GACKT Official LINE update. Translation below:

Please be sure to check.

If you have been selected as a ticket winner for “GACKT – Daimaou Seitansai – 2024” to be held on July 4th, please be sure to check this.

*If we do not hear from you, it may be difficult to respond appropriately on the day.

*If you have already contacted us, there is no need to resend your ticket.

If you have been selected as a ticket winner,

✅If you have allergies

✅If you use a wheelchair, please contact the office in advance. 👇

🔷How to proceed

・Please send the necessary information to the contact information below.

*Only for those with allergies and those using wheelchairs

[Contact information]

GACKT Office

[Required information]

– Winner’s name
– Full name
– Name of person making inquiry (if not the winner)

– Email address
– Phone number
– Address
– Ticket type

([Day] Sunrise Chapter, [Night] Moonrise Chapter)

– Contact request
└ Allergies

(Applicable foods, etc.)
└ Wheelchair

(Whether accompanying person, whether support from venue staff is required, etc.)

* Accompanying person also needs a ticket.


Translation: GACKT ITALIA Team

Translation © GACKT ITALIA