GACKT Official Facebook update. Transcript below:

By learning how to use your opponent’s energy you’ll be able to use all kinds of new moves.
Push-and-pull technique runs deep.


Destroy your opponent with bidirectional movements

(Friend Vitari)

G: This idea of interception

G: You’re pulling this

?: Yes

G: Pull, then push here

?: Yes yes yes

G: Do that, and you’ll be able to break him

?: Whoa! Fast!

?: Fast!

G: Humans can withstand forces that come from one direction but

?: Yes

G: bidirectional movements will destroy their balance

G: The brushing movement, the pushing movement

G: Doing both at the same time… Like this

G: The pulling movement here and the pushing movement

G: From here, there’s a number of different things you can do

G: Elbow, reversing. A variety. You can break him down too

G: It’s fun to do it while thinking about these

?: Having fun fighting

G: This isn’t a fight!

Transcript: GACKT ITALIA Team

Transcript © GACKT ITALIA