GACKT Official Instagram update. Transcript below.

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Chat in the car
[The Essence of a Street Fight]
First Part

The most important thing, more than anything else, is to end it with your opponent without fighting. When your opponent comes charging at you, the very first thing you should do is


Say “Sorry”

The basics of street fighting

Takumi: Apologise!

Firstly, apologise! Firstly, apologise!

If he throws a punch, then there’s no other choice, is there?

Run away

And if your opponent still comes chasing after you when you do that, and hits you, then right then, there’s no other choice now!

Give them money

And if you opponent comes after you even after that! At that point in time you’ll

Call the police


Takumi: A pacifist to the very end. Fancy calling the police…

To be continued in Second Part…

Transcript: GACKT ITALIA Team

Transcript © GACKT ITALIA