FACEBOOK UPDATE - September 24th 2014 - 2nd update

《Emergency!? Something's going on with GACKT!!》

A campaign for those who purchase 3 versions of『Akatsuki Zukuyo-DAY BREAKERS-』 at the same time,

including the TSUTAYA Limited Edition , planned release on 1st October.

You'll recieve a『Minature Pillow Strap』 as a present!

Have you all placed your orders yet?

Some samples have arrived at our office today〜☆

All our staff are checking out how the strap feels?

And...When all of them are brought together, all the Mini-GACKT's emit some strange aura^^;;

All these mini-GACKT's taking on the aura of the real GACKT, and releasing it without any hesitation.

If you keep it close to you at all times, it might be enough to protect you from any curses!

(No proof available...)

What and when you put the strap on is all up to you☆

If you come up with a brilliant idea on how to make good use, feel free to share on Facebook or Twitter!

☆Akatsuki Zukuyo −DAY BREAKERS− (Minature Pillow Strap)3 Editions simultaneous purchase☆


Source: GACKT Official Facebook

GACKT x Nestle #54- Castlevania - August 23rd - sub eng

GACKT x Nestle #54- Castlevania - August 23rd - sub eng

FACEBOOK UPDATE - September 24th 2014

《Decided, SQUARE ENIX『3594 e -Sangokushi Eiga-』Image Song!ALSO, 45th

New Single SPOT Info Released today!》

The 45th new single 『Akatsuki Tsukuyo -DAY BREAKERS-』,

which has been announced to be released 1st October,

has been chosen to be the theme song in SQUARE ENIX's 『3594 e -Sangokushi Eiga-』

Which is planned to be released this autumn.

Also planned to play the voice of Lü Bu, a symbolic character of the series.

Whats more, appearing in the PV and CD jacket dressed up as Lü Bu!

I can't wait for the release!

☆3594 e - Sangokushi Eiga- Official page☆


Source: GACKT Official Facebook

TIME SPIRAL - Episode 4

Here's the 4th episode of Time Spiral, click on the image to watch it:


FACEBOOK UPDATE - September 23rd 2014

《Special Secret Meeting Part in Fukuoka》

On 11th September『MOON SAGA 2』, afternoon performance

A Special Secret Meeting took place!!!

Surprise surprise!!!

What a blessing, GACKT makes his appearance this time!!ヾ(*´∀`*)ノ


With that,

Those who were blessed with lottery luck had

GACKT, Yuki Kimisawa, Takaki Uda, make their appearance in front of them again♪

A splendid and fun-filled time it was♪♪

Not to forget, a photo shot together at the end☆

Well well…

How will the Secret Meeting at the next Osaka performance turn out..!?!?

Facebook-23 settembre

Source: GACKT Official Facebook