Japan first! Hammer- Price Diamond (HDS)applicartion start

We’ll start accepting Hammer Price Diamond Selection (HDS) application today from 13:00
■ HDS participation subject
Those who can participate in the HDS are those who fulfil all the following requirements.
・Member of G&LOVERS
・Those who have applied for Premium Seats at the same performance
(Whether Premium Seat is won or not, everyone)
・Those who applied via internet (PC / Smartphone / Handphone)
・Those who make payment via credit card
Those who chose other payment methods aside from credit card settlement,
or applied via phone will be ineligible for participation in the HDS.

【HDS Application Period】
Acceptance Period:2016/4/22 (Fri)13:00~4/27 (Wed)13:00
Payment Term:2016/4/27 (Thu)17:00~5/1 (Sun)23:59
Selection Period:2016/5/9 (Mon)12:00~
■Reception Site
■Diamond Seats Plans

※The receipt of the payment will be sent at the email address registrered in G&LOVERS MY Page
Please be sure to register the e-mail address until the reception end time.
※ The HDS seats are 60 seats found in the center of the first 2 rows of seats
Please keep decided in advance the seats for the fifth candidate
※Those who have entered, won, and made payment for the Premium Seats, and have upgraded to HDS,
after paying for the full price of your HDS bid price, we will refund the amount paid for your Premium Seat to your credit card.

・In the「PASS」on the top page, please enter your「9-digit membership number + 3 digits of postal code」.
If your membership number is「123456789」and the first 3 digits of your postal code is「123」,

・The HDS seats are 60 seats found in the center of the first 2 rows of seats.
・Until the HDS applications end, we will provide guidance on payment methods and the schedule.
・There is a possibility that just before the HDS applications end, the site will be crowded and there might be issues connecting to the service.
We thank you for your understanding.

■ Performance
Date: July 3 (Sunday) OPEN 15:00 START 16:00
Venue: Saitama Super Arena

■ Hammer-price Diamond Selection (HDS) overview
Time/Date:22 April 2016 (Fri) 13:00 ~ 27 April (Wed) 13:00
Maximum bid price:None
Minimum bid price:30,001 yen onwards
Number of bidding times:As many as you want
Number of tickets purchasable:G&LOVERS members can only apply for one ticket per person for this performance

■ Notes
※Those who wish to watch the performance while remaining in their wheelchairs, due to the characteristics of the seat area, they cannot participate in the HDS.
If you made the purchase by accident, we will not make refunds. Please be extra careful.
※Children aged 4 and above require a ticket. Children aged 3 and below are not allowed into the venue. (There is no childcare centre)
※Entry requires the credit card of the participant’s actual name.
※When bidding, please double check your credit card limit.
※Those who have entered, won, and made payment for the Premium Seats, and have upgraded to HDS,
after paying for the full price of your HDS bid price, we will refund the amount paid for your Premium Seat to your credit card.
※Please note that you can’t change the nickname that will appear on the screen the first time of your log in
※Bid can be done as many as you want、the amount of the bid will be bigger that the last time

■ Contact for questions about HDS:https://g-and-lovers.com/contact
※For the “お問い合わせ内容 (Topic of inquiry)” field, please pick「ハンマープライス・ダイヤモンドシートセレクション (HDS) について」

Source: GACKT.com

Translation: GACKT ITALIA Team

Translation © GACKT ITALIA