Hello everyone, I'm the Time Spiral producer!

Have you seen the first episode last night?

Isn't it cool the scene in which Shuya travels through time? !!

Today I want to show you a picture of the backstage in which Shuya drops some student's sheets on purpose, so Kentarou stopped to give her a hand and pick them up so Shuya has prevented Kentarou from putting his eyes on Natsuki.


We used the high speed camera to achieve an effect similar to a computer graphics one!

Don't miss the next episode (the second episode on September 9th) that wll slowly reveal the mysteries!

Good news for those who missed the first episode!

September 7th there will be a replica of the 1st episode on BR Premium at 16. Take advantage of it in order to follow the next episode!

Look forward for it!

Premium evening drama 「Time spiral」

From Septenber 2nd 《8 episodes》

【original work】Elen Mimori 「Tokeru rasen」

【screenplay】kiyomi Fujii

【music】Hiroshi Ikeyori


Meisa Kuroki , GACKT , Yuta Hiraoka , Seika Taketomi , Kitarou , Shighemitsu Oghi ,Naomi Akimoto , Kayoko Kishimoto



TRANSLATION: GACKT's message for Kenshin Festival

GACKT's message for the 89° Kenshin Festival

To me, Joetsu is my "second hometown" it's a special place.

When Joetsu citizens, the ones who take care of my beloved hometown, asked me to make Kenshin live again playing this role, I felt incredibly glad.

So, to answer their expectation, I was preparing the best Kenshin performance you've ever seen. But unfortunately, during my stage play my leg fractured.

And so this year I had to face this mission in this condition.

Sure, the idea thing would be to always be in best conditions to face something. But in real life, in most cases someone is forced to show his skills in spite of the various obstacles that unfortunately happen in life.

This time, my condition is difficult but I don't consider it an obstacle, but more a thrust to lift up the combattive spirit and I would be very happy if I was able to pass on to as many people as possible that, if you put your heart and will into something, no matter all the disadvantages, you can accomplish any mission”

『I wish that many people will come and visit this wonderful and quiet place, and I wish for everyone to know the lyrical beauty. And with this performance I hope to be able to pass on the Japanese soul.』

This was my thought that helped me move forward.

I hope that, with this event, many will fall in love with Joetsu.




The world is dominated by 'Mononofu' : descendant of demons (Mononoke) in the form of humans.

In MOON SAGA - Yoshitsune hiden GACKT plays the role of Yoshitsune who bears the power of Mononofu. In the second chapter he explores love the hate in a world of war and the true bond of friendship, in a fantastc but at the same time realistic way.

The second chapters starts when 2 months have passed since the painful battle of Yoshitsune against his best friend, Kiso Yoshinaka.

The story narrates the fatal encounter between Yoshitsune and the young warrior of the opposite team. GACKT's performance, with his deep and sensual voice and the melancholy look, is able to convey to the audience the inextinguishable pain he is going through, in spite of being considered the strongest warrior on the Genji family

While the strongest warrior of the Heike family (Genji's enemies), Taira no Noritsune, is independent, cheerful and strong willed: really different from Yoshitsune.

Still, a precious friendship grows between the two men.

Splendid is the acrobatic scene on the stage with a steep slope. The scene in which the corpse of the dead warrior roll down on that slope describes the tragic destiny of the 2 bestfriends that are forced to fight until one of them is killed by the other, screaming 'Why do we have to fight?!' - 'What is the meaning if this war... being at war means this!!'

Highlight of the play is the biggest use of the projection mapping technology in the history of japanese theater.

The images are projected on numerous screens resembling a Kamishibai (纸 芝 居 - paper drama, a form of storytelling that originated in Japanese Buddhist temples in the 12th century, where monks used picture scrolls)with lights that transform the scene in a forest, or a cave, a ship sailing in the sea or camp in the night.

GACKT's idea was to transform the teather in an illustrated book and this idea has been magnificently realised.

It's really surprising the creative ability of GACKT that realised all this alone, from the script, the production to the soundtrack, introducing different musical styles.

Look at the fanta-historical world in which Yoshitsune, so sweet and gracious that is almost not suited for the battlefield, charms the world with his kindness e changes his destiny.

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TRANSLATION: Oricon - Uesugi “GACKT” Kenshin performs, despite the leg fracture


In Joetsu, Niigata prefecture the hometown of the hero lived during the Sengoku period: Uesugi Kenshin, the 89th Kenshin festival was held with the title <May the Ghi spirit be with us, forever> and GACKT played the role of Kenshin on the afternoon of the 24th. In 2007 GACKT played the role of Kenshin in the NHK TV drama 『Furin-Kazan』and this is the 6th time that he appears in the Kenshin festival.

During the stage play wholly produced by GACKT himself ”MOON SAGA- Yoshitsune hiden- 2” , GACKT fractured his left ankle but, despite all this he commented "This is not an handicap, but simply a thrust to pull up the combattive spirit."
He marched in the city conducting 500 armed men.

GACKT said ”To me, Joetsu it's like my second hometown, it's a special place" and then "I hope that for many, this event will be an opportunity to know the beauty of Joetsu and that many will fall in love with it, as I did"

Source: Oricon
Translation: GACKT ITALIA Team


TRANSLATION: - GACKT performance riding on a white horse at the Kenshin Festival

During the 89th Kenshin festival held on August 23rd and 24th in Joetsu, Niigata prefecture, GACKT playet the role of Kenshin as a guest of honor. GACKT played the same role in the NHK Historical TV drama "Furing Kazan" in 2007.


The kenshin festival is an event that has been held every year since 1925, dedicated to a hero lived during the Sengoku period called Uesugi Kenshin. Today, August 24th GACKT rode a white horse playing the role of Kenshin during the march and the reenactment of the Kawanakajima battle. The festival reached it's highest point when GACKT launched a cry of triumph to all his 500 men in the war company.

During the stage play ”MOON SAGA- Yoshitsune hiden” fully produced by GACKt himself, GACKT fractured his left ankle but, in despite of this he commented  "I wish to pass on to as many people as possible that if you put your heart to it, despite all the disadvantages, you can accomplish any mission"

GACKT also said

“To me, Joetsu is like my second hometown, it's a very special place for me.

When Joetsu citizens, those who take care of my beloved hometown, asked me to make Kenshin live again by playing this role, I felt incredibly grateful.

So, to answer their expectations I was preparing the best Kenshin performance you've ever seen. But unfortunately, during my stage play, I broke my leg.

And so this year I had to face this mission in this condition.

Sure, it would be ideal to always be in perfect conditions to face a mission. But in real life, in most cases we are force to show our skills despite the obstacles that happen in life.

This time, I don't consider my difficult condition an obstacle, but the engine to pull up the combattive spirit and I would be very happy if I was able to transmit to as many people as possible that, if you put your will and loyalty into something, despite every disadvantage, someone can accomplish any mission"

『I wish that there will be a lot of people to visit this beautiful and peaceful country, I wish that everyone could learn the lyrical beauty of this place. And by doing this performance I hope to help passing on the Japanese soul.』

This was the thought that made me go on. I hope that, with this event, many people will fall in love with Joetsu.

I GACKT hope from my heart that the number of people passing on the wonderful "ancient Japan" will increase, it has a tradition of hundreds of years.


Translation: GACKT ITALIA Team