Is everyone in Kyushu alright? Are you unhurt? Everyone stay calm so that we won't have a secondary disaster. It would be good to wear shoes indoors for awhile too. You could get injured by stepping on broken glass. Also, leave some water in the bath first. Just in case the toilet stops working. In any case, just stay calm.

We haven't confirmed the situation but, in any case I'll pray for everyone's safety. Don't be flustered.

Source: @GACKT

Translation: GACKT ITALIA Team

Translation © GACKT ITALIA


The last nationwide tour led by big bro GACKT-san

For me, the worst guy at dancing in the world

I'll be appearing as a dancer

Please do laugh

Its not a joke anymore

With only another half year before I enter my 30s, this training

I'm so embarrassed I can't say it

Right now, all that's left

Is to straighten up my back again


Translations: GACKT Italia

Translation © GACKT Italia


I’ve made you guys wait. Thanks for your patience. I thought of spinning the first threads of 2016 so, is everyone ready for it~? Regardless of whether there are people around you, are you ready to shout it out~?

1. @GACKT I finished my bath! Whenever you’re ready (。+・`ω・´)キリッ

.@chiichan0913 You’ve been waiting for it huh. Did you manage to clean up well?

2.@GACKT (*^^*)Teasing devil king ヽ(´o`;

This year too, the angry sadist (S) devil king…… seems healthy〜www.

I’ve been waiting〜〜ヽ(´o`;www.

@noriko1971 It wasn’t teasing, I was training.Thanks for waiting! Happy new yeaaar!! And, this is GACKT… the normal entertainer… GACKT...

3. @GACKT And I hope that you’ll change your twitter icon soon

.@silver_vrock I got it, I got it. I’ll change it after this ends. Don’t get so angry〜

4. @GACKT Give us the trending topicーー We’re all waiting for itーー And please give me new year money

.@Lecielxxx_ Why should I! Instead, you should be glad I’m trying!!

5. @GACKT GACKT-san coming on Twitter gave me a Mental Reset!!

.@BlueKj280911818 If something like that gives you a Mental Reset I’ll keep coming y’know?

6. @GACKT GACKT-san has descended! I’m gonna pee myself!!!

.@uraaamu Go before getting on here!! if it’ll come out, wait awhile! First let out what has to be let out, then do stuff after that right?

7. GACKT Even if there are people around me I’ll shout it out ⸜( ⌓̈ )⸝

.@yuicha0125 For real? Well then, from now let’s all try shouting it out together! Even if there are people around you. Let’s go, one~ two and『Mental Reset〜〜!!!!』

8. .@go0614hyde_yasu It came out without me thinking. Maybe it's the devil in me… My devil in me is always doing the Victory Pose.


9.@GACKT What should I do to get a Mental Reset?

.@CamuiSachi You’re asking how to do it? No choice then I gotta teach you. Do it without being shy. When you think there’s nothing more you can do, without bothering about whether there are people around you wind up and pose with a loud yell『Mental Resetttttttttttt !!!!』

10. @GACKT Did you not fall sick this new year? To welcome the new year, I hope you’ll change your icon from『Student Council President』to『The Newest GACKT-san』(*^_^*)

.@chiaki_moon That’s why I said I got it already. I’ll change it, I’ll get back to it.

11. @GACKT  Even without make-up!Wonderful~(๑´ㅂ`๑)♡*.+゜It’s a feast for the eyes〜(๑´`๑)♡

.@LoversGack Normally I’m always without make-up. Though, when I remove my sunglasses for some reason everyone diverts their eyes… There’s nothing sadder than this… I’m actually friendlier than you think!

12. @GACKT I’m shocked you’re a normal entertainer

.@keiggghhh Really? “From here on, I’ll just raise my own life higher!” was what I thought though, I’m so excited I can’t stand it.

13. @GACKT I’m going to Miyoshi (Ramen place) with my wife now

.@camui_dackt Enjoy its deliciousness〜 I went there at year end too.

Alright, well then it’s about time, shall we create a trending topic together? Let’s bury the rest of Japan’s trends with all of your emotions. Let’s go!! Today’s slogan is as everyone requested,『Mental Reset〜〜〜!!!』!!!

15. @GACKT Happy new year!! Kakedzuke was cool and calmー!!

.@solululu No no no no, it wasn’t calm right? It was continuous insecurity all the time… Even then, its『Mental Reset〜〜!!!!』. Got it?

16. @GACKT I really like GACKT-san. May I put this image up in my room?


.@cure_mice74 Sure but… It’ll appear in your dreams y’know? Is that fine?

17. @GACKT Sitting the toilet, ready and waiting

.@UPP23_3 What are you doing? Hurry up and come out! No, rather just come out already! And no matter what if there’s nothing more to release, release your energy from today and head into the future.

18. @GACKT Gakkun! I’m going to the Last VisuaLive!

.@kunon229 Isn’t that only natural? Tell the people from the family next to your home via interphone. Say『Shall we go to the LASTVISALIVE together? It’s life-changing!』. And it’ll become the spark that changes the lives of the people around you in your life too.

19. @GACKT I was moved that you didn’t blame the kids who got the Check wrong!!!

.@Aga_umauma What will I become if I blame them? No one likes such a senpai right? A senpai is,『Someone who will make others aspire to be like them, someone who will protect you when you’re in trouble, someone who ocassionally gets angry with you in a gentle manner』 Those are the minimum requirements.

20. @GACKT Show me big brother’s muscles for the first time in a long timeーーー!

.@shunta35057220 That’s why, follow my Instagram. I’ll show Magnum anytime. Instead of that, if there’s no secret command given you can’t see right?

21. @GACKT I can’t seem to build chest muscles much, how do I build it up?

.@Ryuhei_0301 You don’t have enough love. Ask your girlfriend to massage them, everyday. If you do that it’ll get bigger.

22. @GACKT Right now, how are you dressed while tweeting?

.@2012_noriko Later, I’ll upload it to Insta. Today’s trending picture.

23. @GACKT Do you think that there exists love towards your teacher?

.@Koichi_Dsk Fall in love more and more. There’s nothing that you can’t love. Or rather, if you can’t love it’s a crime.

24. @GACKT It wasn’t GACKT-san’s fault too ;;

.@usasa_dears It’s not anyone’s fault at all. For this one year, I had fun reaching further heights so, isn’t that good enough?

25. @GACKT @noriko1971 It’s Hiroshi… right ( 'ω')

.@gackt_yasu_hyde @noriko1971 No, it’s Gakuto...

26. @GACKT -sama After Kakudzuke, did you make a call to Johnny-san??

.@black_scull0704 Nope, next year I’ll take responsibility, and invite Johnny-san to be my partner. That’s good.

27. @GACKT I’m tired of waiting for my hair to grow out

.@Gackt0108Ikko I’m also tired of waiting, that it’s grown out between my legs. It’s becoming a bad situation...

28. @GACKT Right now I’m in the bath and pon (??)♪ lol

.@MAYU_DEARS How nice, sounds delicious… If we pon (???) all around the world, we wouldn’t be free to start wars though. what the hell is PON

29. @GACKT I’m thinking of joining a gym soon but, what kind of training does GACKT-shi do to build up your body?

.@falcon0623 So shall I start a gym? In Japan. I think if I did that everyone can know my methods but… If I want to do it will you guys I’ll start one.

30. @GACKT Show me Magnum

.@ahaanxx That crude way of speaking… Since it gives the impression that girls who like Visual-Kei are all like that, what I want to say is stop doing that. I mourn for the hard-workding youngsters in Visual-Kei now...

31. @GACKT Please show a picutre of the present GACKT-shi!

.@nagisuke74 That’s why, I said I’d upload it on Insta!!! Get on Insta too!!

I guess its about time. Just another 5 more.

33. @GACKT Right from the start of the new year it’s been filled with erotic jokes huh (lol)

.@reve_M_moon Don’t call such these erotic jokes. They’re not erotic jokes, lower body exchange. Not that… What do I call them, these things...

34. @GACKT The person I like is older than me!!!!! I’m about 1 cycle (12 years) younger!!! What should I do!!!!

.@kntwe There’s no choice right? Learn various things from them. It’s a lucky thing. That your own boyfriend can be your senpai in life is a lucky thing. When I was around 20 years old, my girlfriend was 10 years older than me but, even now I’m thankful. Because she taught me many things.

35.@GACKT Recently I’ve been thinking about it but, what’s the difference between “愛 (ai)” and “恋 (koi)”? (both are different ways to say love)

.@miho69634 “恋 (koi)” is something you seek, “愛 (ai)” is something you give. To give the other party something with your feelings and actions, and be able to feel blessed from that, that is “愛 (ai)”.

36. @GACKT Can I, a woman, enter that gym too!!!

.@rina_larcrun No no no no, what are you saying. Because there are only males and females in the world, all of you are brought together collectively as counterparts. I’ll make everyone beautiful.

37. @GACKT I want to play a game of life with GACKT-san

.@kaitaro07 Hey… You are already participating in a game known as life with me, and everyone around you. If you let your guard down you’ll lose y’know? 2016 has just started too right? Put in your KiAi. Don’t fall behind〜!Got it?

Alright, it’s about time to go. I’m glad I got to reply you all for the first time in awhile. Since I’m also alive I guess. Let’s be thankful for being alive. And let’s be truly happy to be able to welcome tomorrow. Let’s reflect on the bad things from yesterday.

Well then, read these final words of mine that I want to convey at the start of 2016.『Your smile brightens up this rotten world. Make the flowers bloom in this world with a wonderful smile』HAPPY NEW YEAR 2016. Ah, as promised I updated instagram.

Source: @GACKT

Translation: GACKT ITALIA Team

Translation © GACKT ITALIA


Genoujin Kakuzuke Chekku tonight from 6pm!
To what extent will GACKT's consecutive victories continue?
Also, tonight will Yūma Nakayama and Hiromitsu Kitayama (Kis-My-Ft2) that are on the same team as GACKT be able to change the pressure in strength?!

The Broadcast will start in 5 minutes!
Please while watching the program enjoy the data broadcasting to win a special prize too♪
Also make sure you don't miss what will happen to the '36 consecutive victories team' lead by GACKT, major highlight of the program!!

[GACKT Speed Report -1- Wine Check Edition] Wine master GACKT-sama did not hold back in revealing his wine knowledge, and updated his streak record without difficulty. How much further will he continue to keep his winning streak like this? He's off to an excellent start.

[GACKT Speed Report -2- Musical Check Edition] For the second quesion, Nakayama Yuma and Kitayama Hiromitsu (Kis-My-Ft2) of the same team were up. Midway GACKT left the impression of his fretful expression, but they cleared this one superbly as well! Win streak has reached 38.

[GACKT Speed Report -3- Taste Test Edition]
At present, the GACKT-led team holds a 38 win streak. The three of them give a sense of unity coming this far. Will they make it through as one? Or will there be a hole waiting for them to fall through? #Kakudzuke #GACKTSpeedReport

[GACKT Speed Report -4- Wind Instrument Orchestra Check Edition]
Right now the team has achieved a 39 win streak. Next, they will challenge for a 40 win streak! Will Nakayama Yuma and Kitayama Hiromitsu (Kis-My-Ft2) be divided as they listen to the "wind instrument orchestra"? #Kakudzuke #GACKTSpeedReport

[GACKT Speed Report -5- Team Win Streak Edition] Fi-finally... they got the "wind instrument orchestra" wrong, and the team win streak has been stopped here. Normal entertainer level for the first time. GACKT is whirling with fury and disappointment. Will he take his first defeat with the next one? #Kakudzuke #GACKTSpeedReport

[GACKT Speed Report -6- Bonsai Check Edition]
The most difficuly check of all, the "bonsai" check. GACKT completely dealt with being the effects of the win streak stop and splendidly got it right! Together with a triumphant roar, he was mentally refreshed. His personal win streak record has been extended to 41!

[GACKT Speed Report -7- Beef Check Edition]
With the mental reset, will the GACKT team end this as normal level entertainers!? And what about his personal win streak record!? It will all be decided with this "beef" check!

[GACKT Speed Report -8- Personal Win Streak Record Edition]
GACKT superbly cleared the final check~ Although the team's win streak has been stopped, his personal win streak record has been extended to 42!

Source: @kakuzukecheck

Translation: GACKT ITALIA Team

Translation © GACKT ITALIA

GACKT Official Twitter/Instagram

Tweet's GACKT Translation on November 2nd 2015

Encountered Camui♂Gakuen's School Trip!
#神威♂楽園 #修楽旅行

神威♂楽園の修学旅行に遭遇した! #神威♂楽園 #修楽旅行

Una foto pubblicata da GACKT (@gackt) in data:

Source: GACKT Official Twitter, GACKT Official Instagram

Translation: GACKT ITALIA Team

Translation © GACKT ITALIA