Hello LOVERS family! How are you all? Here’s GACKT Italia Staff Blog weekly recap. This has been a pretty long and exciting week signed by the release of GACKT’s new album LAST MOON. Let’s take a look to all the news and let’s start as usual with GACKT x Nestle video series:


And as usual, here’s the work of our team on all the subtitles for the Game Centers


GACKT has been really active on social media and that includes instagram with his almost daily updates!

And of course together with Instagram, GACKT also added a lot of official news regarding LAST MOON and the future collaboration live on Nico Nico with Yoshiki! Take a look!

And as active as he was on instagram, here are all the LINE and facebook messages of this week!


Together with the messages on social media, GACKT also released some new video for the promotion of LAST MOON. Take a look!


And here are a list of article released this week! Did you buy all the goods yet??

This is all for today! Have a wonderful rest of your weekend and an amazing start of the week! Kisu~