GACKT Official instagram update

GACKT’s comments translation

@achaaaan125 Too wonderful may I lick (lol)← That’s not good right, if you lick.

 Magnum’s appearing! ← It isn’t…

It looks hard enough to sound like metal when hit but, what’s it like in real life? ← If I don’t use force it’s soft, when I flex its super hard.

I don’t wanna touch it.. I miss you as a singer… Now u are only a puppet.. Nor a human being nor a man.. I miss the old Gackt… @gackt sorry..← I don’t know if I’m a puppet or not. I am just telling you guys how to live with a good body, soul, heart and strength. If you don’t want to see this. Just leave.

 Your thumb looked like something ← Its not that small.

 Thanks to GACKT-san’s video, my ab muscles have been hurting for these 3 days… it means that its working right? ← That’s right. After that, the muscle aches will quickly disappear. Because you get used to it. From here on it’s difficult. The theme will become you increasing your load to the level where you can feel your muscles ache.

gackt Well then, I’m heading back into the studio. See ya.

Source: GACKT Official Instagram

Translation: GACKT ITALIA team

Translation © GACKT ITALIA