GACKT official instagram update

What’s up? Bros n sisters. This is a one of my daily work-out. It’s possible to do for ladies as well. This is not only stretching but also working on your adductor. Stand up with parallel stance, bend and stretch. Just 10 times for 1 level. Open wider as long as you can. Just do it. おはよう、元気にしてるか? しばらくは、日トレをアップしてみんなにやり方を教えるよ。 これは、女子でも出来る屈伸だ。柔軟というよりは、内転筋をつけるためにやる。これをやることによって、内側に向かう筋肉がついて足が細くなる。開脚はできなくてもいい。平行立ちで腰が出ないように、屈伸。少しずつ足を開いていく。10回屈伸したら、足を開いていく。こんな感じ。じゃ、やってみな。 @GACKT #gacktstagram #dailyworkout #gacktworkout #日トレ #屈伸 #bendandstretch

Un video pubblicato da GACKT (@gackt) in data:


1. GACKT @ntxjpofficial
What should I do to get that flexible…??? 🔙 You don’t do it just to get flexible, instead do it while building muscle. Don’t try to open, try to close instead. If you do that your legs will naturally open up.

2.  GACKT @arkkuggi
Gackt Mr. Sets your goals high and never stop working hard, even after you get there!👏🏻👏🏻 🔙 This is not so difficult that you can do it. Just try it baby

3.  GACKT @kumi_glovers
GACKT-san wasn’t as flexible as this in the beginning too right? How long did it take to stretch more than 180 degrees? To manage to stretch out? 🔙 It took aroud 2 months to open up. To 180 degrees. Because if you continue daily, you muscles will build up.

4.  GACKT @kaoru_7lovers4
Is it better to put your hands in front? 🔙 @GACKT When you put your hands in front, your body will be prone to tiliting forward, you won’t fall slightly behind from your body’s axis. That’s why you use the lower half of your body to push. For women if their hips aren’t flexible it’s not good right? Recently there are too many women with stiff hips. Simply by losening up your hips, your sex appeal will go up. Work hard.

5.  GACKT @seiryukingdom
🐢 I bought a body-fat scale and I check myself everyday. My body-fat ratio is 14.1% but how many % is GACKT-san’s? 🔙 @GACKT For 20 years, my body-fat ratio has always been around 7% to 9%. Depending on lives it may drop even more but, in terms of my daily life its around there.

Alright, well then, I’m off. Everyone have a good day. Until, tomorrow.

Source: GACKT Official Instagram

Translation: GACKT ITALIA team

Translation © GACKT ITALIA