LOVERS ROOM: Resale of Tickets for Certain Performances

92nd Camui♂Gakuen de DashitekudaSai  Instructions for Resale of Tickets for Certain Performances

With regards to some of the performances, due to cancellations of bookings, we suddenly have leftover tickets which we have decided to put up for resale.

※ Please take note that this will application will be based on a first-come-first-served basis.
※ This round of applications will be for those who have entered the fanclub on or before 15 September 2015.
Also, with regards to application, you may only do so via web application. Please do not be mistaken while applying.

【Applicable performances】
31 Oct (Sat)   Hokkaido: Zepp Sapporo
5 Nov (Thu)    Tokyo: Toyosu PIT
7 Nov (Sat)    Saitama: Omiya Sonic City
11 Nov (Wed)   Fukuoka: Zepp Fukuoka

【Applicable seat categories】
(3) President's Left Wing Guard Seats /12,000 yen (including tax / with special goods)  【Seats within 15 rows of the front of stage, left side】
(4) President's Right Wing Guard Seats / 12,000円 yen (including tax / with special goods)  【Seats within 15 rows of the front of stage, right side】

【Number of tickets applicants are limited to】
2 tickets per applicant

【Application period】
7 Oct (Wed)15:00~

【Application site】

(PC/ Smartphone / Mobile phone)
※ As this application is based on a first-come-first-served basis, sales will end once tickets have been sold out.
※ Application can only be done by PC/ Smartphone / Mobile phone, not by calling in.
※ Please note that payment can only be made by credit card.

※Receipt number will be your 9-digit membership number plus the first 3 digits of the postal code of the address you used when applying for G&LOVERS, being a total of 12 digits.
(It will be the address used for registration as at 22 September 2015.)
E.g.) Membership number: 123456789  G&LOVERS registration address postal code: 000  Receipt number: 123456789000

【About tickets/application method】
Lawson Ticketing Information
0570-000-777 (10:00~20:00)

※All seats will have a special present… When you enter the hall, there's a present in the form of a Bromide with a message! (Different designs for all performances)
※ Children aged 4 and above need a ticket. Those under 4 will not be allowed into the venue. ※ There is no childcare area.
※You must be dressed in school uniform on the performance day.

Please refer to below for more information.

For those interested in getting the Student Council Special Area, please refer to below.

(PC/ Smartphone / Mobile phone)

Source: LOVERS Room

Translation: GACKT ITALIA Team

OFFICIAL BLOG: GACKT's Silly Stories (Blomaga Issue 110)


My voice can be heard
on GACKT Blomaga so,
those who want to read it all, check out the Blomaga

※This article is an excerpt from the
“GACKT's Trashy Stories” corner in the Blomaga.

【Delivered thrice a month】

With regards to the use of the images from the GACKT Official Blog, they cannot be used for commercial means, adult sites, or prompts linking to other sites,
use in news sites, reproduction on personal blogs or SNS are authorised.

In such cases please indicate【GACKTオフィシャルブログ より転載】(GACKT Official Blog All rights reserved). However, if our company deems your site to be inappropriate, posting will be immediately prohibited.
(c)G-PRO inc.


“O〜〜〜n the ro〜ad
Da〜re mo tabi〜 no to〜chuu〜〜・・・♪♫“(Journey through the Decade)

... Hello...

Oh~, it's you. It's been awhile...
Hm??? What's up??

“Are you in Japan, again?”
... you ask...

Aren't you sharp...
I'm now headed to Jakarta.


I'll be back...
How are you?

“I watched Music Station
and got energised from it!!!”
... you say...

Is that so.
Thanks. That day was hectic.
That being said,
my stay in Japan this time
I was way to busy to the point of laughter...
Wait a moment.
'Cuz I'm entering the lounge now...


Fu〜〜〜 to.
that week was really,
on heck of a schedule.

“Your stay this time
was that busy??”
... you ask...

When I say busy,
it's more like my schedule was so full
that I didn't get a chance to stay still at all.

I have to do all sorts of things too right?
Besides work,
there's lots too right??

Ah, come to think of it,
I went for a dental treatment.
I thought『I hear a voice I know next door...』
and when I peeked in,
it was SUGIZO!


Things like this happen too I guess.

When I asked him

『It's been awhile, how're you???』

he replied

『What on earth are you doing in such a place!!!』

I said, Well for dental of course!!

The image of the two of use next to each other getting our dental treatments
is so weird.
we parted ways saying
"Let's meet again at Music Station!!"

“Do such coincidences really happen??”
... you ask...


Tokyo is a small area y'know.
If I'm having tea at the hotel
I can even meet soccer player Kazu-san and his wife,
Down Town's Matsumoto-san
will be drinking next to me too,
even at the the soba shop
Tamori-san will be having soba there,
if I'm having Yakiniku,
Ayu enters the same time as me
and we'll start drinking lots together halfway through.


Of course,
I believe everyone's busy with work but,
they'll definitely have to eat right?
For anyone,
they have to get stuff done
by putting together those gaps right?

In that, when you're looking weird,
you'll naturally get seen.

“What do you mean by 'looking weird'?”
... you ask... ...

Um... that's hard to say.
For example right,
while you're having a meal now
your friends go and say let's wear masks this time
and go eat Tempura!


That is what starts it.

Well, because we're looking like this
people will definitely think that we're really weird guys but,
because your friends sitting around you are all doing the same thing.
It's exceptionally fun.


Absurd right?

But, this is exceptionally fun.
While troubling over
"what kind of mask should everyone wear??",
you'll try on lots of different ones.


Since we're going to eat Tempura like that.
Of course its funny.

I'll be found in such a place.
By someone.
When that happens,

『GACKT, what are you doing??』

that's what they'll say right?
But, stimulus like these are good.

As you know,
for me,
no matter how busy I get
I'll definitely find time for training and martial arts,
and I'll definitely have a proper eating time.


I hate it.
Using the excuse that you're busy
to irresponsibly eat,
and say that you can't exercise.

I absolutely hate it.
Finish the meal appropriately too,
guys like that too.

That's why,
properly take time to go eat together
with the senpais who are taking care of you,
you'll get to learn various things from them.


That amount of time,
is really precious to me
that again makes me recognise
that there are various things that are lacking.

I have to study more... I guess.

The busier you are,
the more you should find time to have meals with your friends and senpais.
At those times,
you may even get to have new meetings.

Ah, that's right.
This time, by chance,
at the time when I was in Japan,
Jang Keun-suk and No Min-woo from Korea have come over to play
and we all went out drinking and all.
Mixed martial artist Akiyama-kun and a few others also joined in.


“Even though you were so busy
everyone's timings came together!!”
... you say...

Strange isn't it?
This came together.
Even though we're all busy.

『Well then,
shall we all go eat together at night!』

and everyone jumped in together,
all of us had drinking competitions into the night
and all that jazz.


So, we found time
to make appearances at some of our kouhai's lives for a bit.

This time, because the band SADIE is splitting up,
I thought I should so visit them for a bit,
and I went to peek in.

On that day too,
Keun-suk and the others said they really wanted to go watch so
we all went to watch together.

They were excitedly saying
Japanese rock is cool!!!

Because it's not a culture of K-POP I guess...
If this kind of rock disappears from Japan
Japan won't have any more music of their own
to be proud of.


“Was it hectic until morning??”
... you ask...

I went out with them as long as I could.
Then, I'll definitely find time for training,
also, I did training from morning too.


When it comes to training, no matter how busy I am
I'll definitely not take a break fro that.
Besides, various friends of mine come visit the gym.

“Does that mean that they go to GACKT-san's gym?”
... you ask...

That's right.
while I'm in Japan,
everyone comes to train together.


Because I teach.
Like how to shrink the body,
how to maintain and such.
Also how to train with effective exercises and such.

Everyone calls it
『Gaku Zap!』

To the point where
recently I'm really thinking
if I should start a gym too...

If I do that,
although I'll be able to share with everyone
the experience and knowledge I have...
everyone will come pushing.

Come to think of it,
last week Hyde came by.

“HYDE-san came over too!!?”
... you say...

Everyone does it together.
Because we happened to have time,
it's like "let's do it now〜〜" and everyone jumps in together.


“Everyone gathers with such a casual gesture?”
... you ask...

When it comes to training,
you don't really need a strong reason to do it right?

Today, if there's a bit of time
I'll do it now〜〜!! Just that's enough.

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That's how everyone gathers.
That's how it is.

everyone does their training
then split up after that with
"See ya~~!!"

It's that kind of era.
Those who are aware are maintaining their youth more and more,
those who aren't aware enough are growing older and older.

To me,

questions like『GACKT, why do you train??』


『What do you want to become?』

isn't it the worst
that in this world
there are those who have to comment about things like that?


To me,
there are too many idiots out there
who only touch their keyboards
and don't even do any basic training.

It's like, as a man
at least do the minimum of what you need to do!
Training your body,
and maintaining yourself,
as a man,
as a woman,
as an adult, it goes without saying that it's what you have to do.


In the past,
it used to be said that the group of guys
who go the training gyms are body builders but
right now,
instead, it is those who don't go to the gym
are living like animals that don't really use their muscles right?

To proudly and unabashedly say

『Everyday, on my way to work I climb the stairs at the station!』

there are those who have the gall
to say things like that.
Isn't just asking to be said,『Are you an old man!!』?

Because they seriously think that that is considered as exercise.


Guys like that,
should hurry up and get sick
so that they can understand the importance of what health is.
No matter how much money you have
you can't bring it to the next world.

Unless one can quickly understand
the fact that his own intemperance will lead to all diseases,
one will never know
just how gorgeous his own life is.

Then, why you get sick,
you'll become a burden to the precious people around you too.
Isn't this an era where even if you earnestly train
you'll still contract various diseases?

Without doing a single thing to strengthen your body,
what do you do after you get sick??
You exercise and live your life to the fullest,
but even then isn't that really rude
to those who have fallen ill?

... Eh???
”Does GACKT-san's
body size and weight always stay the same?”
... you ask...

It changes.
No, it can change.
To the body size that I need at that point of time.

If I were to film a drama or something,
and I think that the character will look better with a bigger size,
I'll increase my body size.

It changes depending on the theme.


Just recently, there was the Kenshin Festival at Niigata right?
This time I shrunk my body a lot
because I thought of acting as Uesugi Kenshin,
from a physique that was around 74Kg
I shrunk it to 67Kg.

“If you're shrinking that much,
doesn't that mean that your body fat percentage fell a lot!”
... you say...

No, it's the other way around.
When my body size drops,
my muscles will also drop together so
my body fat percentage will instead go up.


At that time,
I was even wondering what to do
if it goes above 10%...

These 20 years, without change,
I've always kept it at around 8〜9%.
Well, because I'm at it everyday...
You can't help but say that it should naturally be like that.

Anyway I'm【GACKT】right?

If I can't even do that.

Besides, I made a promise with Father too.
I'll do my best for awhile more!, something like that.

... Eh??
”Did you go this year too?”
... you ask...


I go... every year.
I'll definitely go to report to him all that happened until I visit.
Then, I'll leave and say goodbye with
"From here I'll do by best again!".


That was
the day before Music Station
I think...

I always say goodbye by saying
"I'll do by best without wavering!"

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that's why at Music Station
it felt good right?
I got to meet a number of friends too.

Because this time it was hectic,
it looked like everyone was having it tough but,
I managed to meet Koo-san for a bit too.
Later, I also met YOSHIKI for the first time in awhile.

It's really been such a long while that
we ended up laughing though.

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Recently, because music programs are decreasing,
I think there may be those who think
that music itself is become weaker.

That's wrong.
There's no world without music.

If we don't deliver power
who else will give people power?


What's important is,
Ki Ai and passion and aspirations and the strong will to stick to them.
As a Japanese musician, that as well,
is something that has to be delivered to the world.

That's why,
we challenge various things one the world stage like this.
There will be lots of diffiiculties.
There are also rotten people who say "that stuff's impossible!"

Well, watch me.
'Cuz I'll do it.

Alright, well then it's about time to head off.
I'l going to Jakarta.

Until next time,
I'll tell you about my vacation story in Jakarta.



My voice can be heard
on GACKT Blomaga so,
those who want to read it all, check out the Blomaga

※This article is an excerpt from the
“GACKT's Trashy Stories” corner in the Blomaga.

【Delivered thrice a month】

With regards to the use of the images from the GACKT Official Blog, they cannot be used for commercial means, adult sites, or prompts linking to other sites,
use in news sites, reproduction on personal blogs or SNS are authorised.

In such cases please indicate【GACKTオフィシャルブログ より転載】(GACKT Official Blog All rights reserved). However, if our company deems your site to be inappropriate, posting will be immediately prohibited.
(c)G-PRO inc.

Source: GACKT Blog

Translation: GACKT ITALIA Team



Today in the program めざま診断 (Mezama Shindan), the ability of conversation was examined!
GACKT was able to reach the 3rd position in the national ranking! What about your result?? Everyone, try it tooヽ(∀`*)→


Source: @cx_mezamashi

Translation: GACKT ITALIA Team


BARKS: Kishidan Banpaku Report

【Live Report】 <Kishidan Expo 2015> first day「There is nothing but there is everything!」


Kishidan sponsored the 's event to be held at the Sodegaura seaside park for two days, on 19th and 20th September. We will release the full report of the first day.

◆Kishidan Expo2015 Foto

The Kishidan Expo's first edition, held in 2003 in Chiba Prefecture in the Kisarazu city, , was followed from the edition held at FujiQ HighLand .

Furthermore in 2012 the Kishidan Expo has moved to Sodegaura seaside park.

The Rockband, the Idol, even the presidents of the music industry and lots of people from the music world participate in this event great.

At 9 am a long queue was formed for the bus direct to Sodegaura'station.

Despite everything, however, since many buses arrived one after another, it wasn't a stressful situation.

Very soon, men with a uniform, and women with an identification number, joined making you feel the air of Kishidan expo.

Also, The event wasn’t set up inside a commercial activity but in a very large open space.

The landscape that reflects the sea and the great weather have improved even more the beauty of the location.

Once inside the location it's possible to admire the multitude of stands dedicated to the sale of food but also various souvenirs, proceeding towards the main stage area is very wide it is recommended to sit in order to see better, especially if you are tired of standing and you want to watch the show while sitting.

Furthermore, to the left of the stage you can see the sea, and enjoy the pleasant fragrance and freshness of the sea breeze.

Next to the main stage there are 3 stages, the first on the left is the 「TERAKADO STAGE」, the center one is the 「HIGO STAGE」 and on the right the 「UESHIMA STAGE」 and lastly the one where the winner of the expo will be crowned .

Positioned above the stages, there’s the logo of the festival held in these two days, and once again you can be stunned by the elegance and the preparation.

Not to forget anything, the DJ booth was located to the entrance of the exhibition where it will be possible to transmit the euphoria of music everywhere, in the case of a performance.

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10 o'clock in the morning.

To kick start the event DISH// arrives on TERAKADO STAGE and they start their concert with the song 「サ イ シ ョ の 恋 ~ モ テ た く て ~」.

The MC, wearing a gray jacket, begins to heat up the atmosphere saying: 「Well I have no money!」.

As soon as he turns his back, you immediately notice that the back is completely exposed and his "This is the poor style" created an hilarious situation.
On the occasion of Kishidan expo they also sang their new single 「俺 た ち ル ー キ ー ズ」 .

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Afterwards, it continued with the opening match of Moritomo Arashi.

Wearing sunglasses, he begins to walk towards the stage singing T-BOLAN’s song 「離 し た く は な い」.

Suddenly the sound speeds up and Golden Bomber’s Kiryuin Sho appears on stage and together they continue with the song 「サ ヨ ナ ラ は 歩 き 出 す」.

Furthermore, in the middle of Kishidan’s song「One Night Carnival」Ayano Koji Sho joins the stage and says, showing Moritomo due respect, 「Moritomo called me on this stage! My dream has come true! 」.

At the end the three singers finish the performance with T-BOLAN’s song「離 し た く は な い」.

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At the sound of Ketsumeishi’s「さくら」song, Moriyama Naotaro approaches the stage to announce the beginning of the festival and starts singing a modified version of Sakura dragging everyone into deep laughter.

Later he approaches the piano position and he begins with a solo and performing the original version of 「さ く ら」 .

Furthermore, he calls on stage Star Grand Marnier and together they perform the song 「生 き る っ て (っ て 言 い 切 る)」 and then do their presentation.

Finally we can say that edition has truly begun.

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After appearing on the screen “The man from old times” Hiromi Sato appeares on stage!
Wearing a bright red dress he said 「So guys are you ready?! 」and once the song「GOLDFINGER '99」started, the audience ran towards the stage! After doing this song he also performed his hits「お嫁サンバ」and「How many いい顔」 .
After doing these two song, he ended his performance with the song「2億4千万の瞳」 and he greeted the audience loudly “Japan!”.

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On the stage on the right, the UESHIMA STAGE, it was time for Sendai Kamotsu’s turn!
After crying out “SE・N・DA・I・KA・MO・TSU EVERYBODY GAY!!” he starts performing his piece「サタデーナイトゲイバー」and in spite of a burning sun, people stood up and showed their joy to the singer!
Afterwards, Igaguri Chiba said 「Hey guys, let’s all stand in the Kacho position!」and he starts performing his piece 「絶交門」.
The group moved from the main stage to this new one while running, and the tension reached the stars.
Furthermore, the singer mention the storm that hit Sendai prefecture and he showed a video to get donations.
During the 4th song, 「腐況の風」 they started throwing towels in the air, creating an hilarious situation but also to send a strong message to the public who appreciated a lot giving him a warm embrace.
During their last song then, 「チバイズム ~手ぬぐいを脱がさないで~」, they joined “The drifters” and they performed in「ヒゲダンス」and B’z 「ultra soul」ending their performance with laughter from the audience.

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The new girl group DenpaGumi was presented for the first time at the Kishidan Expo "The otaku girls representing Japan".

First of all Fukuzawa Mikuzu beated once on the Japanese drum calling the Japanese band on stage.

The group appeared on the stage with a very big energy and started performing the single「W.W.D」.

With the song「おつかれサマー!」 the audience raised up and moved their hands in the air, as quickly as possible, then they performed the new song written by the mangaka Asano Inio called「あした地球がこなごなになっても」, and they ended with the last single「でんでんぱっしょん」.

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Before the next guest arrived on stage, people began to shake with a very deep energy on the ground, until Golden Bomber appeared!

Swinging a towel in the air, Kiryuin Sho appears saying「Hello everyone! Are you ready to freshen up?」「Do you think I'm kidding?! Here they are the Golden Bomber!」and towards the audience 「I made you even more beautiful!」.

Then they start their performance with the song 「傷だらけ」 with which was possible to see all the viewers headbanging!

The announcer presented the group's members :「Since there is timing to respect, let's try to take advantage from the time still available!」, and Tarubishu Kenji incite the crowd to scream all together:「Come on guys! Let's do our best!」.

Kyan Yutaka says to the announcer :「As soon as I hear the word summer the amazing Magic Ball game comes to my mind! 」, and then the Magic Ball is tossed from a water-powered machine starting a challenge!

After the loud laughs from the audience, the band reached their performance's ending, singing their most famous song 「女々しくて」, turning the atmosphere skyrocketing!

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The Kyusonekogami come and opene their concert with the song of the CM 「MEGA SHAKE IT !」, jumping and screaming "We are afraid of the Yankee!" they start their song「DQNなりたい、40代で死にたい」.

In the midst of their performance Tomasaki Seiya in Akiko's role starts performing the song:「あの鐘を鳴らすのはあなた」.
At the end of the performance the KyusoNekoGami sing「ビビった」ending their performance.

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Minato Kaoru, Tamashi Group's soul, appeared on the stage wearing the typical body builder Animal Maguchi's clothing, and after him the announcer and all the rest of the band!

The show staged :「ペニスJAPAN」「押忍!てまん部」was enjoyed by the viewers a lot!

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Following this the Morning Musume.

OG wearing a golden dress, performs the first song 「ザ☆ピ~ス」and after that the others band members took the stage.

The other member of this idol group are: Yasuda Kei, Yaguchi Mari, Ishikawa Rika, Yoshizawa Hitomie and Arakaki Risa.

The group performed in the very popular songs: 「ハッピーサマーウエディング」」「LOVEマシーン」「恋愛レボリューション21 」, that being well known to everyone, was enjoyed by the audience a lot.


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First of all ROLLY& HEESEY group, Obata Ponpu(Dr. Sukanchi), Mikuni Yoshitaka(Key), Kusakabe Masanori(G)performed their first song Sukanchi :「恋のマジックポーション」.

It was possible to listen to an amazing ROLLY's solo, that was the accompaniment to Takuro Yoshida's song 「たどりついたらいつも雨ふり 」.

Then, with blond afro hair, sunglasses, acting humorously and a large band on his back with the words "Kishidan you're awesome", Yoshikazuya appeared .

He left his fans speechless performing the THE YELLOW MONKEY songs「BURN」「LOVE LOVE SHOW」, and closed the concert with one of the most famous song in Japan history, Sadistic band's 「タイムマシンにおねがい」!

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Taking the stage when sun was almost set, was the band VAMPS, participating at the Kishidan Expo since 4 years in a row!

Among the crowd a strong applause raised when HYDE rested a VAMPS flag towards the sky in the center of the stage making the audience go into a frenzy!

VAMPS all wear an uniform with shirt and jeans in a very elegant style!

In the song「LIPS」it was possible to listen an amazing solo by K.A.Z, while in the song「AHEAD」HYDE's guitar was added as second!

Then he moved his eyes to the audience and, after asking the question: "If it was the last day of your life, who would you spend it with?" the perform the song「BLOODSUCKERS」.

Once the song ended, all the band gathered in front of the stage. HYDE started repeating a lot of times:「We are VAMPS! We are back, back back at <Kishidan Expo>」.

HYDE said that the band will be very busy with the new tour L'Arc En Ciel in Osaka, and with a South America tour but, shouting loudly to the audience says 「Whatever happens, we will be here with you all every year!」.

With the night sky, we can hear a K.A.Z's solo during the performance of 「MEMORIES」, HYDE says「Hey guys, are you still there? Are you able to go on?? Let me hear your voices!!!」and after having heard the screams of the audience he said「Wow Wowー!」.

The singers, trying to sing towards the cameras, turned abruptly towards the stage with renewed energy and performed with a lot of strength the songs 「BLOODSUCKERS」and「SEX BLOOD ROCK N'ROLL」.

HYDE performs with all the strength he has beating the sound of the band to make them generate a deep roar, while K.A.Z beat the guitar energetically, one string at a time to give more energy to the performed songs.

At the end VAMPS left the audience with a long kiss and thanks :「Thank you everyone! We hope you can have a lot of fun still!」.

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Then GACKT appears on stage, dressed with a red jacket to present his newest work: 神威♂楽園 – Camui Gakuen.

He starts talking saying,「I'm the Students' President of the Camui Gakuen School」and,「I'm not GACKT at all! I just look like him! Call me President! So, let's train a bit!」.

The student's answer was shocking, cause instead of the usual 「Yes!」there was a「At your command!」.

At these words, the School President asked the audience 「So, are you ready?!?」and the students surprised everyone again answering 「At your command!」then he started the concert! What it was revealed with this dialogue was the exhibition's centerpiece.

The second song was an union between GLAY's songs 「口唇」「LIPS」and 「誘惑」「Temptations」which have been linked with the Kishidan's song「One Night Carnival」in order to create a new song called 「One Nightの口唇の誘惑のCarnival」「Lips' temptation in a one night Carnival」.

As soon as the audience noticed the union among the 3 songs, some smiles escaped from their lips.

The School President chose the song to make the students dance, asking:「This is a question both for girls and boys, are you all ready?!?」and they smiled 「Ready for everything!」.

Then with a serious look he said「Nishikawa, I like you like crazy!」GACKT goes on with the T.M.Revolution's song「WHITE BREATH」.

When in the end of this same song T.M Revolution came on the stage and started throwing sheets of toilet paper while the School President was busy at singing, dragging the audience in loud and deep laughters.

Requested from AyanoKoji, GACKT performed B'z's song「LOVE PHANTOM」,「愛のままにわがままに僕は君だけを傷 」,「太陽のKomachi Ange」,「Liar! Liar!」,「Calling」,「いつかのメリークリスマス」 and「恋心(KOI-GOKORO)」」 and since there was still time they performed in「B'zウルトラメドレー」.

Then, after having performed the Checkers's song 「ジュリアに傷心」, GACKT chose his song「情熱のイナズマ」.

While performing this song Golden Bomber's Kiryuin Sho, starts singing a song where everyone starts dancing "First time I did a Visual Live, there was a girl able to move his body completely" that goes on till the end of the live, making the entire audience laughs unforgettably.

The performance ended with the thanks:「I hope you'll be able to have fun still at your best!I recommend you, always clever!!」.

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To close the first day of the event, the band who organized it came on stage, the Kishidan!

The comments of the man who created the<Kishidan Expo> flow on the wall and he came towards the Kishidan stage with a traditional garment.

While singing the song「喧嘩上等」, Ayanoki Sho starts coming closer and dancing from the central stage.

A video showing the fighting spirit becoming even bigger, the singers start performing the song "カモン!カモン!" making viewer's hearts beat a lot.

From the sound of a motorcycle, the atmosphere begins to increase more and more cause of the song performed on Saturday Night precisely 「俺達には土曜日」, then with the song of the place 「木更津サリー」 it was a great feeling to hear the guitar's solo getting this song's notes even stronger.

「This is our city. But it doesn't seem to me right now. I didn't know there were so many people! You are so many! How could we do? Maybe, we won’t be able to do anything, we could indulge even more!!」─Ayanoki Sho

Once shouted these words, a strong applause raised from the crowds.

And after having presented the Rise Up CM's members, who handled the sound, Naotaro Moriyama appeared on the central stage and started a duet on the notes of the song 「ライバルズ」.

The song expressed the battle interlude between Sho and Naotaro.

Once the song was finished Naotaro shouted:「To be honest, all the exhibition I saw weren't as beautiful as the <Kishidan Expo>!」.

Then, Team ShachiHoko started to dance too, and , after having performed the song「Don't Feel, Think!!」a lot of guests kept coming on stage.

And the Morning Musume came on stage!

OG as soon as he arrived on the stage started performing 「恋人」.

During the interlude, Yugiuchi Mari says towards the stage :"Sexy beam!".

Ayanoki Sho answers to his friend with a smile on his face:「I just did it! I played it with Morning Musume!」.

The exhibition is full of happiness.

「We all always end up to go to Tokyo. Maybe this is the reason why we appreciate our small native and empty village, cause when we are in Tokyo, we fill its missing! 」 Ayanoki Sho expresses this thought together with the announcer showing his thought about the town in which Kishidan Expo was held, and the others with the words「You are really amazing people」closed the event.

Everyone on stage called all the School Staff, the School President GACKT and the Golden Bomber that performed the song「One Night Carnival」.

Then Sendai Kamotsu, Igakuri Chiba performed CHAGE and ASKA's song「YAH YAH YAH」.

The last missing team appeared on the last stage and shouted after the song 「YAH YAH YAH」another「YAHー!」

The fireworks closed the first Kishidan Expo 2015's day, leaving a lot of expectations for the guests on the second day.

Report e statements by Takayuki Okamoto

Photos Kugino Takahiro, Kazuro Aoki, Shuya Nakano

■< Kishidan Expo 2015 ~in Boso's City! Battle is open!It will be a fight with no equal!Are you ready?! So go!Go wild!!~ Presented by Shimizo Group>

September 19th 2015(Saturday) Chiba Prefecture, Songs list presented in the Sodegaura Park

【Moritomo Arashi】
M3.One Night Carnival
【Moriyama Naotaro】
【Go Hiromi】
M4.How many いい顔
M5.男願 Groove!
【Sendai Kamotsu】
【Golden Bomber】
M4.死 ん だ 妻 に 似 て い る
【Kyuso Neko Kami】
M4.ビビった - Bibi
【Tamashi Group】
M4.High School
【Morning Musume OG】
M1.ザ☆ピ~ス!- Il pezzo!
【ROLLY&HEESEY special guest Kazuya Yoshi】
【GACKT presents Camui♂Gakuen】
M1.スリル(versione breve)
M2.One Nightの口唇の誘惑のCarnival
M5.Don't Feel, Think !!
EN1.One Night Carnival


Translation: GACKT ITALIA Team