GACKT official Instagram update. Transcript below.

Never say “It hurts” even with the hellball!

G: Rest you body properly on the support
G: Don’t say “it hurts”!

G: This is important
T: Don’t say “it hurts”
G: Don’t say things like “it hurts, it hurts”

G: Alright!
T: Fight!

T: 1! 2! 3!
T: 44! 45! 46! 47! 48! 49! 50!

G: From here on
G: Please put your all in it
T/Y: Put your all!

G: Alright

T: Amazing!
T: That’s high! For real?!

?: 8! 9! 10!
G: Argh!!

Y: Amazing…
G: That hurts…
G: That hurts!
T: What?
G: Eh?
Y: Eh?
T: Eh? You just said it hurts…
G: It doesn’t hurt

Transcript: GACKT ITALIA Team
Transcript © GACKT ITALIA