My voice can be heard
on GACKT Blomaga so,
those who want to read it all, check out the Blomaga

※This article is an excerpt from the
“GACKT’s Trashy Stories” corner in the Blomaga.

【Delivered thrice a month】

With regards to the use of the images from the GACKT Official Blog, they cannot be used for commercial means, adult sites, or prompts linking to other sites,
use in news sites, reproduction on personal blogs or SNS are authorised.

In such cases please indicate【GACKTオフィシャルブログ より転載】(GACKT Official Blog All rights reserved). However, if our company deems your site to be inappropriate, posting will be immediately prohibited.
(c)G-PRO inc.

a long day has ended.
Today, since morning, I had the guerilla live at Shinjuku,
TV interviews,
a radio appearance,
Its been one hectic day.

Since morning,
I felt like I was pretty much saved
by the high-tensioned members’ grooves.

2016-apr21-blog-012016-apr21-blog-02Maybe its because we’re in the middle of a tour,
or maybe its because my body isn’t at its best condition,
but I’ve been completely unable to recover from fatigue.

In other words,
I’m in a strange state where I keep feeling sleepy
but am unable to fall asleep.

We gathered in the office,
and everyone had their own make-up done.
I think the members still have fatigue accumulated as well but,
they didn’t exhibit signs of it, possibly because of the guerilla live,
but I could see a slight tension in them.

2016-apr21-blog-032016-apr21-blog-04When I peeked through the bus window
Shinjuku station, which I had not seen in awhile, was before my eyes.

『I wonder how long it’s been…』

I don’t really come to Shinjuku.
I’ve asked for the details of the location but,
nothing comes to mind.

『I often come to the altar!』

my staff said but
in the first place, I have absolutely no idea
where the altar is…
I still have a terrible sense of direction.
Its something I still can’t cure.

2016-apr21-blog-052016-apr21-blog-06The staff came to report the situation outside.

『Lots of people are outside.
And furthermore, its hot!!』

I’m glad that lots of people are willing to come and see me.
Although since its hot outside I don’t know how long they will take it…
I worried about that in the bus.
Of course,
the performance will last for at most
a short 15 minutes but,
I became worried, will my eyes hold up under the direct sunlight…

2016-apr21-blog-072016-apr21-blog-082016-apr21-blog-09Then it was finally time
to move to the tent behind the stage for the final preparations.
Of course,
we’ve been paying close attention
to make sure that chaos doesn’t arise though.
We can’t fall behind schedule.

In today’s Japan, it’s almost an impossibility
to hold a guerilla live.
Of course,
I understand that regulations were put in place due to various reasons.

I always have doubts as to
whether that is really right or not.

Japan’s music scene has been steadily declining.
We now cannot
play music in the middle of the streets like before,
and enjoyable things are getting more and more regulated.

I wonder if that is really the correct 『path that Japan has to walk down』?

2016-apr21-blog-122016-apr21-blog-13This time,
while this is to commemorate the album’s release,
it is also to commemorate the launch of the barista that I collaborated with Nestle on.
In the middle of that, this time’s earthquakes occurred.

Of course,
when I asked whether there was something that Nestle could do,
they gladly agreed
to donate all of the sales proceeds from this time’s barista
to the earthquake disaster reconstruction efforts.

the good news about the barista
is that it sold out the moment the announcement was made.

I don’t know how it was handled through the media.
It could even be
that the news was delivered with a distorted view.

2016-apr21-blog-142016-apr21-blog-152016-apr21-blog-16Its just something I hoped for.
That is something
that I want everyone who is living in Japan to understand.

There are people who are victims of this earthquake.
This isn’t someone else’s affair.
This is related to all of us.
We are a family who are all living together in the same home, Japan.

You don’t need to do big things.
You don’t have to overdo things either.
Simply, just,
anything that you can do yourself is enough,
I just hope that you will make a move to do something.
That’s all.

2016-apr21-blog-172016-apr21-blog-18If you reach out to help someone,
someone else definitely will reach out to help you too
if you’re ever in trouble.
That’s what it is.

does not only refer to negative meanings.

The things that you do
will definitely be returned to you.
That’s what it means.

“Love is not patronizing and charity isn’t about pity,
it is about love. Charity and love are the same –
with charity you give love, so don’t just give money
but reach out your hand instead”

Just a small action from you
can bring a smile to someone’s face.
Don’t you think that this is wonderful?


2016-apr21-blog-19My voice can be heard
on GACKT Blomaga so,
those who want to read it all, check out the Blomaga

※This article is an excerpt from the
“GACKT’s Trashy Stories” corner in the Blomaga.

【Delivered thrice a month】

With regards to the use of the images from the GACKT Official Blog, they cannot be used for commercial means, adult sites, or prompts linking to other sites,
use in news sites, reproduction on personal blogs or SNS are authorised.

In such cases please indicate【GACKTオフィシャルブログ より転載】(GACKT Official Blog All rights reserved). However, if our company deems your site to be inappropriate, posting will be immediately prohibited.
(c)G-PRO inc.

Source: GACKT Official Blog

Translation: GACKT ITALIA Team

Translation © GACKT ITALIA