Takumi Instagram update. New photo with GACKT, translation below

2024.07.04 GACKT Daimaou Birthday Festival

I was suddenly offered this live performance as a pinch hitter because my senior guitarist YOU, who was originally scheduled to perform a week ago, was unable to perform due to poor health.

It was a very difficult time and my schedule was full, but there was no reason to refuse as it was my mentor GACKT’s birthday and I was substituting for YOU, so I immediately said OK, but the rehearsal was the next day💦

MiA and Hiroto came to my studio on short notice, and I prepared in one day so that I could write the music score properly and play it.

I was really worried about rehearsing with G-nii the next day, but the arrangement that YOU and the others had spent a lot of time on was wonderful, and it was a performance with a good member, so it went more smoothly than I expected and it turned out pretty well.

The actual performance was held at the wonderful Westin Hotel, and I feel like it was a great live performance in the great atmosphere created by the wonderful fans.

I also did my first chorus in my life. LOL

I was also able to say hello to guests Maeda from TUBE and YOSHIKI for the first time in a while☺️

It looks like there will be a rebroadcast on the 13th!
I’ll watch it☺️

Happy birthday again㊗️

Translation: GACKT ITALIA Team

Translation © GACKT ITALIA