GACKT Official news update. Translation below:

This is an announcement from the executive committee~ <3.

The Miss/Mister Camui♂Gakuen and the Hellball Club Entrance Test is kicking off today from the Tokyo Branch School!

The hell ball which the President does 120 times everyday!
How many reps can you bear??
The executive committee will be dropping the President’s beloved 9kg hell ball on you♥
Those who get selected for Miss/Mister Camui♂Gakuen and to join the Hellball Club might get to go on stage and receive an award!?

Tokyo Branch School Schedule
14:30-15:00 Lottery application
15:15 Gathering
15:30-16:00 Hellball Club Entrance Test (For 20 students who have been selected by a random draw!)

Other branch schools will also hold the application about 30 minutes to an hour before the entrance test.

Please fill out the Kashikomari form (consent form) when applying.
We will be selecting participants using that form.

Scenes of the entrance test will be shot and may be used during the event, on SNS, or in the DVD.

Miss/Mister Camui♂Gakuen will be going on at the same time as the Hellball Club Entrance Test on GACKT OFFICIAL LINE!

For details, please look at the Gakuen bulletin.

Have you readied your hearts~?


Translation: GACKT ITALIA Team

Translation © GACKT ITALIA