GACKT official Instagram update. Transcript below

One punch
to make memories
for close friend Shishimaru

S: To create a memory, just one punch
S: One big memory
Y: One big memory

?: For the bravery and hopes of the entire country’s people in their 40s!

S: Hai!
G: Hai

?: Lion dance
?: Lion dance! He’s doing a lion dance

G: Right, share your thoughts.

?: On a scale…

?: What are your thoughts!?

S: Impossible…
?: Impossible?


gackt.towa: Somehow… Poor Ryuishi (;゚д゚) Is he breathing? Hold back a little on him…
gackt: But I held back a lot…

mixmiyoung17: I want to meet Minu-kun 😆💕 Seeing Minu-kun’s hyped up Insta post for the first time after awhile makes me want to meet him 😂❣️ lol
gackt: Try contacting hi

nao_1222_glovers: Ara…!!! Gakuto-shan…!! The number of followers dropped by 490,000……!!
gackt: It’s not indecent, it’s erotic.

Transcript & Translation: GACKT ITALIA Team
Transcript & Translation © GACKT ITALIA