GACKT official instagram update

What’s up bros n sisters? I went to watch a Japan TKD competition today. They are really slim because they use a lot of twisting when they kick. This is a jumping side kick. We call it TYC kick. This needs to keep balance and same rhythm. You want to get beautiful hips, legs and butt? Try this. You can get it. 4 sets a day. 80 times for 1 set. Just do it. 元気か? 今日は日本テコンドーの大会に行ってきた。みんなとにかく体が締まってて綺麗だ。それは、テコンドーの蹴りは腰をひねり、足とお尻の筋肉を上手に使う。細くて締りのある足、ウエスト、上がったお尻が欲しければ、これだな。1日4セット。1セット80回だ。オトコにもオンナにも効く。じゃやってみな。いい夜を。 @gackt #日トレ #dailyworkout #gacktworkout #sidekick #practicekicks #基礎蹴り

Un video pubblicato da GACKT (@gackt) in data:


My bad, I had rehearsals.

I’ll reply to a few questions.

3. GACKT @_mmmxg How was the Taekwondo competition? 🔙@GACKT Well~, I was moved by the team competitions at the end. It was a clash of prides and, at the end I shouted a few times. It was great.

 Cool!! Whlie doing this, where should I focus attention on? 🔙@GACKT For this, the important point is to not change your posture. At first its alright even if you dont raise your leg. Pay attention to your rhythm, and pay attention to the rise and fall of your knee. In this video, there are a few who are doing it wrongly. Those who only move from below their knees are doing it wrongly. Your heel is supposed to float. Step on your heel. On your heel.

5. GACKT @daia_s4
 Thank you for your hard work *\(^o^)/* Is it 80 times altogether for both left and right sides? Or is it 80 times per set for each side… 🔙@GACKT Think of it at 80 times per set. But if it’s difficult, you can hold on to a wall or something too. In any case, try focusing on not letting your upper body fall.

6. GACKT @fuuka0704
 This kick is fine but why doesn’t your upper body move? 🔙@GACKT I can make it look like my upper body isn’t moving because I’m aware of the sensation of the exertion of strength from my core, the point centre of my strength in my waist, until the end of my body. As the awareness is important, when the awareness of strength reaches the end, the weight will occur there. In other words, its a feeling akin to swinging a bucket of water, and getting that pull. For that, you become aware of where the centre of your body is, and even while swinging the bucket, it will swing around the centre of your body right?

7. GACKT @ayuglovers
 It’s better to do both left and right sides right 😊 ?? I want to kick as beautifully as GACKT-san ❗️… I want GACKT-san to kick me ❤️ 🔙 @GACKT Of course, you do it by alternating left and right sides. That’s why each side will have 2 sets each. Got it?

8. GACKT @azukin7
 Is it like the feeling of a foot knife?! Hop hop bouncing… In the past when I studied Shaolin Kungfu there were similar kicks. Taekwondo is different?! Ah, come to think of it my 7 year old son is learning Taekwondo… my 3 year old second-son admires GACKT-san too w 🔙 @GACKT That’s right, that’s right. For Shaolin its the front of your foot, for Taekwondo its your heel. Well, there are a few points, the toes of the kicking foot cannot be lower than the heel. If you focus on your toes you can’t manage this so, its probably easier to understand the sensation of stepping on your heel. Enough about the height of the foot. When your leg is extended out you don’t stretch your toes out. Stick out your heel.

9. GACKT @sayulin704
 Is it true that you took the shortest time to get your belt? 🔙@GACKT I got black belts at about a hundred dojos. That’s become a record.
10. GACKT @bluelillith81
yes your right, tkd players have a great legs and hips. my son’s legs are much better now that he does tkd than before and i think that his legs are much longer than before to!! and i dont know why but since then he only thinks that he have to protect me😻 well keep the good work! kisses 🔙@GACKTthat’s really good to your sun. Congrats. Tell him to keep working out and to be a true man.

11. GACKT Well then, I’m off. Have a good night everyone.

Source: GACKT Official Instagram

Translation: GACKT ITALIA team

Translation © GACKT ITALIA