Artist GACKT (50), actors Fumi Nikaido (29), Ryo Kato (33), and model Tsubasa Masuwaka (38) attended Cocoon Plaza in Cocoon City, Saitama on the 14th, which is “Saitama Citizens’ Day.” Appeared in the movie “Flying to Saitama ~From Lake Biwa with Love~” (released on the 23rd) and “Illumination Lighting Event ~The Legendary Night when Saitama Lights up~”. When GACKT and the others appeared, people couldn’t stop cheering, saying, “GACKT-san!” and “Fumi-chan!”

GACKT greeted, saying, “I’m so happy that everyone waited this long in the cold,” and grinned, “I’m going to finish this event quickly and go home right away. Considering the cold, I have to go home a minute early.” In response to this, “Don’t go home~,” he said, “If you say that, we’ll do it for about two hours,” to the delight of the audience. Nikaido excited the venue by saying, “The release date is finally approaching. I’m glad to be able to come to Saitama on Prefectural Citizen’s Day and meet you face to face. Yay!”

At the event, the Christmas tree was lit up with GACKT calling out “Light to Saitama!” and the co-stars and audience doing the “Saitama pose.” There was a quick countdown, but GACKT said, “I can’t stay at this level,” and wanted to try again. However, there was an incident where the tree was lit up, so we had to redo the call.

The tree sparkled in champagne gold with approximately 450,000 light bulbs. When the venue erupted in admiration, GACKT commented, “This illumination is also very Saitama-like. I hope everyone enjoys it.” He went on to say, “I believe that this work will only be completed when everyone actually goes to the movie theater, laughs, speaks out loud, and shares their emotions.I hope that everyone will paint their own Saitama colors and make this movie exciting together.” I hope that’s what you want.”

Article Source:
Photo & source: Mynavi, chunichi,,,,,,,,,,,

Translation: GACKT ITALIA Team

Translation © GACKT ITALIA