GACKT Official instagram update

Hi bros n sisters. How are you doing? I finished the shows in Osaka last night. We've been working out for 3 hours before the stage. We have a lot of kind of works. This is one of it. You can get a tough abs with a hell ball method. This is for a back. You can get a strong back easily. Just do it. This is only for men actually. 元気か? 昨日、大阪の連日公演が終わった。今は声が全く出ない。さて、ボクらはライブの前には必ず3時間以上トレーニングをするがこれもその一つ。腹筋はヘルボールで作れるが、これは背中の強靭な筋肉を作るためのもの。難しくない。耐えるだけ、簡単だ。じゃ、やってみな。オンナはやらなくていい。 @GACKT #gacktstagram #gacktworkout #dailyworkout #日トレ #LVL #lastvisualive #backmuscles

Un video pubblicato da GACKT (@gackt) in data:


1.GACKT @miyuusamesima
Isnt it painful~?!?! 😅. 🔝@GACKT That’s not painful. It feels good.I can feel my body tighten.

2.GACKT @yumimineno

I thought of this as well when doing the hell ball but, are your internal organs alright, doing this? I get worried 💦. 🔝@GACKT It increases your internal strength. That’s why, your body will gradually become tighter. The internal organs gradually grow stronger.

Source: GACKT Official Instagram

Translation: GACKT ITALIA team

Translation © GACKT ITALIA