GACKT X Nestle Game Center #234

Here’s the 234th video from the GACKT x NESTLE series. Soon the subtitles.

TRANSLATION OFFICIAL NEWS - 46th single release plan in July - February 18th 2015

46th single release plan in July!!

The long-awaited 46th single from GACKT is scheduled to be released at the beginning of July!
Ahead of the general selling, the GACKT STORE will procede with pre-orders for the limited premium version, awailable only in the online store.
This time, continuing the huge echo of the body pillow CD cover released alongside GACKT's 45th single, a shocking CD cover as been developed, that can be used as “sleeping together sheets”!
It will have two versions – BLACK-GACKT and WHITE-GACKT.

Orders will start from February 20th (Friday).
The orders start time, it will be notified that same day on the NEWS section of
We will be waiting for your orders!

'46th single premium edition – CD cover used as “sleeping together sheets”
Item stock numer: GLCD-00009
Price: 12,500 yen + tax * postage extra (700 yen)
*cash on delivery or other payment methods are also available

BxSzV0Tb hLcZmsq8


Translation: GACKT ITALIA Team


GACKT X Nestle Game Center #233

Here’s the 233rd video from the GACKT x NESTLE series. Soon the subtitles.


Dear my G-Lovers

My thoughts can be read
on the GACKT Blomaga,
so those who want to read all of them, check it out.

*This is an extract from the GACKT Blomaga.

(Updates thrice a month)

The room was lit up by the sunlight flowing in through the open curtains.
A dazzling morning has arrived.


I landed in the airport fairly late
so I collapsed on the bed and fell asleep.

Indeed i'm not used to
4hour flight transits,
it's the worst having to sit and wait in the lounge for long periods of time...

That's really hell.

the wonderful morning
has made me forget about it.

as expected, visiting Barcelona
for the first time in a while feels good.
Not only is it warm,
the feeling of being welcomed overwhelms me.

I went for a walk in the streets.


Other european country's are pretty cold but
here, its just chilly.
Well above this,
I thought to myself, I probably can't live in the northern countries,
while walking the streets.

It appears that i'm more suited for the southern weather.
The sunlight is bright.
This sunlight that's different from that of America's
is too bright for me but i think even so, it's a pleasant light.


It's been awhile since I've been here but sincerely,
I thought that it's really beautiful...
It has a different kind of beauty as compared to Bali.

How do i put this.
A certain warmth or
a certain heat.
While standing around at the traffic junction,
in a daze,
an hour passed.

A street that just by walking through it,
makes time pass in a flash,
is rare in the world.


Just by walking around like that,
and managing to feel that its a fulfilling day....
it's probably a skill.

Simply walking,
simply looking at your surroundings...
Recently, I've forgotten about things like this.

Even though it's an important thing, i carelessly left it behind.


While walking around, I came across the Arc de Triomphe.
It's strange...

Even though I wasn't planning on specially looking for it.

As i went closer,
the nearby residents were strolling around,
and children were playing.

Of course,
although it's a tourist attraction,
the unpleasant feeling is practically nonexistent.
Maybe it's because it blends in with the streets.

Blog-17Feb15-06 Blog-17Feb15-07


I've become conscious of many important things.
As expected, i really like this street.

Actually, in the past,
when I came here i saw a few people
and by chance i met them again and struck up a conversation.

"When I came here last time, I remember having seen you..."

Beginnings with those words,
countless of times we got along well and my circle of friends grew.

The people here are warm.
It's a warmth that makes you feel good.
there are people who keep talking
despite having told them that I don't know Spanish.
They don't listen...
But, they're interesting people.

This time, to a person like me,
I received a huge shock
from the hotel's recommended Japanese Restaurant.


The concierge withheld the name if the place
but she said
"You'll definitely like it so you should visit!"

and kept insisting with her recommendation so

"I got it... If you say it's that good I'll try it out..."

I said, without much conviction to go
and headed there in a taxi.

When I entered the shop,
I thought, doesn't looking this place serves Japanese...
The atmosphere was completely not there.


Well, just because they sell Japanese cuisine
doesn't mean that the interior has to be in the Japanese style...

As it is it looks like a great place... I thought,
while being lead to a table.

Maybe because it's still early,
there was only one group of customers inside.


Maybe those people came in just before us.
They were still looking at the menu.

The menu that was handed to me was in Spanish
so I said to the waitress

"You can just serve me
the recommended dishes in your restaurant"

and she replied

"Do you like Tempura? Do you like eggplant?
The udon is really good so you should definitely try it!
Do you like meat? It's quite good
so you should definitely try it!!!!"

and I told the overly-excited waitress

"I got it I got it! I'll leave it to you..."

and he soon left after I said that.

Even if that's the case .....................

Despite that it's Japanese cuisine,
the shop's waitress is pretty weird...


Those clothes...
Doesn't it look like it's from some other Asian country?

Like it's out of lack of concern
or a misunderstanding of Japanese culture...
Like they didn't really bother with it....
With those thoughts, I waited for a few minutes.

they served up a dish that they described as tempura.



With an expression that says "Is this really tempura.....?"
I looked at the dish oddly,
and the waitress asked with a concerned expression.

"Do you not like asparagus?"

That's not the point...
This isn't tempura
but fried prawns right?

Well, I don't have a choice...
Maybe they got it wrong...
Maybe its the training of their staff,
or their recognition,
did the owner get the wrong idea?

Well, even if I'm bothered, I have no choice.
I quickly gave it a try.


With cheerful smile on her face
the waitress brought the next dish
with full confidence.

"This is the delicious udon!"


There's no soup...

"What on earth is this???"

I poked around with my chopsticks.
There were various things abundantly mixed inside.

Like broccoli,
and other unidentifiable vegetables were thrown together.

"What's with.... this restaurant???"

Is this really what the
hotel's concierge recommended???

I really can't believe it.
Then, I gave it a try...

"................. Chinese cooking...................."

was the only description I could give to the taste.
As it was too unusual a taste,
I threw in spices to make it spicy and ate it up.

When I asked for mustard from the waitress,

"Is this enough...??
If it isn't let me know!"

she replied with a smile.
I looked at what she placed on the table...


What on earth is this??

I gave it a taste...

"Broad bean chilli paste..................." (Chinese seasoning)

Does this place, not serve Japanese food???
I came all the way here and began to wonder about the Eastern and
Western understanding of each other.

Do the Spanish people,
not know about the difference between Japan and China???
Subconsciously my annoyance welled up but
well, to them they probably think we're all the same...
That can't be helped either...

Next, the waitress came towards us.

"Sorry for the wait! Here's the eggplant!"


What in the world this?????

I tasted it....

"Teriyaki chicken......................"

The eggplant is just stacked below........

Why on earth did the waitress call this eggplant?
Instead, if she called it teriyaki chicken wouldn't it be more convincing!

Without thinking, I stood up.
The waitress asked again.

"What's wrong???"

I said to the waitress,

"............ pass me a chopstick rest.........."

was all I said, and she replied with a face full of smiles

"Ah... apologies.
I forgot!!!!"

and ran off apologetically.

I guess there's not choice...... I thought,
I have to forgive her as her smile is too bright.
And while apologising, she brought the chopstick rest...


"Could it be............. a sauce plate............"

The waitress came over grinning.

This isn't a problem of the Spanish people.

Japanese have never clearly explained
exactly what Japanese cuisine is....
In other words, I recognise that it's our fault.

"The Japanese government
should properly convey Japanese cuisine!!"
is something that we have to push to them.

They have to create a reference line
for the rest of the world to look to!

unfortunate incidents like these
will only keep happening...

Then the waitress brought the main dish over.

"Wagyu! Enjoy"

she said with confidence.


What's with this arrangement....????
what are those decorations stuck on it???
How on earth should I be eating this raw beef?

When I asked the waitress,
she said with exceeding cheer

"Don't you know? You grill it on the stone next to it!"

"The stone is............. too small...................."

This is the first time I've seen such a small hot stone.
I put the meat on it.....


But, instead the sauce that was on the meat
got burnt on the stone...
Am I really expected to grill all of this meat? And what are those
decorations on the meat??
I picked it up....


Looks like, "seaweed".... I think....
Why is it arranged
in such a tragic and tattered manner?
Is there some kind of meaning to it?
Is it a symbol of Spain?? I tried the meat...

"Very normal..................."

And, finally the kind of situation that you will never have thought of to occur
tragically occurred.


".............. It's not cooking............"

Not yet...
not even considering that more than half the meat is still remaining,
I can't even make a sound.

Am I supposed to eat it raw?

Thou shalt fear Spain!!!
Thou shalt fear Barcelona!!!

I became curious about the price of the food
and asked the waitress to bring me the menu.


In Japanese yen...
5,000yen for 1 plate...

"Someone~~~ call the cops~~~"

If it wasn't me, I'm sure the person experiencing this will yell that out.
What an expensive restaurant!

The other dishes had unreasonable prices too.
And, there are many that they cannot translate into good dishes!

Thou shalt fear Spain!!!

I recollected myself and decided to call for dessert.


A normal Matcha icecream...
700 yen...

What, what...
On what basis were these prices brought up...?
Is this really appropriate?
I asked the waitress for her recommendation.

And she pointed

"This I guess..."

while replying with a smile.
I was involuntarily fascinated by her wonderful smile....

and I ordered the dessert.


What's... this......
dish that looks like a dead starfish!?

Is it because I'm in a place with lots of seafood
that this shape came up?

No matter how I look it at it doesn't look good!!!

I tried cutting it with a spoon...


No matter how I look at it,
I can't help but think that I'm looking at a dead starfish that I cut up...

Thou shalt fear Spain!!!!!

Is it good to insult Japanese cuisine to this extent?
I gave it a taste...

"......... It's like..... a packet jelly.......... from the
convenience store.........."

In the desolation that leaves me with no other description
I have no choice but to blame myself...

GACKT... you're pitiable...

Unexpectedly my heart got shattered by the meal,
and I was out of words for the bill that crossed 10,000 yen.

I'll just deal with that price...
I'm GACKT anyway.

With such food,
that actually can command such a price,
what about the people living in Barcelona??

Thou shalt fear Barcelona!!!!!!!!!!!

My name is GACKT...
My motto is Mr. AMATEUR.

The world is large...
It's strewn with things I don't yet know about...

Damn it...
I'm still too naive...

Once more, I have to start life afresh...



My thoughts can be read
on the GACKT Blomaga,
so those who want to read all of them, check it out.

*This is an extract from the GACKT Blomaga.

(Updates thrice a month)

Source: GACKT Blog

Translation: GACKT ITALIA Team


TRANSLATION BLOMAGA #89 - February 17th 2015


What? It's only you?

Why did I say 'What'? you ask

It's so cold here and yet I have to hold the phone with my hands and I don't want to talk.
I thought it was a phone call about work or something like that...

You say that now is warm?

You are talking about Tokyo right?
Now I'm in Hungary, that's why.


Here is unreasonably cold

Now? What time is it? --- you ask...

It's noon. 1 pm.
I'm out having a tea.

It was so cold so I entered a cafè
Here is really unreasonably cold.


But yesterday was unbelievably warm.
It seems like the temperature changed considerably in one day.

Really give me a break.

It's cold and yet I can't even go snowboarding, for me this place is hell...
If it's only this cold, you'll end up feeling depressed.

I think I can understand why people who live in cold countries don't smile a lot.
Me too, since I came to this country my smiles disappeared...

My face froze...

I usually don't smile a lot.. you say...

Shut up.
Or my smiles will reduce even more.

But even so, it was really a lovely city
To the point that I was surprised.

Around Europe,
these might be considered the streets I like the most.
hn〜、、、 maybe not?
Or maybe these might be the considered the streets that gave me the best feeling in Europe... I wonder.


But whether I say I like it or not,
this coldness is really no go.

Since even in the evening here the atmophere is good
I thought about going out to see the night view but,
because of the coldness i couldn't go out for a walk.

I didn't feel like it.
On the other hand when there's snow it feels warmer。

The road up to here
was very clean too.


I only went back and forth on minor roads away from the many streets and yet、
What can I say...
It felt really good.

If it wasn't for this coldness it would have been even better though


Streets were crowded with people more then one would expect.
I wonder if they are tourists...

They didn't look like it very much but,
they didn't look like local people either...

A good feeling flows through this street
Also the facade of the buildings gave me a really good feeling too.


Here and there,
I was often brought to say [oh〜] *with surprise*

My voice came out without thinking.
And even when I entered the shops,
There were several times when I was like 'What is this???'
There was also this thing, in which I was the most interested in .
What do you think it was?

Must be training equipment.. you say...

Ehi you, I'll hung up!...
It's not that.

What are you saying.


I was referring to chess, Chess!
It's because I like Chess.
But, chessboard I had never seen before were placed there.
They were hexagonal.

At first, I thought that thay could have been boards made for a special game or something like that..
and I stood there to observe it for a while, but
at that point since a shop attendant approached me
I asked "what is this"
and they told me it was a board for 3 people.

I was really impressed by this.
Also because this chessboard are entirely handmade.

Well、Since this is something made for tourists usage
all were foldable items
honestly, I didn't think about buying one ...

But at that point,
Since there were also those made in stones *precious stones I guess*
I thought I might buy one and make them send it to me.

The things sold there were really simple too.
Also since the streets were not influenced much by modernization, the feeling of old days was all around there.

Only by walking down those streets I felt good.

Eh? What?
If there were gyms and such.. you ask..

Of course.
I went there, in a gym I found along the way.


I was rather surprised.
By the body of people that went there.

Everyone had a really build up body.
There were pictures of Arnold Schwarzenegger
hanged all over the walls.

If this is because in Hungary they like his movies?.. you say...

Really you, what are you saying.
Schwarzenegger is,
an incredibly famous Austrian Bodybuilder!


You didn't know?
Give me a break...

He was Mr. Olympus though,
5 years consecutively, right... to be selected all those times
it's really an incredible thing.

After that,
Arnold was scouted,
And was able to make his debut as an actor.
and although at that time he could not speak English at all, and I hear he had some troubles because of that,
It's really incredible that he made it to the mayor position.


Even now, in the movie industry of course,
and also by people doing this type of training.
he is highly respectet

As for my body,
By walking in this gym I think I'm 2 times thinner (than this people)
Of course,
I don't want to have that gorilla-looking muscular body, so
keeping myself in a in well-proportioned balance
what I'm aiming for is
[A body that can be efficient, a body that can move fast]

there were also great women,
but even if they were very pretty,
their body was too sharp *too trained*

That was no good.

It has been so long since I was impressed like this.
Since it was this great,
When I talked about this kind of things with people in the training line in Japan
"I found those guys on Instagram!"
Everyone were very excited about it.

Source: OH!! MY!! GACKT!!

Translation: GACKT ITALIA Team