GACKT Official Instagram update. Transcript below.

How to build sexy abs
Detailed version – Part 2
[Tips for abs]

When working on your abs, there are a few pointers to take note of

You have to makes sure that your butt and shoulderblades are kept in the same position

While you keep your legs at around this angle

You don’t to this while holding onto your neck, but your fingers merely touch your head

Otherwise your neck will hurt

So in this form, you slowly curl your body up, and while using a bit of roll, bring your body up

Imagine that each part of your backbone is leaving the floor, piece by piece

From this state, curl your body smaller, roll, and come up

Once up, bring your knees to your chest

Do this 60 times

Detailed version
To be continued in Part 3…

Transcript: GACKT ITALIA Team

Transcript © GACKT ITALIA