TRANSLATION: YOU BLOG about the rumors with GACKT

YOU Blog

20 June 2014
In Regards to the Recent Articles

I sincerely apologise for the inconveniences and confusion which was caused by the series of Flash news articles which involved myself, GACKT and others recently.

I also sincerely apologise for the unhappiness that fans felt from the article, and the damage to GACKT which began with my own private problems.

I take it as my responsibility, which I hold to myself, to explain each part of the article one by one in detail.

I’ll start with the claim that “GACKT prevented the announcement of my wedding”. There is no such thing. GACKT never stopped anything from being spread, it was my own decision to keep it hushed. Because it would become saleable news, I decided against spreading it.

Next, the claim of “being forced to live in GACKT’s home”.
To begin with it was because as a supporting musician to GACKT, I ended up at his place more often than not and would pay rent for a place that I barely live in. So after a discussion with GACKT, he offered, “Why not move in to my place? There won’t even be rent to pay.”.
There, we were able to live in a room that would normally not be affordable outside and there was a private studio that was open for us to use. For that, I was really thankful.

When I left that day, I thought, in terms of me moving house, the press may come in full force to my previous apartment, so I guess it would be better if I moved in with him.
I ended up only having to pay for moving expenses after all.

Next, the claim of “use of violence on his nephew”.
I have never once seen that happen, and although GACKT is a strict person, he’s definitely not a person who would start hitting someone out of blind rage.

I do believe that during his nephew’s volatile teen years, there was mostly likely a rebellious period against GACKT, who was like a father figure to him, and possibly running away from home a bit. Isn’t that a pretty common thing during puberty though? Of course the suicide attempts don’t exist.

I think that if his nephew really hated GACKT to that extent, he wouldn’t be staying together with him now and GACKT would probably view him as troublesome.
Based on the fact that they’re living together under one roof now, you can’t really say that they aren’t getting along.

Next, the claim of “ghost writers”.
The way that the GACKT team creates a song, is that we do the arrangements and mixes of a song that GACKT has already written, and we get paid an arrangement fee of 500,000 yen. To create work as a team, each person is responsible for their part.

I think an arrangement fee of 500,000 yen is quite unprecedented in the industry.
I think there was that consideration that I am GACKT’s close friend too.
Thanks to that, I have been able to somehow make a living through music. I’m really grateful for that.

Next, the claim of “ relationships with big name female actresses and musicians”.
This is completely unrelated to us as a couple and you’ll probably see comments about this in some other weekly magazine elsewhere right?

Next, the claim of “obscene behaviour during snowboarding holidays”.
I’ve been on these trips with him every year but I don’t recall ever seeing any of these things happening. At night, we’d drink together until late at night, though my wife would often go to bed first and won’t join our trainings in the morning, so her interactions with everyone is rather limited.

Because of the recent stories, GACKT’s older sister had a nervous breakdown, GACKT’s niece and nephew had become untrusting of people, and I want to apologise with my wife, for letting all of this happen.
No matter what the reason, it’s not exactly the time to act too positively but, over these 10 years, we’ve had more and more problems and I regret that, as a family, we had not fully understood each other.

And I regret that I am unable to face her anymore and we are unable to solve the problems between us as a couple.

Because of my private problems, many innocent people have been dragged in, hurt, endangered, created so many unnecessary problems, created so much loss of trust, and this all a result of my worthlessness…
I resent myself… I sincerely apologise from the bottom of my heart…
know it doesn’t matter how many hundred or thousands of times I apologise but I’m taking the problem this time more seriously, I’m working hard to solve this problem as quickly as possible.

Lastly, although I’ve said this many times before already, I would like to sincerely apologise to GACKT, to relations of GACKT, and to all the fans for all the inconveniences and confusion that has been caused.

GACKTJOB Supporting Guitarist YOU

Source: YOU blog


Joetsu Town Journal: Even GACKT is surprised, Uesugi Kenshin was a woman?

With long flowing hair, the beautiful figure of Uesugi Kenshin riding a gallant horse… … Following the news that GACKT will be appearing as Uesugi Kenshin for the Kenshin Festival in Joetsu City this year, comes the theory of Uesugi Kenshin possibly having been a woman. It is the mysterious aspects of Kenshin which stirred the imagination of a writer. Up-and-coming writer, Shino Ayako’s “Woman Kenshin” was recently published in paperback form.

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↓The popular effeminate GACKT Kenshin

There are various grounds for the belief that Uesugi Kenshin could have been a woman.

(1) In his life, he had no known wives (there were no concubines as well)
(2) His cause of death was “omushi”, which was documented to be a kind of disease related to menopause
(3) Once a month, he confines himself in the castle.
(4) With reference to his armor, he had a petite stature at about 156 cm in height.
(5) He prefered wearing clothes which were in women’s colours.

In 2007, when GACKT acted as Uesugi Kenshin in the NHK taiga drama “Fuurin Kazan”, he had said that he wanted to play the character with the “female Kenshin” myth in mind and hence created the image of Kenshin with long hair. Because of GACKT’s role in the drama, he became a fan of Uesugi Kenshin and started his appearances in the Kenshin Festival.

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The recently published “Woman Kenshin” begins with the scene of Kasugayama’s Lord Nagao Tamekage hoping for a son to be born, only to receive a girl. The child was then named Torachiyo and educated at Kasugayama Rinsenji. Growing up as a male, Torachiyo’s natural prowess on the battlefield blossomed, unified Echigo and eventually received the family estate from her brother. The next enemy was Takeda Shingen of Koshu. However, when Kagetora travels to Shinshu dressed as a woman, Shingen becomes the man who falls in love with her. They were fated to fight to the death at Kawanakajima──

While enjoying a novel about our local history, it would be fitting as we watch GACKT Kenshin during the live processions.
