A production report meeting for the movie “What if Tokugawa Ieyasu became Prime Minister” (to be released on July 26th) was held in Tokyo on the 22nd, with actors Minami Hamabe, Eiji Akaso, GACKT, Arisa Mizuki, Naoto Takenaka, Mansai Nomura and director Hideki Takeuchi attended.

This work is a film adaptation of a business novel (author: Akito Manabe/Sunmark Publishing) in which Tokugawa Ieyasu is revived using the latest AI technology and becomes the prime minister and rebuilds Japan. Set in Japan in 2020, in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, a cluster outbreak occurred in the prime minister’s office and, unsurprisingly, the prime minister suddenly died.The government plans to “resurrect historical greats using AI to form the strongest cabinet.” A story about implementing an unprecedented plan.

Hamabe will play the role of Risa Nishimura, the main character who is a new reporter for the political department of a TV station, aiming for the scoop on the strongest cabinet, Akaso will play the role of Ryoma Sakamoto, the Chief Cabinet Secretary, Mansai will play the role of Ieyasu Tokugawa, the Prime Minister, and Nobunaga Oda, the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry. will be played by GACKT, Takenaka will play the role of Finance Minister Toyotomi Hideyoshi, and Mizuki will play the role of Murasaki Shikibu, Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.

At the time of the offer, GACKT revealed, “At first I refused,” and added, “But the director told me, “I want you to play the coolest Nobunaga.”…I thought I might be able to do it, so I decided to accept. ” he said with a smile.

During filming, he said, “The director always compliments me,” but he also complained, “The way he praises me is so poor. He’s like, “It’s so cool!” “It’s so good!” I’m not happy at all.” .

Looking back, the director said, “GACKT was the only one I was scared of on set,” and confessed that it was part of his preparation for the role, saying, “As a character, I guess I shouldn’t get too close to my co-stars…” “The only person who approached me was Masahiro Takashima (playing Yoshimune Tokugawa, Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries),” he said, “The first time we talked was about SM, and from then on, No one talks to me anymore,” he said with a laugh.

Article Source: oricon.co.jp
Photo credit: MyNavi, Natalie, CinemaToday, NikkanSports
Encount, CinemaCafe, DailyCo, Tokyo Headline, Tokyo Headline, Modelpress, SunMarkWeb, JijiPressX, ZIPTV X

Translation: GACKT ITALIA Team

Translation © GACKT ITALIA