GACKT Official Facebook update. Transcript below:

Stretching is more effective than massage when it comes to relieving lower back pain. 

Original Post @GACKT 

Lower body stretch – Part 9

G: People with back pain will have the inclination to press their back, but in fact, this area is more important
G: Because you stretch the inner hip muscle, when you exercise, your waist will feel like it’s being stretched

G: Everyone only massages their backs, but it’s actually better to stretch this area properly

G: So next, you’ll open your legs apart and you’ll understand how different the areas you’ve stretched are

G: Before you do that, in this position

G: So when we’re talking about stretching open, keep the image of closing your knees together while in this position

Transcript: GACKT ITALIA Team

Transcript © GACKT ITALIA