GACKT Official X update. Translation below

The reason I arrive at set early is not because it takes four hours to do my makeup.
Actually, when it comes to makeup, I just style my hair and don’t even put on foundation, so my preparation time is much shorter than other people’s.

The reason I arrive at set early is simply because my staff, who are fed up with my broken sense of Okinawan time, force me to come in early so as not to inconvenience the other people involved.

It seems my sense of time is quite different from other people’s.
And it can’t be fixed.

But that doesn’t mean I should just give up, and I don’t want to cause any trouble.

So I drive to the set at the time the staff tells me to.
And even so, the staff says I’m “late as planned.”

I’m not perfect.
I have a lot of broken senses, but I’m the way I am because we have strict staff who follow up on them.
I can’t look them in the eye.

Translation: GACKT ITALIA Team

Translation © GACKT ITALIA