Members Pre-Sale for LAST VISUALIVE Kagoshima Performance

■FC Members Pre-sale ・Premium seats

■FC Pre-sale ・Premium seats with accomodation coupon (PlanA)

【URL】 (PC ・Handphone ・Smart phone)
【TEL】0570-06-9994 ※Same number for confirmation of raffle results

【Application period】 26 April (Tue) 18:00 ~ 1 May (Sun) 23:00
【Results announcement period】 7 May (Sat) 13:00 ~ 9 May (Mon) 18:00
【Payment period】 7 May (Sat) 13:00 ~ 10 May (Tue) 21:00


■FC Members Pre-sale ・Normal seats
■FC Pre-sale ・Normal seats with accommodation coupon (Plan B/Plan C/Plan D/Plan E)

【URL】 (PC ・Handphone ・Smart phone)
【TEL】0570-06-9971 ※Same number for confirmation of raffle results

【Application period】12 May (Thu) 12:00 ~ 16 May (Mon)18:00
【Results announcement period】 19 May (Thu) 13:00 ~ 20 May (Fri) 18:00
【Payment period】 19 May (Thu) 13:00 ~ 21 May (Sat) 21:00


《For Inquries》

・With regards to how to apply for the raffle, how to check for raffle results, payment methods, and non-receipt of tickets
E-Plus: 0570-06-9981 (10:00 ~ 18:00 / including weekends and holidays)
※Some handphones or PHS, IP phones cannot be used.
※Please note that call charges will go to the members.

・For other information and questions

※Both E-Plus and G&LOVERS will not respond to the following queries.
・Requests for changes to application details or cancellations
・Applications via mail or through operators
・Usage method or configuration changes for PC ・smartphone ・hand phones
・Confirmation of payment, confirmation of winning details, or cancellations after winning the raffle


For this round of applications, E-Plus is the commissioned operator.
The personal information of the members who applied will be temporarily managed by E-Plus, and will be used for the business of applying for this round’s tickets.
After operations have concluded, E-Plus will discard the information as soon as possible.

[Warning and request about unauthorised buying and selling of tickets]
During the previous tour, we have discovered the unauthorised buying and selling of tickets with the tickets being advertised in online auctions with prices above their actual price.
It is regretful that despite repeated announcements against this, unauthorised dealings like these are still going on.
From here on, if we discover any unauthorised buying and selling, actions like the injunction of ticket delivery even if you have placed a deposit, and expulsion from G&LOVERS will be taken.
In such cases there will be no refund of the ticket’s deposit. Tickets which have been obtained through unauthorised dealings can also be invalidated and the holder will be barred from entering the hall.
We will not take any responsibility for any trouble caused because of unathorised dealings.
We trust that you will act with our GACKT in mind. We hope for your understanding and cooperation.


Translation: GACKT ITALIA

Translation © GACKT ITALIA