My voice can be heard
on GACKT Blomaga so,
those who want to read it all, check out the Blomaga

※This article is an excerpt from the
“GACKT’s Trashy Stories” corner in the Blomaga.

【Delivered thrice a month】

With regards to the use of the images from the GACKT Official Blog, they cannot be used for commercial means, adult sites, or prompts linking to other sites,
use in news sites, reproduction on personal blogs or SNS are authorised.

In such cases please indicate【GACKTオフィシャルブログ より転載】(GACKT Official Blog All rights reserved). However, if our company deems your site to be inappropriate, posting will be immediately prohibited.
(c)G-PRO inc.

Right now I’m heading to where you’re at in Kobe.
is the first day of the Niigata lives.

It’s a place just past the Kyoto station.
It’s a strange feeling.

I had a strange sign from Niigata a few days back.
It’s not the live.
Maybe it’s the city’s energy…
Maybe it’s the energy from the people…

It’s also the first time in awhile that I’ve been to Niigata,
so I was really looking forward to it.
I arrived in the city
and after having a meal with a few of the staff,
I went for a walk in the city.


I could feel that the energy in the city
has fallen quite a lot compared to the past.
I still feel that in Tokyo.

While the economy has recovered,
a situation like this doesn’t correspond
so just how long is this going to continue?
I can’t help but feel the insecurity
that even if it collapses soon
it wouldn’t be surprising.

My friends in Niigata said this.

『Big bro, y’know
Niigata’s economy is bad.
In general,
isn’t it weird
that although Japan’s population is falling
the land prices are still rising?
Niigata’s land prices haven’t changed at all』

Indeed he’s right.
Now, because the land prices of Tokyo and its metropolitan area
are aimed at the Olympics
and its not due to the actual recovery of the economy.
On the contrary,
the population is decreasing.


Though it would be good if
weird things don’t happen before we welcome the Olympics.

Looking back,
I was able to deliver the Niigata live
with a pretty good feeling.
The completeness of the live has increased quite a lot too.

Of course,
we will improve as much as we can so,
was training since morning with lots of Ki Ai.
It was quite a severe and harsh training but,
everyone held on with all their might.
There is still no sign
of falling behind in anyone yet.


From here,
looking at the tour schedule which will be getting more and more tough,
it is for sure that while maintaining the physical strength that we’ve build thus far,
our bodies will break in the middle of the tour.

Every morning, it is a beautiful sight
to see the expressions on the members’
and dancers’ faces as they put on an unbreakable spirit
and do the harsh training with their life
through the accumulated fatigue
and whatever physical stamina they can recover.


Even the staff at the live venue
have a wonderful expression.

When doing the usual courtesy calls before rehearsals,
I could feel the love that they’re conveying for me.
It made my heart feel exceptionally warm.

In each of the prefectures,
the things that I feel are always changing.
Of course,
what I feel from you all who come to visit me
also changes from place to place.


Its a strange thing.
That’s why everytime,
the journey becomes something really interesting.

The creation of the stage for the tour
isn’t just dependent on us.
Of course,
the thoughts, actions, and execution power
of the ones standing on stage become the source.

However, it’s not complete with just that.


The love of the staff involved
governs the stage in a big way.

This might be an old saying but,
by gathering the thoughts of each and everyone in a team
you can create the best stage ever.

We check each and every of the smallest details in the work,
properly speaking,
even those things that make people say
『Isn’t it fine to ignore that?』,
are thoroughly and completely included.

I sincerely believe from the bottom of my heart
that the accumulated effect of each and every one of these things
will make up our stage with a high degree of perfection.


the most important element to complete the stage
can be said to be the thoughts and love of all of you who come and watch.

If there are people who support other artistes
and feel that its impossible for that to be true,
I think that they’re pitiful people
for definitely not having ever seen such a great stage.

If you come to GACKT’s live,
you’ll probably understand why I say this
only after the live.

『A performance is a living thing』
That is a phrase that is often said but,
it is true.

As it is,
there is nothing else like it that exists.
Of course,
the set list
is the same across all the venues.
there is no performance that is the exact same of another.

The fact that the reason for this is because of
the thoughts of each and everyone of you who come to the lives,
is probably already common knowledge that is understood
among those who come again and again to my lives.


Right before the actual performance,
a special kind of nervousness starts to spread all at once
from backstage, to the changing rooms, to the lobby.

The feelings of the staff involved,
the members, and the dancers get pumped up all at once.
This tension that exists only in this moment
is so special that it can’t really be put down in words.

This tension that I want you to have a taste of
to feel the familial sense of unity that only exists in this moment.


when I reach the stage wing
while crowds of staff are running around noisily,
video starts playing and the curtains rise for the Last Visualive.

At this point in time,
we finish all our final checks.
We and the staff nod to each other,
and we go onto stage…


From this point on,
those of you who have experienced it already know right?

Those who have yet to experience it, look forward to it.
We’re almost there.

“The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do“

Next I’ll go to where you’re waiting for me at.



My voice can be heard
on GACKT Blomaga so,
those who want to read it all, check out the Blomaga

※This article is an excerpt from the
“GACKT’s Trashy Stories” corner in the Blomaga.

【Delivered thrice a month】

With regards to the use of the images from the GACKT Official Blog, they cannot be used for commercial means, adult sites, or prompts linking to other sites,
use in news sites, reproduction on personal blogs or SNS are authorised.

In such cases please indicate【GACKTオフィシャルブログ より転載】(GACKT Official Blog All rights reserved). However, if our company deems your site to be inappropriate, posting will be immediately prohibited.
(c)G-PRO inc.

Source: GACKT Official Blog

Translation: GACKT ITALIA Team

Translation © GACKT ITALIA