My voice can be heard
on GACKT Blomaga so,
those who want to read it all, check out the Blomaga

※This article is an excerpt from the
“GACKT’s Trashy Stories” corner in the Blomaga.

【Delivered thrice a month】

With regards to the use of the images from the GACKT Official Blog, they cannot be used for commercial means, adult sites, or prompts linking to other sites,
use in news sites, reproduction on personal blogs or SNS are authorised.

In such cases please indicate【GACKTオフィシャルブログ より転載】(GACKT Official Blog All rights reserved). However, if our company deems your site to be inappropriate, posting will be immediately prohibited.
(c)G-PRO inc.

Since I’ve come back to Japan,
I’ve been spending everyday in a hectic frenzy.
It’s also been quite awhile
since I’ve felt my body this tired.

In any case, my body is heavy.
This morning, again, I could wake up fine but,
the inside of my body was cracking so much I couldn’t get up.


Of course.
Because finally,
the LAST VISALIVE is starting.

this is really the first in 7 years.
The current situation is that there are so many things to do
that I might not make it in time.

But the only thing which has a progresison with such close shaves,


Even so, my body hurts.
However, the screams of this body
will become the loud cheers of those of you who come and watch (the VISUALIVE).
That is what I hope for.
These few years have been just for that.

The other day,
after rehearsals ended, we went out for a meal together
and remembered an indescribable strange sense of discomfort
from something that one of the others said.

『I saw it on TV.
You’ve been going to graduation ceremonies to perform
and you’ve been paying for all of it for 10 years.
Well~ that sure is amazing!! 』

Those words hit my heart…

Those like us who go up on stage,
will have a certain amount of influence to many people.
what’s a pity is that this influential power
doesn’t last until the day you die.


Depending on the person,
there are some who disappear just after a year
and there are also lucky artistes who continue on for 30 years.

This is just
me having to always be prepared for
the time when my 【expiry date】 suddenly appears,
during the time when my own expiry date
has yet to show anywhere yet.

until that 【expiry date】 arrives,
the things that I can do,
is actually not that much.


The thing that triggered the start of me
going to students’ graduation ceremonies and singing a song for them,
is a letter,
that was sent to me back then
when I was doing a radio program.

The contents of the letter that was sent to me by a Kobe high school student,
goes something like this.

『In these few years,
our school department has been met with the problem of not meeting the minimum quota of students.
If this goes on, our faculty will disappear.
Please root for us…』

The faculty that they’re in is called the 【Environmental Disaster Prevention Department】,
it was established following the Great Hanshin Earthquake,
and it was quite a new faculty at the time but,
as expected,
like the fear of earthquakes and fading of those scars,
the popularity of that Environmental Disaster Prevention Department also quickly disappeared.


Of course,
I don’t mind cheering them on but
instead I answered like this.

『I’ve no problems with rooting for you but,
does that really hold any meaning to you guys?
Even if I do that,
for awhile that faculty will regain some popularity but
the problem of lacking students to meet the quota will arise again.
What’s important is,
whether you yourselves
can convey your enthusiasm,
and appeal to the junior high school students who are lost on what to study
and to their parents
on why the Environmental Disaster Prevention Department
is needed in this day and age right?
In any case, make a move.
through your efforts,
the intake of next year’s freshmen reach overcapacity,
I will go to your graduation ceremony.』

With this exchange on radio,
I made the promise between the high school students and myself.

From then, with them being the centre of it,
they made efforts over and over again to promote the Environmental Disaster Prevention Department.
And impressively,
they stopped the problem of not meeting the minimum quota which had dragged on for years,
and with their own hands,
they successfully made the number of applicants far exceed their capacity.

To this,
I was surprised as well,
it is something that became a reality
purely as a result of their actions.


to fulfil the promise I made to him,
wrote the song
『No ni Saku Hana no You ni』,
secretly kept in contact with his school
with the aim of making it a surprise,
and achieved the fulfilment of the promise
of me attending his graduation ceremony.

At that time,
I, too, learnt many things.

even among all of you
I believe that there are probably very few of you who can remember clearly
the good memories of your graduation ceremony in school.
the【special moment】within your graduation ceremony
will always exist.


If during this【special moment】,
I can motivate them
with a great rush of emotion,
among all of them someone will probably, after 10 or 20 years,
become another person
who will motivate the new generation of youths…

I felt that strongly.


I always have in mind the intention
of motivating everyone from the stage.

this act of【motivating】,
without the right conditions and timing between the motivator and the motivated,
accompanied together with the【great rush of emotion】,
it will rarely be successful.

At a graduation ceremony,
those conditions are especially well aligned,
and I strongly felt that
it creates an environment that makes it easy to motivate.

If that’s the case,
doesn’t that mean that
other people in my position
should be stepping into this more…?
To that question,
that’s where I start with my【ego】.

I dare say,
that by using the word ego,
it means
【I do it because I want to】.

I don’t do it because I want to be praised by someone,
or because I want to be recognised.


On the inside,
there are those who would even call it a publicity stunt.
At this point,
I have no need for self-advertisement.

It is merely,
my ego.
Living as an artiste,
I have my pride too.

If the day when I burn out is approaching,
even if just for one more,
it is something I want to do
as an artiste.

That is my ego.

That discomfort that I felt earlier on
is because I think that there’s no need for words of praise
for this ego of mine.


It probably makes people think that I’m twisted.
I understand that too.

If I’m not twisted,
I can’t be an artiste.
Because I feel discomfort from a variety of things,
I can write works, create works.
And then express them.

Us artistes,
have a lot of discomfort and dissatisfactions
about society, people, and sometimes the country,
so to say with these dangerous elements,
there are probably many people
who possess distorted minds.

This time’s Last Visualive is the same as that.
It is the product of the cries of my heart.


Its constantly screaming out
about society,
about people,
about the world,
about the existence of humans.

My stage
can be said to be maniacal.

Of course,
I won’t deny it.

Because the world of GACKT is,
an extraordinarily maniacal world.


In the first place the maniacal world that I’ve created
is not common,
I might even have to do it in a small theatre.

My chance,
when I started appearing on TV
the name of GACKT spread across the country.
And, in other words, became【public】.

If it is difficult for society to understand whether its good or bad
to become public,
you soon become a target to be hit.

In the first place,
I really think that
it is unnecessary for my existence to go public.

Speaking of it, there are probably too many people who don’t understand,
and is the world that I’ve created suitable for the public audience?,
even I myself thought that it’s too maniacal…

Being able to continue doing this for these past 20 years,
I’ve always thought that it’s almost like a miracle.
That too,
is the result of all of your support.
I’m truly thankful…


Right now,
I embrace the hope in all of you.
If I can convey the cries of my heart
to even just one of you who come and watch us,
this soul may be able to be purified…

Well then,
from here its rehearsals again.
I’ll do what I have to do.
In any case,
I do whatever I can,
with all my life.

【Dream as if you’ll live forever,
live as if you’ll die today.】

To fulfil your dreams,
pierce through with strong determination.

This moment here and now,
is my life.



My voice can be heard
on GACKT Blomaga so,
those who want to read it all, check out the Blomaga

※This article is an excerpt from the
“GACKT’s Trashy Stories” corner in the Blomaga.

【Delivered thrice a month】

With regards to the use of the images from the GACKT Official Blog, they cannot be used for commercial means, adult sites, or prompts linking to other sites,
use in news sites, reproduction on personal blogs or SNS are authorised.

In such cases please indicate【GACKTオフィシャルブログ より転載】(GACKT Official Blog All rights reserved). However, if our company deems your site to be inappropriate, posting will be immediately prohibited.
(c)G-PRO inc.

Source: GACKT Official Blog

Translation: GACKT ITALIA Team

Translation © GACKT ITALIA