TRANSLATION: Facebook July 23rd


《『Akatsukizukuyo -DAY BREAKERS-』Limited Edition, applications closing today!》

Huge number of responses in return to
『Akatsukizukuyo -DAY BREAKERS-』, the new song due to be released on 1st October.
With the world'd first ever Life-Sized Jacket!

Have you all applied for your copy?
It'll be October by the time you recieve yours,
But the 『Life-Sized Jacket』 is only available for applications on the GACKT Store!
What's more, today's the final date for application!!

It's being designed based off GACKT's real height.. so it'll be BIG!!
It'll be just like having one extra person living with you, so you'd better start planning on where to put it

Shooting for the PV have come to an end, and we're moving on smoothly onto the production!

Only 6 hours left!! (ndGI. 10 am GMT)
Don't miss your chance!

☆Details here☆


《GACKT Voiced-Ringtone, Voting OPEN!!!》

「What would you love to have GACKT saying to you?」

The GACKT Official Facebook exclusive event☆
Messages you would love GACKT saying to you!!!

Firstly, a big thanks to everybody for all your submissions♪ヾ(*´∀`*)ノ

Finally, the time has come!!
It's time for everybody to vote on their favorite messages!

In this fabulous event, the message with the most votes in this election,
Will be sent out with GACKT's voice!!!

You're probably all wondering what sort of messages were submitted, right? ^m^♪
This is your big chance to have your vote spoken to you by GACKT himself☆

Don't hesitate to get your vote in

☆Voiced-Ringtone voting here☆

TRADUZIONE Moon Saga official Facebook: July17th

Hello everyone!
I'm a staff member of the MOON SAGA-Yoshitsune Hidden - stage production committee。
Today, i am going to introduce a portion of the story to everyone。


Since an era long ago,「Mononoke」had existed in this world。
Some appear no different from humans, some take on the appearance of beasts, yet others do not have substance/cannot be seen by human eyes.

Such Mononoke, possessing different/special abilities that humans do not have, are feared to bring about disasters or catastrophes. And sometimes they are held in awe and revered as 'the incarnation of gods'.

Mononoke and humans have thus coexisted for a long time, eventually a new existence that did not belong to either side, was born.

The relationships between Mononoke and humans (that let to) those that have inherited the blood and different/special abilities --
They came to be called 「人に非ざる者」「not like humans」or「者ノ不」「mononofu」.

Mononofu possesses special abilities「power/chikara」and the types of special ability are known/shown only to their own kind.
There are those with the superhuman strength to crush huge boulders、those whose hands can heal all wounds.
Those who can predict the future, those who can read human minds.
Those who manipulate the elements of fire and water, those who can dance through the air.

As the number of mononofu gradually increase, those with special abilities start to govern the humans.
Along with the days and months, they expanded their forces in various parts of Japan, there are clans who prospered as warriors serving the Emperor, yet others clans became powerful and spread out to take control over vast lands.

Time flowed, (to) the late Heian period.
The clans of mononofu who had joined with royal blood, Heike and Genji.
They boast of huge power as samurai and their influence extended to misled/perplex even the Imperial Court.
Both clans swelling and rising up by the power they possess, their desires changed to become 'I want to be the sole ruler over the whole nation', and thus the fight between the two clans of mononofu began.

The gorgeous stage production showcasing the stage play!
Please look forward to it!

source: MOON SAGA official facebook
translation: GACKT ITALIA Team



Good morining everyone!
This is the production staff of MOON SAGA-Yoshitsune Hiden.

Every day (the actors) do not forget to stretch in order to get through the intense rehearsals.

(The exercise in) this picture looks painful, but everyday the fatigue is different and the power of the performance becomes more consistent!

Still, this looks really painful...


Source: Moon Saga Official Facebook page


《「Camui Zaibatsu presents: Off to meet GACKT Kenshin~!!」 Applications closing today!!》

News for all those FC members who have applied by 15th June!!
About the Camui♂Gakuen, 2 day 1 night open camp!

Today is your last chance to apply☆

Applications now will make it in the nick of time!!

Wait, what??
YOU-Senpai and Sato-Senpai
are scheming something fun!?!?!?

I wonder what they're up to!

With that,
Details to be found here♪

GACKT Official HP - LOVERS Info
