TRANSLATION BARKS: Guerrilla Live report - March 2nd 2015


On 2 March 2015, in the morning sunshine that made the previous days' heavy rain seem like a dream, joyous voices rang out from Jonan Ryoso High School in Kyoto. Just as the graduation ceremony was coming to an end, as the best possible farewell gift from the Principal, Hiroyasu Kimura, a sudden surprise live was staged by GACKT.


This is the 9th time GACKT descended on schools with a surprise, to hold a sudden "Graduation Ceremony Live". This is a yearly event, but in 2006, while GACKT was holding an MC session on a radio program, a message he received from a male high school student started the tradition. Subsequently, with the thought of "being the encouragement for youths to go forth", it has become one of the great events held by GACKT as part of his lifework.


This year, Kyoto's Jonan Ryoso High School was selected when it was brought to his attention that Principal Kimura, who kept running with the motto of "nurturing benevolent people", was going to retire after this term. Not only students, but the principal as well, will be "graduating", so with the intention to send them flowers, he decided to go to Kyoto for the guerrilla live. However, on the actual day itself, aside from the principal, only 2~3 other teachers knew of the event, and the plan was carried out with utmost secrecy, that many teachers and parents could not hide their surprise, and were equally as delighted as the graduating students.


On this day, while looking intently at the graduating students and the figure of the principal kindly gazing on, GACKT said, "With these emotions that have welled up subconsciously, I'll hold them and sing". Despite the chivalrous figure of Principal Kimura, it felt like he was cheered on and inspired on the contrary.


GACKT Official website

GACKT Video cerimonia di laurea

GACKT Official Facebook



Translation: GACKT ITALIA Team


TRANSLATION NATALIE.MU: "GACKT Guerrilla LIVE ~A Close-Up Broadcast from Somewhere in Japan 2015~ - February 24th 2015

On 2 March (Mon) 10:00am, there will be a special GACKT program broadcast on NicoNico Live Stream, "GACKT Guerrilla LIVE ~A Close-Up Broadcast from Somewhere in Japan 2015~"

On this date, GACKT will be broadcasting live from an unannounced location in Japan. Not only will he be in the NicoLive Studios, he will be shown moving to the undisclosed location. Fans who are interested to know where he will be headed should by all means, check out this program.

As of now, on Twitter, under a hashtag called "#GACKTゲリラLIVE" (#GACKTGuerrillaLIVE) and on GACKT's Official FaceBook page, there are posts with people guessing where the undisclosed LIVE location will be. Some of the posts will be featured on the program.

GACKT Guerrilla LIVE ~A Close-Up Broadcast from Somewhere in Japan 2015~

Broadcast date/time:2 March (Mon) 10:00am~12:00pm
Program URL:
* From 10:00am~ Video clip message / From 10:15~ Live broadcast



Translation: GACKT ITALIA Team


TRANSLATION NicoNicoLive - In 2015 too GACKT Guerrilla LIVE will have a live coverage on Nico Nico Broadcast!! - February 23rd 2015

In 2015 too GACKT Guerrilla LIVE will have a live coverage on Nico Nico Broadcast!!
GACKT could appear in your city!?

On Nico Nico broadcast, this 2015 also the GACKT Guerrilla live will have a total coverage in Nico Nico Broadcast!!
From the moment he moves towards the appointed place, to the pre-LIVE, to the actual live, everything will be reported in the live broadcast!
GACKT could appear in your city!?

10:00~ Music videos broadcast
10:15~30 actual broadcast start
* hereafter, in the intervals, music videos will be played while you wait for the live show to start

[Guerrilla LIVE place planning!]
For the program, we are waiting for your expectations on where the GACKT guerrilla LIVE will take place!!
Feel free to make your submission using the following methods.
* Part of your contribution will be presented in the program

-Twitter: Post your opinion attaching to the twitt the Hashtag #GACKTゲリラLIVE *GACKT guerrilla LIVE*
-Facebook: post you comment under the news of GACKT guerrilla live in the GACKT facebook page
*the post will be created shortly so wait for it


At the end of the program, there will be an [extra comment] only for premium members
The extra comment will be available for people that made their registration by the end of the program.
Also, in period of high traffic of viewer, premium members will have the priority, other then having a higher resolution.



Translation: GACKT ITALIA Team



Midnight training... A man called me saying he always trains at this time, I wondered how long I could be able to do it.
According to GACKT, "The habits we repeat everyday explain who we really are, if we take into account what has been expressed earlier, it would express the true essence of a man". That said, I got tired of studying English still...Blomaga in particular...I seriously have to go to bed!

Schermata 2015-02-20 alle 20.38.54

Source: Takeshi Nakano TWITTER and Gemcerey Instagram

Translation: GACKT ITALIA Team


TRANSLATION NATALIE.MU: GACKT invites you to sleep next to him, his next work comes with a life-sized bedsheets - February 20th 2015

GACKT invites you to sleep next to him, his next work comes with a life-sized bedsheets

It has been announced that in early July, GACKT will be releasing his 46th single (title unannounced).

His current single was released in October last year, [Akatsukizukuyo -DAY BREAKERS]. The contents that will be recorded has not yet been announced but on Feb 20, the pre-order for the premium edition has begun on the GACKT Store.

This premium edition, following the unique "Body Pillow CD jacket" for [Akatsukuzukuyo -DAY BREAKERS-] that caused a buzz, with the "GACKT lying with you life-sized bedsheets set", an image that resembles GACKT lying next to someone is printed. There is a version of GACKT wearing a white shirt and another version with GACKT wearing a black shirt. Including tax and delivery fees, it is priced at 13,500 yen. Fans who use this can have one of their dreams come true.

news_xlarge_gackt_soine_white news_xlarge_gackt_soine_black news_xlarge_GACKT_art201502


Translation: GACKT ITALIA Team