Kyomoto Masaki blog update. New photos with GACKT, translation below:

60th birthday (還暦)…

Ka, n, re, ki,


At last

This is

That fabled 60th birthday

It’s finally here.

If you’re asking how I feel

Something like,
60th birthday!
(Like how Saijo Hideki-san would say it ^_^)

My father passed away at 45

When I celebrated my 25th anniversary in the entertainment business, that was when I was 45,

So it’s been 15 years since then (sweat)

60 years old. The year I celebrate my 60th

From the bottom of my heart


It is emotional.

It is a milestone

in my goal

of living a full life for myself

To make my「還暦 (kanreki / 60th birthday)」a「完歴 (kanreki / perfect history)」


There’s still more to go

I’ll do my best!

That’s my intention.

I look forward to everyone’s support going forward.

The picture I took
with Takamizawa-san
for new year
was exceptionally well-received so ^_^

This time
To celebrate my 60th


As a picture of perfect history

I got in contact with this person ^_^

Me→「Can I post this photo to celebrate my 60th? ^_^」

Him→「Sure. Happy birthday.」

And with that exchange

This photo

Will be shown to everyone〜 (grins)

Tonde Saitama the movie

Will finally be released next monthー

Rei、、played by GACKT-kun ^_^

An actually pleasant man〜 He is ^_^

A real man.

Me, dressed up as Saitama Duke with Rei…

What kind of story
is waiting?

This area is
actually a highlight, isn’t it〜(grins)

A magnificent Hollywood-level

Prefectural show(smiles)

Do look forward to it.

One more as a bonus(smiles)


Gekkan Shojou (週刊女性)
Combined issues of January 22nd and 29th (別カット)

Source:  Kyomoto Masaki Blog

Translation: GACKT ITALIA Team

Translation: GACKT ITALIA