TRANSLATION LOVERS ROOM: With regards to fiscal year 2015 renewal benefits - July 13th 2015

With regards to fiscal year 2015 renewal benefits

The proceeds from the auction of GACKT's personal artifacts held at the venue of 「MOON SAGA -Yoshitsune Hiden- Chapter 2」 last year, will be used in the production costs of fiscal year 2015's renewal benefits.

Concluding with GACKT 15th Annivesary, and the upcoming 「LAST VISUALIVE」next year, we have made【Ticket Holders】 for the many LOVERS who come to visit.

From here on too, GACKT and G&LOVERS look forward to be of assistance to you.

Source: LOVERS Room

Translation: GACKT ITALIA Team


GACKT ITALIA Staff Blog - July 12th 2015

Happy Sunday LOVERS family! How are you all? Here's GACKT ITALIA Staff Blog, so if you missed something about GACKT last week, you can find here the news' recap! Are you ready? GACKT x Nestle Game Center video are finished for now, while waiting for the Season 2 to start again on September 1st, every week we can watch this:

GACKT X Nestle Game Center – Kobe Sannomiya Film Festival #2

...and, of course, the videos we subbed for you all:

GACKT x Nestle #228 - Get Bass - February 13rd - sub eng GACKT x Nestle #228 - Get Bass - 13 Febbraio - sub ita

Official News translations:


All the Facebook updates:

A very touching blog from Takeshi Nakano:

Takeshi Nakano_03

Interviews about GACKTracks - ULTRA DJ ReMIX-:

Excite_Release party report_07

Two very very interesting videos:

[VIDEO] GACKT on Ichii to Biri on July 3rd 2015 - July 5th 2015 [VIDEO] GACKT ad Ichii to Biri il 3 luglio 2015 - 5 luglio 2015

[VIDEO] GACKT Message About GACKTracks at Nico Visual – June 30th 2015 [VIDEO] Messaggio di GACKT su GACKTracks al Nico Visual – 30 Giugno 2015

and of course, Blog and Blomaga translations, touching as always:



That's all for this week! See you next Sunday! HAVE A WONDERFUL WEEK WITH GACKT AND GACKT ITALIA! Stay tuned~ Kisu!


GACKT x Nestle #232 - Get Bass - February 17th - sub eng

GACKT x Nestle #232 - Get Bass - February 17th - sub eng

TRANSLATION BLOMAGA #102 - June 27th 2015

“Yaーsashiーiーeーgaーoーde〜〜〜・・・♪♫“ (Love Letter)


Oh~, it's you, what's up???

“Why are you alive? Isn't it strange?”
... you say...

What are you trying to say
calling me out of the blue like that??

“At yesterday's birthday party
you opened bottles of tequila like mad right?”
... you say...


At just last night's BD party
we easily opened 200 bottles of tequila right?
Honestly, at the end I couldn't even count.
Just for me alone I downed 150 cups...

“Why, after that, are you still alive?”
... you ask...

Hey you! Don't underestimate Okinawans!!!
When it comes to alcohol
Okinawans will never lose!!!


Anyway, hey you,
did you call just to say that?

“You said that you're extremely busy until your birthday
so you'll call me the next day”
... you say...

Sry sry...

“So, were you really busy?
What on earth did you do this week???”
... you say......

Hey you,
do you really want to hear everything about this week from the top?
It's a really long story but,
is that alright with you?

Well, I'm fine either way though.
This time I'll give tell you special a rough outline
about what happened in this dark week I guess...
This time it's special alright?
Or rather I should say,
it's going to be really long alright?


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When I arrived in Japan it was already night so
I went home as it is
and then headed for Chiba
because there was a shoot for the AQUOS commercial.


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Because the shoot this time requires a horse,
after I was done with make-up
I thought to head to the riding grounds to warm-up
before starting the shoot...

The horse was happy, really.

“Isn't the horse dangerous?”
... you ask...

If you mess around it's really dangerous.
At the risk of death.


Well, if you're talking about dangerous,
it's a living thing that runs at that kind of speed,
and its different from a bike or car
that can't be turned if the handling breaks off,
even if I wanted to right
there are times when it goes left.
There are also times when it suddenly gets violent.
There are also times when you can fall to the ground from the horse.
There are also times when you can get stepped on after you fall.


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If, you get stepped on by a horse
without a doubt it would be instant death.
If you were stepped on by a living thing that weighs close to a ton
you'll definitely die.

Even so,
there's isn't a met attached anyway
if I fell I'd get injured.


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It's making a cute expression though.
Each one of them have such different personalities.
Making such a cute expression, this is so intense!!!!
.... there are occurrences like that too.

Well, it's the same with women.

“Am I intense too??”
... you ask...

Hm... so-so I guess.
If you're comparing with that horse's intensity
it's probably nothing great.


But to practice and repeat training
with those horses,
disciplining them, then having yourself in the saddle
and continuing until you achieve control
you have to work to the end with each other.

That's why,
horse riding is fun.


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Galloping along the seaside on a horse really feels good.
Because its something you rarely get to do.

During the intervals of the shoot
that's what I felt while checking the manuscript,
and while working on the new song.


There are many ways to make use of waiting time.
only during the waiting times can you do your other work.

Again, I was soon called back to shooting.
This repeated itself a number of times in one day.


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After we were done shooting with the horses
next I returned to Tokyo for yet another shoot.

By the time I finished the shoots for the day
it's already night.

It was a pretty long shoot.
But, unless they took what they could
I wouldn't have made it.


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The next day started from morning again.
I started doing voice-overs for a game.

“What's a voice-over?”
... you ask...

It's a voice recording that's used for dubbing.
It's the job that breathes voices into anime and games.
In my case it's recently more geared towards games.


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This time,
I've been asked to voice
Dragon Nest's Velsklud again so
that's why there's this recording session.

“Do you do the voice-over alone?”
... you ask...

That's quite an astute question.
There are times where you do it on your own,
but there are instances when the whole cast does it together.

This time it's just me alone doing the recording.
Mine is the earliest recording so
I'm doing the recording without anyone else's voice in it
and I have to do it
while imagining that I'm talking to someone else.


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voice recording is my favourite field so
no matter what the circumstance,
I can enjoy myself.

This could be my favourite job.
Because I can deliver the charm of my voice best.

What I like the most
is a job that breathes live into different characters.

Because without a voice,
it's really just a picture.

“Does it take a lot of time?”
... you ask...

Nope, in my case it's quite fast.
There's almost no need for re-recording.


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I'd say, maybe it's better if I liven myself up a bit... or,
maybe here I should be more emotional to get more balance... or,
in the middle of recording I compare what we have so far
and think, as expected this one's probably better... and make a suggestion.
There are times when I look to improve myself.

During those times,
because they have to do re-recording in sections,
in the basis of work it is tedious but
as I want to leave something good even if just a little
so I don't mind taking the time at all.


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Well, even if I do that
I guess I will still finish quite quickly.

After the recording ended,
there was a commentary shoot and such.

“Not just your voice?”
... you ask...

In my case,
because I'm often also collaborating in the advertising
it's common for me to shoot a video too.


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So, after that shoot ended
I headed to the salon.
Because I have to fix my hair but haven't been there.

“Did you make it gold?”
... you ask...

I went back to black but I had gold coloured hair.
It finally grew out too.
Recently I've been working hard
and aiming to look like a guy who suits black hair.


if length at some in-between point
there was a period of time where no matter what I did it was weird.
It finally grew out a little and looks somewhat decent...

My fringe finally grew out too.

So, after my haircut,
I headed to yet another site.
On that day was NicoLive's
3-hours special broadcast.

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Source: OH!! MY!! GACKT!!!

Translation: GACKT ITALIA Team




My voice can be heard
on GACKT Blomaga so,
those who want to read it all, check out the Blomaga

※This article is an excerpt from the “GACKT's Trashy Stories” corner in the Blomaga.

【Delivered thrice a month】

Some how...
in 2015,
on 4 July,
I have survived
the birthday party from hell.



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These few days,
because I haven't been able to sleep at all,
I thought that if I collapsed halfway
this tequila birthday party from hell
might be my last... but
it would seem like this will repeat itself next year too.


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One, after another,
I'm honestly to happy be able to
add another year without incident this year.

The business community, the entertainment industry, regardless of occupation,
to my many business associates,
to my many close friends who rushed for me too,
I would like to sincerely thank them.

And to all the LOVERS
who still celebrate GACKT,
I would like to convey my thanks and love from the bottom of my heart.

I'm not good with words but...
I really,
thank you.


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One, after another,
because it's this season,
many things suddenly crossed my mind.

isn't just about always doing well.
If I were to make a comparison, life is like surfing.

There are people who have peaks and valleys in their life but,
I don't think that life dips down.
like surfing you're always on the waves
preparing to ride the coming wave,
and the challenge is to find a big wave.
While looking for that, you ride the small waves.


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What techniques are used by
surfers who can ride big waves?

These guys
don't just wait patiently for the next wave offshore.
Instead, guys like that
even if they managed to find a big wave
they will be swallowed by that wave, and that will be the end.

First of all is to go out to sea.
This, in relation to life, would mean to start moving.
Before thinking about this and that
first you have to move and try getting into the sea,
and challenge yourself without being afraid of failure.

after awhile, you'll realise.
When you look from the shore,
although the surfers floating on the sea
look like they're amazing,
but in actuality most of them aren't that great.


Just that, if there are people floating around,
there are even more people swimming.
Unless you made a move you wouldn't have seen it.

And once you start swimming,
it is, in short, tiring.
At the start, you paddle and paddle but you can't move forward.

There are many people who give up here.
That too, is life.

Once you get past that,
before you even realise it yourself
you've become good at paddling.

Then, when you try standing on your board
you fall so easily into the sea that it seems like a joke.

This too, is life.

When other people do it it looks easy but,
when you try it you'll realise that you can't manage it at all.


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But even so, without giving up,
it is also a point to lower your pride
and ask how to get better at it.
By watching and imitating, in other worlds to copy someone, is also another point.

It doesn't matter which road you use.
The bottom line is,
to 【never give up】.
To be committed...
In other words, to be devoted and continue on.

When you look back at that,
you will start to notice differences in the waves.
You start to be able to see the breaks in the waves.

This too, is life.

In fact, most people do not realise
that in everything
you can find similar flows
where minute differences exist.

when you become aware of that point,
from trivial accidents, you become able to find things that you can use to protect yourself with.

Then, again, you have to be aware.
There are guys who think that they're good at riding the waves,
simply ignore others,
selfishly ride the waves round and round,
and never get to progress.

This too, is life.


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Important times, places, friends,
if are given the leeway to have many opportunities to share,
if you can can see the gaps between those points,
the number of people you can call friends will naturally increase.

when you become someone who can increase your circle of friends,
you will naturally be able to call out to strangers who are swimming with all their life too.「Hang in there!」
「Don't give up!」
「You'll be fine!」

This too, is life.

Its not about who's on top or below.
What's important is that the you who can call out to others exists.

Then, again, you have to be aware.
Although your body strength won't necessarily go up after riding for years,
you're riding the waves well.


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To be able to achieve balance,
you have to get to the point
where without using excess strength, you can naturally stand up.

To get that far,
【keep on moving】
【don't give up】
These basic things are the minimum requirements
that you have to instinctively understand without saying anything.
And, be aware that the result of doing small things over and over again,
is being able to become the you in that moment of time.

From here
whether to challenge and even bigger wave or not,
is up to you.

This too, is exactly what life is.


all the things around you,
all the people you surround yourself with,
the friends who were involved in it with you
to be able to give a big thank you to them,
this too, is【life】.

The smallest unit for a human is not 1.
Though indeed when you were born
and maybe when you die you will be alone.

However, for humans to survive
they have to create a life where at least 2 or more people are connected together.

Although it may not always be a case of "the more the merrier",
even if you have too many, it isn't a problem.

more than the numbers, to those many people
how much do you convey your thankfulness to them,
that to me is the most important thing.


GACKT, 42 years old.
By the time I realise it I'm already at this age.

While laying my hand on the grave of a deceased friend
I let him know that
this year too, I was helped by many people and worked hard too.

By the time I realise it,
it's already been 17 years...

It went by in a flash.
But, instead of looking back with a sigh,
didn't I still leave behind something big.

I'm still doing it.
Something even bigger.
Watch me.

Well then,
I'll come visit again.

My name is GACKT.
My motto is『Mr. YOUR FRIEND』

Recently smiles have been coming out naturally for me,
my brother.



My voice can be heard
on GACKT Blomaga so,
those who want to read it all, check out the Blomaga

※This article is an excerpt from the “GACKT's Trashy Stories” corner in the Blomaga.

【Delivered thrice a month】

Source: GACKT Blog

Translation: GACKT ITALIA Team