GACKT official Instagram update. Transcript below.

Look closely!

(Actor Kimisawa Yuuki)

G: When you’re attacking, your leg raises up but
G: when you raise your leg, the opponent will basically think, “he’s gonna go up”
Y: Mm

(Dancer Tennen)

G: This…
G: When you make this movement, you’ll give the impression that you’re going up
Y: Yes
G: At this point in time, here
T: Oh!
G: Like that
Y: Ooh
G: Then… Then

G: Move up then here
T: Oooooooh!
T: Furthermore, you can’t see it!
Y: You can’t see it at all
G: Like that
T: Yohaaaaaa!!

G: Ah, that can’t be helped
Y: H-hey, I didn’t see it…
?: Look closely!

Y: Look closely
G: Look closely

G: Look closely

Y: Putting your life on the line

Transcript: GACKT ITALIA Team
Transcript © GACKT ITALIA