.
After waking up he tells Natsuki that he can't kill her.
She learns about Shuuya's past, who keeps travelling back in time.
Mamis happy relationship with Kentaro (Hiraoka Yuuta)is short lived, because she meets death in an accident.
In front of a desperate Shuuya, Natsuki thinks of a certain plane.

Kuroki Meisa, GACKT, Hiraoka Yuuta, Taketomi Seika, Kitarou Akimoto, Altri

Original work – Eren Mizumori
Script – Kiyomi Fujii

Schermata 2014-10-07 alle 18.28.03 Schermata 2014-10-07 alle 18.28.10 Schermata 2014-10-07 alle 18.28.19


Traduzione: GACKT ITALIA Team


TRANSLATION - Natsuki (Kuroki Meisa) who can't think of Shuya (GACKT) as a bad person...

Natsuki (Kuroki Meisa) who can't think of Shuya (GACKT) as a bad person... Sci-Fi Mystery Romance Drama [Time Spiral]

The premium evening drama "Time Spiral" [NHK BS Premium] which brings to you Kuroki Meisa as main character Aizawa Natsuki, GACKT as the lonely time traveller, Hiraoka Yuta as Natsuki's childhood friend. Adaptation of a popular web novel "Tokeru Ransen" written by Mizumori Eren which is a sci-fi love mystery which tells of the fate between the heroine and a man in despair who are caught up in a swirling spiral of space and time connecting past and future.

Synopsis of episode 6 [Accelarated Fate (Kasokusuru Unmei)] --
Aizawa Natsuki (Kuroki Meisa) and Kentaro Yuki (Hiraota Yuta) have discovered that Tatsumi Shuya (GACKT) is Mitsuda Mami's (Taketomi Seika) older brother. But towards Natsuki, who seems unable to find fault with Shuya and has decided not to investigate further, Kentaro has decided to give up on his love for her. Also, although Mami has escaped the clutches of the Noise illness, she is still unable escape from the clutches of death. From the words of Chubachi (Kitaro), to save Mami, the Shuya, who has decided that he has no choice but to kill Natsuki who was supposed to have died during the kidnapping, said "I'll explain everything.".

-Premium evening drama [Time Spiral]
Every Tuesday 23:15~ (NHK BS Premium)

[Actors] Kuroki Meisa, GACKT, Hiraoka Yuuta, Taketomi Seika, Kitarou Akimoto, Naomi Ogi , Shigemitsu Kishimoto Kayoko, Others

Schermata 2014-10-06 alle 14.27.02


Translation: GACKT ITALIA Team


TRANSLATION Spotlight-media: GACKT keeps singing at graduation ceremonies the song born from the promise made to a boy



GACKT is singer and song writer born in Okinawa prefecture. He is a man with a unique world view and a strong cool image around him, but the truth is that every year since 2006 he has been doing surprise live at middle and high school graduation cerimonies.

The school he visited till now are 8.

The song he sings at each of this graduation ceremony lives, No ni saku hana no you ni, was born from the promise made to a boy.

The occasion to compose this song came in 2005, at that time GACKT had been appointed as a DJ for a radio program, when a boy from the Maiko High school in Hyogo prefecture that was listening to him, called to have guidance form him and said "I'd like to have some support from you for my department that is almost at the breaking point due to lack of enrollments"

At that time during the program, GACKT himself, after suggesting "How about you try to take action able to attract attention on the true meaning and charm of your department yourself?"

"If you are able to stop the lack of enrollments I'll compose a song to send to your school for the graduation ceremony". he said.

After that, since the number of students wishing to apply for that department exceeded the limit, he started working on the song to fulfill the promise . In 2006, on February 28 he visited that same school, taking part at the graduation ceremony as a surprise guest, and the same song was presented in a mini live in fron of the graduating students. Furthermore, it is said that the song was completed 2 days before the appearance at the school.

This time、 I'd like to show you a clip of GACKT singing No ni saku hano no you ni at the graduation ceremony.

With an heartfelt singing voice、speaking kindly the message he gave to the students is beautiful.


The song became a single in 2007,and for this PV、

triggered by the fact that there were photos from Nagasaki Hokuyōdai Senior high school、GACKT decided to use his second graduation ceremony.

In that same school he went to held a mini live.

Moreover, on March of the following year GACKT appeared at the graduation ceremony of Satake High School in Ibaraki prefecture.

This school seems to have been Kami's old school, GACKT's late friend and former MALICE MIZER member.


And this one is about the last live he did in march 2014 to the Naruto Daiichi middle school in Tokushima prefecture.

The chance for this live was made by a letter sent by a male student about to graduate who reached GACKT.

The following extract was written in this occasion.

"Would you come to our graduation ceremony??If you can make this happen I'd like to express my gratitude directly to you. (omission) On the Graduation day. I will be waiting. I will be waiting until the day I can finally thank you"


After the live GACKT exchanged an embrace with the boy.

I'm sure this is something that boy and all his schoolmates too will never forget.


Translation: GACKT ITALIA Team


TRANSLATION: - GACKT's Top 3 Classical Artistes Recommendations for this Season

My Piano Roots are for the Great Musicians. GACKT's Top 3 Classical Artistes Recommendations for this Season


GACKT's 45th new single [Akatsukizukuyo -Day Breakers-] went on sale on 1 October. We asked him, who has been playing the piano since his childhood days, for the top 3 classical artistes he recommends for this season

1. Fryderyk Franciszek Chopin

Considering that I've played the piano since young, basically, the main subject in classical music is the piano. I think that Chopin's Etude series is dynamic in the sense where there is speed yet it is rich in emotions. Because its based on feelings, I've liked it since young. I was so into it that I was always playing it.

(Poland's 19th century well known romantic composer, a pianist whose delicate styles of playing gave him the moniker the piano's poet (1 March 1810 - 17 October 1849). Famous songs are "Fantasy Impromptu", "Etude", "Heroic" and more.)

2. Ludwig van Beethoven

In music, I like feeling the anguish when one reaches the end of a life. Even if the music is dark, you can really feel the hope that grows from within the pain. Even in some of my songs there are these feelings.

(A German composer (16 December 1770 - 26 March 1827). One of the greatest musical composers on par with Bachand more, he was also known as a musical genius. His works were the pioneers of romantic music and were the culmination of classical music. Famous works include "Fifth Symphony", "Ninth Symphony", "Moonlight Sonata" and more.)

3. Claude Achille Debussy

Compared to the previous two composers, Debussy's musical style is slightly more philosophical. The works he produces and him as a composer as it is, creates a grander and more awe-inspiring impression i think. Because of this I believe that first time listeners will find his works easier to listen to.

(A french composer (22 August 1862 - 25 March 1918). The founder of the synthesis of monophonic based melodic tonality with harmonies, and impressionist music. Using a full-toned scale, he creates special harmonics, and changed the western musical landscape. Famous works include "Claire de Lune", "La Mer", "Prélude à l'après-midi d'un faune" and more. )


Translation: GACKT ITALIA Team