GACKT not particularly interested in marriage

“If I can be together with a lovely person forever (then it’d be good)”

2015-ott29-NestleEvent-sponichi-01Singer GACKT (42) on the 29th, took parte at the Nestle Japan’s launch event of the “NesCafe Flavour Roast Kiwami” , and was the first customer to be served in the “Season tour cafe”, open only for a limited period of time in Shinjuku, Tokyo.

“I didn’t like coffè at first. Before, I saw people drinking Espresso while I was in France, and I thought they looked cool so I decided to give it a try, but I didn’t like it at all” said GACKT. 5 years have passed since he became able to drink coffè, “Now I’m able to distinguish the different flavours, and now I make my own Espresso or Cappuccino. I also make my own latte-art, I became so addicted to it. I’m always making latte-art now. Lately I’ve been thinking that it would be lovely to find a girl able to make the latte-art but, I feel that there aren’t many girls like that” said with a bitter smile.

Lately in the showbiz the wedding-rush is increasing but, he shared his opinion on the matter and said “I have absolutely no plans about that. I’m not that interested in marriage, I just think that if I could be together with a lovely person forever then it would be good” . In addition, “First of all, I should be looking for a girl like that (before thinking about marriage)” said laughing.

His performance in mini-skirt for the Halloween event that took place this month on the 24th has become a hot topic. But, he said, “I myself was surprised when looking at the pictures I saw that my upper arms were too big, I was shocked. I’ll keep doing this as long as I can. But there are a lot things like that already” said a bit embarrassed.

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Source: Sponichi

Translation: GACKT ITALIA Team

Translation © GACKT ITALIA