Tonight GACKT planned a surprise birthday celebration i'm really happy to be celebrating these few nights, thanks everyone!!


Source: Mayo Kawasaki Facebook

Translation: GACKT ITALIA Team


TRANSLATION SANSPO: [Graduation Ceremony Panic! GACKT's "Intrusion Blitz", Principal's Direct Request Realised] - March 2nd 2015

Musician and actor GACKT (41), held a surprise live on 2 March at Kyoto's Jonan Ryoso High School. To cheer on students who will be leaving the nest, it has been a part of his lifework since 2006. The retiring principal, Hiroyasu Kimura (60), who directly requested GACKT to "encourage the students at the end", was the only one who knew of the emotional live, and of course, the 238 graduating students, teachers, and family members went into a frenzy.

With a charismatic "intrusion blitz", he entered the certificate awards ceremony, farewells from current students, and the graduation ceremony which were proceeding quietly.
After the parents' representative's tearful acknowledgements came principal Kimura's unplanned speech. His sudden movements caused the teachers to exchange glances. The principal suddenly said,

「Under normal circumstances this is where we send you off, but I have a modest gift. Someone from Tokyo, who for many years have brought encouragement to many youths, has been invited here to congratulate out graduating students」

In through the back doors came GACKT!! The gymnasium where the ceremony was held was filled with excitement and cheers like that of a concert hall.

「Here and there can hear some of you saying "he's a fake" but... I'm the real thing」

A few minutes ago there were tears. But after GACKT's "gripping" one-liners, graduates, parents, teachers and guests alike burst into laughter.

In 2005, with the arrival of a letter from a student of Hyogo's Maiko High School, he went to that very school the follow year to perform during their graduation ceremony which started the Graduation Ceremony Lives, that became a part of his lifework. This year, it was the realisation of a discussion between GACKT, whose e-mail address is publicly known, and principal Kimura.

「The principal wanted to give a final encouragement to his students as the last piece of work he was going to carry out. I was just helping him out with that. Thank you for your efforts.」

GACKT, who thanked the principal, sang "No ni saku hana no you ni", the theme song for all his Graduation Ceremony Lives since 2007. With cameras and smartphones which were prepared to capture their own children, the parents could not stop taking footage.

「Here's a gift from the seniors who have gone forth a few steps before you. 『Dreams are not meant to only be seen. Dreams are meant to be realised. And to realise your dreams, you have to go through with a strong will』. I'll look forward to your futures from here on.」
The graduates were filled with deep emotions, and the current students exclaimed excitedly "Amazing!". The self-proclaimed "Surpriser" who says "to surprise and bring joy to people makes my life worthwhile", smiled at the "great success of the surprise" and said "To me, it's not about influencing every single person. Now, it's just as long as I can encourage just once person in the graduation ceremony, and help them turn it into a new spark".

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Translation: GACKT ITALIA Team


GACKT X Nestle Game Center #246

Here’s the 246th video from the GACKT x NESTLE series. Soon the subtitles.

TRANSLATION EXCITE: Guerrilla Live report - March 2nd 2015

On 2 March 2015, in the morning sunshine that made the previous days' heavy rain seem like a dream, joyous voices rang out from Jonan Ryoso High School in Kyoto. Just as the graduation ceremony was coming to an end, as the best possible farewell gift from the Principal, Hiroyasu Kimura, a sudden surprise live was staged by GACKT.

Aside from Principal Kimura, only 2~3 other teachers knew of the event, and the plan was carried out with utmost secrecy, that many teachers and parents could not hide their surprise, and were equally as delighted as the graduating students.

In 2006, while GACKT was holding an MC session on a radio program, a message he received from a male high school student started the tradition. Subsequently, with the thought of "being the encouragement for youths to go forth", it has become a part of GACKT's lifework and it is the 9th time a "Graduation Ceremony Live" has been held.

This year, Kyoto's Jonan Ryoso High School was selected when it was brought to his attention that Principal Kimura, who kept running with the motto of "nurturing benevolent people", was going to retire after this term. Not only students, but the principal as well, will be "graduating", so with the intention to send them flowers, he decided to go to Kyoto for the guerrilla live.

On this day, while looking intently at the graduating students and the figure of the principal kindly gazing on, GACKT said, "With these emotions that have welled up subconsciously, I'll hold them and sing". Despite the chivalrous figure of Principal Kimura, it felt like he was cheered on and inspired on the contrary.

Next year will be the 10th Graduation Ceremony Live held by GACKT since it has begun. We look forward to his future activities.

GACKT Official Homepage :GACKT Graduation Ceremony LIVE Video (NicoVideo)
GACKT Official facebook

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Translation: GACKT ITALIA Team


TRANSLATION BARKS: Guerrilla Live report - March 2nd 2015


On 2 March 2015, in the morning sunshine that made the previous days' heavy rain seem like a dream, joyous voices rang out from Jonan Ryoso High School in Kyoto. Just as the graduation ceremony was coming to an end, as the best possible farewell gift from the Principal, Hiroyasu Kimura, a sudden surprise live was staged by GACKT.


This is the 9th time GACKT descended on schools with a surprise, to hold a sudden "Graduation Ceremony Live". This is a yearly event, but in 2006, while GACKT was holding an MC session on a radio program, a message he received from a male high school student started the tradition. Subsequently, with the thought of "being the encouragement for youths to go forth", it has become one of the great events held by GACKT as part of his lifework.


This year, Kyoto's Jonan Ryoso High School was selected when it was brought to his attention that Principal Kimura, who kept running with the motto of "nurturing benevolent people", was going to retire after this term. Not only students, but the principal as well, will be "graduating", so with the intention to send them flowers, he decided to go to Kyoto for the guerrilla live. However, on the actual day itself, aside from the principal, only 2~3 other teachers knew of the event, and the plan was carried out with utmost secrecy, that many teachers and parents could not hide their surprise, and were equally as delighted as the graduating students.


On this day, while looking intently at the graduating students and the figure of the principal kindly gazing on, GACKT said, "With these emotions that have welled up subconsciously, I'll hold them and sing". Despite the chivalrous figure of Principal Kimura, it felt like he was cheered on and inspired on the contrary.


GACKT Official website

GACKT Video cerimonia di laurea

GACKT Official Facebook



Translation: GACKT ITALIA Team