GACKT Official LINE update. Translation below:

Yesterday, I made a live appearance from KL on “Chokugeki! Shinsou Sakagami (Direct Hit! Insider Sakagami)”. During that appearance, my remarks may have been misconstrued. I, GACKT, would like to explain what I wanted to say.

As Japanese people, soon as there is a problem, we put the blame on Abe’s leadership, policies, unenforceable emergency declarations, or untimely compensations from companies, right? Is right now the time to criticize and blame others?

What I said was, “I’ll lose my loved ones and you will lose yours, all because of our low awareness of the crisis, zero sense of urgency, irresponsibility and lack of self control.” And to the point of losing your jobs.

Medical institutions are currently overflowing with corona patients and can no longer accept people with other illnesses. There is no one to help people who really need to have a surgery.
This is not just about ourselves.
Your actions have led to the death of those people.
“Do you really understand that?” Is what I wanted to say.





Translation © GACKT ITALIA