GACKT Official X update. Translation below

I’m happy that Okinawa is ranked number one in child-rearing ability, but in Okinawa, where the divorce rate is the highest in the country, the underlying fear may simply be that “men who don’t take part in child-rearing will be abandoned.”

Times have changed a lot.
It’s natural for people to be involved in child-rearing, regardless of gender.
Especially in Okinawa, where the rate of dual-income households is high, men cannot use work as an excuse for not participating in child-rearing.

It’s natural to work, and housework is shared between the two people.
We need to recognize that this is natural.
Low incomes in Okinawa are still a serious problem, and wages remain low despite the abnormal rise in prices and rents.

Of course, this is probably not limited to Okinawa, and I hope that the new prime minister will do something to solve this problem.
The reality is that there is very little hope.
The fact that people think that nothing will change no matter who is in charge is a serious problem.
Change! Japan.

Translation: GACKT ITALIA Team

Translation © GACKT ITALIA