To everyone in the disaster area

We understand that there was a huge earthquake at Kyushu’s Kumamoto,
and a disaster situation has unfolded overnight.

Firstly, we pray for the souls of those who were lost in the earthquake.
We hope that everyone affected will be able to return to their normal lives as soon as possible.

For those in the affect region, please keep some water in your bath like GACKT tweeted last night. It will be needed in case the water supply gets stopped. When you go outside, turn operate the circuit breaker before doing so. Please wear your shoes indoors, the aftershocks are still continuing and it may be needed to prevent yourself from stepping on broken glass.

There might still be many aftershocks and the situation may still be volatile there but,
please get through it by staying calm and staying safe.

In June, is the LAST VISUALIVE in Kumamoto.
At present, we are confirming the damage situation of the concert venue but, we will do our very best to be able to meet everyone in Kumamoto who is looking forward to it.

GACKT job Staff


Translation: GACKT ITALIA Team

Translation © GACKT ITALIA