GACKT Official Facebook update. Transcript below:

Use your opponent’s energy. 
Just pushing forward isn’t a way to live. Sometimes it’s important to hold on to someone. 


Using your opponent’s punch

(Friend Vitari)

G: Try punching in your match stance

G: In this moment, since our arms are connected

T: Yes yes

G: Turn it around. Turn and pull

T: He’d fall that far front?

G: It might look exaggerated but

T: Yes

G: You’re simply using the energy that he’s attacking with

?: I see!

G: From this state, you’ll pull your opponent to you and you simply bring it to him

G: You’re just thrusting your opponent’s face by the bar that he extends

G: And he’d hit his face where you stop

G: It’s not with the intention to punch

G: There’s a difference between a punch and a thrust

?: I see

Transcript: GACKT ITALIA Team

Transcript © GACKT ITALIA