GACKT Official LINE update. Traduzione a seguire:

Important announcement
Everyone who always watches the broadcast

on April 25th


GACKT’s solo debut
 25th anniversary


To commemorate the

We are planning a special project where you can convey your feelings to GACKT.

And furthermore,

We also have 25th anniversary goods available only this time.

💎 Limited time 💎

Scheduled to be sold at!

This time we have also prepared unique items that are a little different from the usual goods.

We will contact you with details around April 18th.

We will be announcing commemorative goods in due course, so please look forward to it!

GACKT’s secretary
to X (old Twitter)

“Like” “Repost”
Thank you.

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Translation: GACKT ITALIA Team

Translation © GACKT ITALIA