GACKT Official Facebook update. Transcript below

Pay attention to the smallest details.

Original Post @GACKT

Ab Training wih own weight – For Beginners 1/2 –

You work on your abs a lot but, you can’t really break it.
For people with this issue, the problem often lies with the contraction of your abs.

If you remember the method of ab training that allows you to support your own weight with your body, you’ll be able to do this just by working on it everyday at home too.

Fristly, for beginners

Before you work on your abs, you must stretch your back and ab muscles.
And while tensing up your abs, rock left and right.
Recognise how your abs move with your body.
Then mainntain the state where your ab muscles are tenses

To be continued in 2/2

Transcript: GACKT ITALIA Team

Transcript © GACKT ITALIA