Tonde Saitama Twitter update. New photos with GACKT, translation below

꧁ Media information ꧂

🌱Today 11/18 (Sat) 23:00~
“The best restaurant of my life”

#GACKT guest appearance✨

Please take a look 😚

“#Fly to Saitama ~ From Lake Biwa with love ~”
🎬Released on 11/23 (Thursday/Holiday)🌱

꧁ Media information ꧂

🌱Today 11/19 (Sun) 21:00~
📺Fuji TV
“Matsumo to nakai”

#GACKT-san appearing✨

Please take a look 😚

“#Fly to Saitama ~ From Lake Biwa with love ~”
🎬Released on 11/23 (Thursday/Holiday)🌱

Translation: GACKT ITALIA Team

Translation © GACKT ITALIA