[VIDEO] OH!! MY!! GACKT!! Blomaga vol. 15

Video di GACKT dal broadcast su NicoNico channel della OH!! MY!! GACKT!! Blomaga vol. 15

RUN-WAY.JP: Pre-orders start on dazzy for the new brand of party dresses produced by GACKT!

Online fashion retail site management company dazzy co., ltd., has announced a new party dress brand「MARGARET NOCTURNE」produced by GACKT.
During the launch event held in Tokyo on 27 September 2017 (Wed), GACKT-san appeared together with models who were wearing the dresses, and he spoke about the concept.

The theme is「the two sides a young lady possesses」

MARGARET holds the meaning of a「white flower」, while NOCTURNE holds the meaning of the「black night」, expressing the dual nature of a young lady who shows the mature side of her in glimpses. With GACKT’s feelings in the designs, there are no other like them.

「Please do make men's’ hearts race」

GACKT-san said「Even with a mature impression, it is sexy with the chest area is open, and the back style showing a lot of skin. I hope that wearing these dresses, you’ll make men's’ hearts race」.
In Japan, there still aren’t many chances to wear dresses on a daily basis but with GACKT-san’s encouragement, let’s put on MARGARET NOCTURNE dresses and strut out!

「Make training a daily habit」

GACKT-san often talks about how to show off your body figure and sculpting a body that suits the clothes, and on this day, he was lightly dressed in a white knit top.
「If you train once a week it’ll feel painful and it will make you want to stop but if you make it a daily habit, like brushing your teeth, it will be good」he said! As a girl, it makes you want to do your best for cute dresses.

Pre-orders start on Sep 27 (Wed)! The price that you’re concerned about is……

The price range is set very reasonably, from 5,000 to 20,000 yen!
Black party dresses that you’d want to have. With dazzy’s MARGARET NOCTURNE, you’ll be able to boast「It’s produced by GACKT!」♡♡

Source: RUN-WAY.JP

Translation: GACKT ITALIA Team

Translation © GACKT ITALIA

NIKKANSPORTS.COM: GACKT on Amuro's retirement 「A finale fitting of her」

 On the 27th, in Tokyo, musician GACKT (44) attended the launch event for a new brand「Margaret Nocturne」 which he produced.

 He arrived wearing slim black pants and a white fitted knit top. 「Recently, my chest has grown bigger」he said with a smile,「I want to show that this is achievable even if you’re only training using your own body weight」. Also, with regards to Amuro Namie’s (40) retirement announcement, he said「I think that it’s really a waste but it’s a finale that’s like her」.


Translation: GACKT ITALIA Team

Translation © GACKT ITALIA

TOP.TSITE.JP: GACKT, on Amuro Namie's retirement announcement 「A finale fitting of her」

GACKT, about Amuro Namie's retirement announcement 「A finale fitting of her」

On the 27th, singer-songwriter GACKT attended the launch event for the new party dress brand by「dazzy」, which deals in ladies’ fashion. When asked about singer Amuro Namie’s announcement to retire from the entertainment industry in September of 2018, he expressed regret about it, saying「I honestly think that it’s a waste」, but then added his opinion with「I guess you could say that it’s a finale that’s like her. I suppose it comes in such a form as well」.

At the launch event, GACKT revealed that he is involved in dazzy’s new party dress brand「MARGARET NOCTURNE」as the producer, and 8 models wearing dresses from the brand were present.

With regards to the brand’s concept, he explained「The dual nature that comes from the image of a “lovely young lady” that is linked from『Margaret』, and the image of a “young lady dancing in the night” that is linked from『Nocturne』is represented in one dress」. He then commented on its charms, saying「This design, which hides the chest while the back and underbust seems like they can be glimpsed, makes it a dress that makes a person’s heart race when standing next to someone wearing it」. 「By all means, please do (wear the dresses and) make the hearts of men around the world race」he said with a satisfied expression.

Following this, he also shared his opinions on the environments where Japanese women wear dresses.「On average, their ranked highly, Japanese women. They’re cute and they’re beautiful too.. However, it feels like they don’t have a place. Overseas, there are many places where dresses are worn, and it is full of places where one can express themselves. However, in Japan, there’s an atmosphere akin to『not allowed to wear this』」he said. Commenting on the environments around dresses and women, he added「Recently I feel that it would be great if they had a more carefree approach」.

In addition, he also mentioned his own body sculpting. GACKT, who shows off his fashion sense in a white knit and black pants which fit him perfectly, said with a wry smile「Recently my chest has grown bigger, and it’s been emphasised on……」, then smiled and said「I thought that I wanted to show that simply training with your own body weight, you can achieve this too, so that’s what I’ve been doing these days. It’s not that much different from brushing your teeth」.


Translation: GACKT ITALIA Team

Translation © GACKT ITALIA

WWDJAPAN.COM: GACKT produces sexy dresses「I would like them to make men's hearts race」

dazzy, which manages sites like the dress retailing site 「DAZZY STORE」 and more, announced a new brand 「MARGARET NOCTURNE」on September 27, which had musician GACKT involved as a producer.

The brand represents a lady who possesses the dual nature of the white flower, “Margaret”, and the black night, ”Nocturne”. At the press conference, GACKT explained, 「The brand’s female image is one of a woman who is a combination of one side, the loveliness of a young lady, and another, a mature side of dancing in the night. For example, at a glance, it creates a chic and composed impression, yet the back shows off skin sexily, and the design shows glimpses of the chest. It’s made with the image of a woman who will make the hearts of men race」. There are a total of 10 dresses, in black, and the price ranges from 7,900 to 15,000 yen. Pre-orders are being accepted at 「dazzy story」.

GACKT also designs his own clothes. On this occasion, he was wearing a pair of the sarouel pants that he is proud of, that came from one of his 25 original designs.

dazzy was established in 2007 and opened 「dazzy store」. In the next year, a physical store was set up in Kabuki-cho. Presently, they manage a few other original brands, including their “hostess” dress line, 「DAZZY QUEEN」, little black dress line 「DAZZY BLACK」, and their line for weddings or after parties,「DAZZY ANGELS」, and have 4 stores in places like Naha and Sapporo too. They’ve recorded sales growths for 9 consecutive quarterly periods, and have 4 billion yen in sales.


Translation: GACKT ITALIA Team

Translation © GACKT ITALIA