DAILY QUOTE #025: May 23rd

Here's today quote:




《PLATINUM BOX ⅩⅣ On sale now!》

Released 21st May, PLATINUM BOX ⅩⅣ!
Filled with some surprising, some unprecedented scenes of GACKT and the GACKT family on their journeys,
You may even see a mischievous GACKT you'll hardly ever see on TV^^
Look out for it!


TRANSLATION Official Blog - May 14th 2014

Forced again to reset (Blog Magazine Issue 62th)

Dear my LOVERS

This time I decided to post the editor's note from the blog magazine again.
Please read it.

*This article is published in full on the GACKT Blog Magazine "OH! MY!! GACKT!!"*

The movie "Akumu-chan" is finally over.


That doesn't mean the movie itself has ended.
In fact, the movie is being highly reviewed now.

That means that all the work associated with the movie is over.

It's a lonely feeling.
Because I worked on it for a long time,
I felt so unite to the staff and other performers
as a team.


It's not just that filming took a long time.
I'm so emotionally involved with the work.

Today I will finish writing down my memories
about my work in "Akumu-chan"
as a page of GACKT history.


If I don't do that,
I can't go ahead with my next work...

In the past,
after a tour ended,
The feelings I had toward that tour were so strong that I was often unable to move forward.

When it ended,
I ended up in a state like I had burned out syndrome or something.
A lot of the dancers were also like that.


The appearance at the venue in Tokyo was the last,
but there was a wonderful atmosphere in the venue.
The applause felt so good.

Following that appearance,
everyone associated with the film gathered,
and we had something like a farewell party.


I'm bad at making speeches in this kind of places...

I hate getting sappy.
It could have been better if I could at least say something funny...

I'm not the type who knows exactly the right thing to say.

When the film started for the TV Show
I joked about how disturbed I was by ridiculous tabloid gossip connected to a right wing attack,
and baseless accusations of tax evasion.


I said that that was definitely "My Little Nightmare"

Despite that, I was able to enjoy filming,
and I am grateful from the bottom of my heart that
Nippon TV's producers stood by me
in the face of that stupid media attack.

I want to give Mr. Toda, the producer of this show
a big, big thank you for being a huge emotional support for me.

I'm sure he's reading this blog magazine.
Thank you so much.

Thank you so much for being that nice to me.

I have no time to waste in sentimentalism.
My next work is coming rapidly.
The deadline is coming fast.


That night, I had a party with the dancers associated with the play
and I'm getting ready for the next thing.


But it's ridiculous how many problems are popping up.

Solving these problems is first thing on the to-do list.
I think about them seriously over a cup of tea.


The attitude the staff take towards the work,
dealing with those who aren't fulfiling their roles,
those who don't understand their own position,
the lack of communication ability,
the weakness of people not being able to move forward unless it's given to them...
it's an endless list of problems.

Can we go on like this?
No, let's stop it.


Let's stop moving on like this
with people who aren't doing their jobs right.

If we can't rebuild a solid organisation,
let's start over with a blank page.

I definitely want to move the people who come to see the show
more than they've ever been moved in their lives.
In order to do that,
I want to work with real professionals.

It doesn't matter how much the performers on stage raise their spirits,
if the staff and producers are amateurs,
the work will be ruined.

I've seen lots of those ruined works before.


Kato-chan, who was my right hand man for production until now,
isn't here.

He collapsed from illness and is undergoing urgent treatment.

"Without him, I can't do the play..."
I don't want to say that,
but this will have such a huge effect
on the leaders of each section.

His presence was a matter of course,
it is a big thing.

Before he returns,
I'll reassemble this rotten team.

If I don't,
then this production team really will get spoiled.

Among these guys, there are idiots who say things like
"Ahhhh, GACKT's started again"

I'm gonna sweep out those guys.
I don't need guys who I can't even call allies,
those who will shoot me in the back as I head to the battlefield.

I'm gonna reorganize with comrades I can trust to watch my back.
Before Kato-chan returns.

will I make it in time,
or not...

Will the play begin,
or be called off...

I'll do what I should do now.

My name is GACKT
My motto is "MR. RESET"

Those who can't reset their feelings
are quickly going to become useless.
If they do,
I'll reset them myself.

It's not just a normal reset,
it's a "Forced Reset".

Prepare yourself.
You stupid fuckers!

I'm always serious.
Don't disrespect GACKT.
Don't disrespect GACKT's fans.

The Presentation
is about being serious
it's about putting your life on it.



Kamui Gakuto
